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Everything posted by MiloPinkman

  1. I am Canadian. become US resident from Sep 2022 (CR1) and haven't worked on US soil in 2022. I called my accountant and she said I dont need to because I had not worked in states yet and been here less than 6 months. So she is suggesting file separately and let me file mine in Canada for 2022. And from 2023, I can file for full year. I thought I still have to file $0 in US by law. But the accountant seemed confident that I don't need to. So just here for second opinion. Thanks,
  2. Crossed on July 26th, got the SSN within 2 weeks. Thought that was pretty fast lol Greencard though still waiting, paid the fee 2 months ago. I am back in canada to wrap up few things. My general concern is what do you guys say when crossing a border? lol For example, when I drove from USA to CANADA. I just presented my Canadian passport, I doubt they even saw my CR1 visa, they took me as I am returning to Canada. Likewise, now when I go back to US, do i need to open that passport page and go as resident? or it really doesn't matter? This question will also come up when I hold 2 passports, is it illegal to enter Canada with canadian passport and usa with US passport?
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