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Posts posted by MiloPinkman

  1. I am Canadian. become US resident from Sep 2022 (CR1) and haven't worked on US soil in 2022.


    I called my accountant and she said I dont need to because I had not worked in states yet and been here less than 6 months. So she is suggesting file separately and let me file mine in Canada for 2022. And from 2023, I can file for full year.


    I thought I still have to file $0 in US by law. But the accountant seemed confident that I don't need to. So just here for second opinion.



  2. Crossed on July 26th, got the SSN within 2 weeks. Thought that was pretty fast lol 

    Greencard though still waiting, paid the fee 2 months ago. I am back in canada to wrap up few things. My general concern is what do you guys say when crossing a border? lol

    For example, when I drove from USA to CANADA. I just presented my Canadian passport, I doubt they even saw my CR1 visa, they took me as I am returning to Canada. Likewise, now when I go back to US, do i need to open that passport page and go as resident? or it really doesn't matter? This question will also come up when I hold 2 passports, is it illegal to enter Canada with canadian passport and usa with US passport? 

  3. 2 hours ago, Sorrel said:

    I remember reading some time back (way back!) that after the interview, those that were approved were given a piece of paper (can't remember if they said it was blue or green), which said "Welcome to the United States".  I haven't heard of anyone reporting that they received this paper.  This would totally indicate that they were fully approved.  Did anyone who was approved get this paper?


    Not anymore, instead we got a letter one of the user posted on previous page which says how to track once your visa been approved. 

  4. 5 hours ago, From_CAN_2_US said:

    There is a standard AP everyone goes through which lasts between a few hours to a 3 weeks, but there could be longer APs due to 221Gs and DS-5535 issuances. This could be anything from 2 months to 4 years.


    If you were approved during the interview on May 4, it is highly unlikely you will be put into this longer AP (although it has happened a few times before).


    Return of passport is usually within a week, but can take up to 3 weeks, as you were likely advised by the CO.

     Oh wow, nightmare stuff... hopefully i get it soon, i plan to go out of country soon, need my passport lol

  5. 3 hours ago, Ayc610 said:

    Thank you! Does anyone know how likely it is for me to get my passport back by June 10 after my interview on June 1 (assuming no AP, fingers crossed)? There weren't a lot of data points on passport received, so wanted to see if more people could share their experience. 


    I thought AP was standard thing and every application goes through it. Now I am curious too, mine was issued on May 4th, is it actually going to take several weeks? 


  6. Hi Everyone, 


    I am trying to figure out what to do as my CR-1 is approved and I have bunch of questions, hopefully I get some clarity without spending money on legal fees


    1). How does the activation work? I have canadian passport and sometime I just drive to states to eat at Cheesecake factory. Do I have to specifically tell them that I have a visa and I want to activate it? 

    2). I have lot to wrap up in Canada before I am fully move, is it legal to activate and come back within a week? Do I disclose this at the border? 

    3). I can activate it from border? including the rainbow bridge? Do I need to get out of my car?

    4). If I move on my last month, and for some delays I don't get my greencard by Nov. Can I still fly to india and come back to usa? without greencard? (I have Canadian passport and OCI) 


    thank you in advance everyone



  7. Had the interview this morning. Literally took less than 5min. Online status also updated to Issue. Thanks everyone for all the help and support throughout this process. I will miss checking this forum every now and then :)

    One thing I will say is, I think people in this group are way over paranoid, and nervous. This was literally a Q/A session than an interview. If your marriage is legit, don't worry at all. 

    Also about the documents, people posting pictures of HUGE binders and files made me doubt myself in last min, even at the embassy I saw people brining in SO Much documentations and for life of me I did not get what they have in it. I guess each case is different.

    This is all they asked for, and don't even need extra copy


    1). Marriage Certificate

    2). Birth Certificate (mine was laminated lol) I was worried about this, but thankfully no issue

    3). Affidavit of Support with their most recent tax return (W2)

    4). Your passport and proof of your sponsor is US citizen (I just had their passport copy) 

    5). Police Clearance

    6). 2 Passport size pictures

    7). 5-6 Pictures telling your story (in my case they didn't even asked this lol)


    My medical was done on Apr 18th and they submitted the docs electronically. It did not come up in the discussion lol so I guess they did receive it.


    But this is it. literally not more than 10 papers. Don't over do and don't stress. 



    1). Name and DOB of your sponsor

    2). Where they live 

    3). How you guys met

    4). What she do for living

    5). Any previous marriage, kids?

    6). What you do for living

    7). When did you come to canada


    I think this was it. In and out within 2.5hr. They opened late I think, started taking 7:30 people at ~8

  8. 1 hour ago, From_CAN_2_US said:

    Titre test is one to test immunity to various diseases (thereby giving you proof whether or not you have received vaccines in the past). Go to your family doctor or any walk-in and say you need to get titres done for the list of vaccines needed for US immigration. Most doctors don’t know what these vaccines are, so take the list with you. It can take over a month to receive results, so do it ASAP.


    Once you get your titres you will know what vaccines you have and what you need. Take the ones you need in advance to doing your medicals. 

    Here is list of vaccines neededfor reference:


    If you had chicken pox before you. Don’t need varicella, just verbally tell the doctor you had it. You don’t need Flu shot at this time of year. You do need T-DAP, and if you don’t recall getting it in the last few years, go ahead and get it today at any walk-in. It is free. Take the proof with you when you go to medicals. Take your covid vaccine proof with you too. So if you are an adult under 65, you only really need titre for MMR.


    wow thanks, great info. I actually did have chicken pox, already had flu shot and covid shot and also tetanus 3 years ago. So only thing I need to worry about is MMR.

  9. On 3/11/2022 at 3:05 PM, cgy2cali said:

    We're all rooting for you to get one! Sorry if I missed this earlier in the thread but have you been able to get a hold of anyone to help you escalate this? Others who have had this problem reached out to a state government representative (not sure exactly who) and seemed to be able to address the problem that way.

    I reached out to NVC, they said you are in queue and will get IL once its your turn. You are not skipped, everyone's case is different lol i couldn't argue more. But thats the response they gave.

  10. 4 hours ago, darth vader said:

    Hi folks -  can someone please help me with the below -

    1. What is the latest DQ date that have got interview dates so far? Looking at the spreadsheet it appears the latest DQ date to get interview is Jan 04 with interview date of 14 Mar. My DQ date is 19 Jan and I do not have an IL yet, so I am kind of freaked out if I missed it in my inbox somehow????

    2. Also confirming that the police certificates are valid for 2 years?


    Thank you so much!!!!


    My DQ date is Nov. Still haven't received IL, calling NVC didn't help either

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