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Everything posted by wazzujoel

  1. As a side note - If you do end up going to Trinidad and Tobago you absolutely must get a rental car and drive out to the eastern coast and stay at the AcaJou hotel! Link below. They have super cute bungalows that are nestled between the beach and a rain forest. The food is locally grown, natural, and fantastic. The accommodations are are very romantic, and nice. And the most amazing part is the beach where this is, from like May-July these massive 2,000-2,500 lb leatherback turtles come onto this beach to instinctly dig a 4 foot hole, lay their eggs, and then head back into the ocean. They do this at night and to the early morning. The beach is protected but they sell passes where you can go with a guide and see all this first hand. Even baby turtles that were laid weeks ago might hatch and climb up through the sand. I helped a little guy get to the ocean, super amazing. And these animals are so massive! You really wont believe it. Probably about the size of a riding lawn mower, except maybe not that tall. www.acajoutrinidad.com Here was one of the turtles in the morning. If you go, get up early and head down to see them in the morning... At night they are guided and give you all the information you need to know. Early in the morning you can go by yourself and still see a few. Most of the magic happens at night. This turtle pictured below wasn't even one of the big ones.
  2. Hello friends! Long time no see. And before you offer condolences, this isn't a sad story but a happy one! We received NOA2 on I-129F in February 2023, however before NVC contacted us she was approved for Humanitarian Parole (i-134a) and she has been in the states since April! Things are going great. She's enrolled full time in the local community college taking English classes and ESOL classes. Although she's fluent, she wanted to spend time with her grammar and pronunciation. She plans to get her dental education sent to the states, and work at becoming licensed here which requires decent English skills. Here is the question - Since USCIS/NVC doens't make it easy to cancel an application, we just decided to let it resolve itself of it's on volition. However I've heard through the grapevine that when we go to apply for premiant residency (I-485) under Cuban Adjustment Act (CAA) that an open i-129F case could cause a denial or delays. Is this true? And does anyone have a nice form letter to sign and send to USCIS and NVC to cancel this case? Lastly I never even contacted NVC, is it easy to find their mailing address or can any of this be quickly resolved with a phone call? Thank you Bonus pic : We claimed Mt Rainier up to Camp Meir last July. Not an easy hike, but we did it!
  3. When I took this trip it was June 2022 and at the time I was able to buy a direct flights from Havana to Trinidad and Tobego on CaribbeanAir. I booked this flight in the states for her. At the time there was Covid restrictions which almost derailed the entire trip however we were able to work around it with appropriate bribes to get her a WHO approve covid vaccine. This isn't an issue anymore though. So give CaribbeanAir a call and try booking his RT flight for him. T&T might require him to have cash when he arrives because otherwise it looks like he might be trying to commit illegal immigration. When we went, I met her there and arrived before her and explained the situation. Immigration just rushed her through when she arrived because they knew she was with an american and only on a vacation.
  4. I met my fiancée in 2017 when I randomly visited Cuba after changes President Obama made for US persons traveling to Cuba. I knew she was someone special right away from this chance meeting, however when I told her I was interested romantically she said, "Joel, I live in Cuba, you live in NY. It's ridiculous to think we could maintain a romance when we have spent so little time together. Please don't speak of this nonsense again, and accept that we will only ever be friends". So I accepted this even though I thought she was wrong, and over the next 4-5 years we had an online friendship only. We usually chatted once a month and liked each others social media, but nothing much more and I never believed it would be anything more than a friendship. In March 2021 during Covid, a spark happened and she realized that she had developed feelings for me. We started talking daily, and discussing how we could make this romance real. It took until September 2021 for me to finally get back to Cuba, and when I did I had to fly through Madrid Spain because travel to Cuba had been highly restricted by the Cuban Regime because of Covid. I spent September 2021 in Havana, and over the next 2 years I've traveled to Cuba 11 additional times; Additionally we both traveled to Trinidad & Tobago for a two week vacation. This was her first time leaving Cuba. I filed for i-129f and received NOA1 on October 18th 2021. On January 6th 2023 I applied i-134a Humanitarian Parole. On February 10th 2023 we had our i-129f application approved by USCIS (NOA2) without receiving an RFE. On 3/24/2023 our i-134a application was confirmed, and she received Travel Authorization later that same day. I tried literally everything to get USCIS to take action on my application, however getting movement out of USCIS is impossible. Feel free to ask me questions about the i-134a humanitarian parole processes, and I'd be happy to share more about my details. I've shared this before, however this is a short video I made last October that is a glimpse of our life. Finally after two years we are about to start our everyday life together 🙂
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