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  1. Well thats good to know! Im just so used to people saying they had their own reuses
  2. Hey all, just curious about a few things again. I just recently got my biometrics appointment in the mail for September. I had my biometrics for my AOS done back in June of 2021. Is this a bad sign? Or am I stressing for nothing. I know I need to go anyways just wanted some input from people who are more knowledgeable than me! Thank you
  3. Then I guess they wont need biometrics either then? If not thats awesome
  4. Yes they were both born in the states!
  5. Hello, Another quick question! My USC spouse and I have 2 kids together because of this marriage. I am including them on my petition. I check the box "no" to state that they arent applying with me because they are already USC right? Would I need a biometrics fee for them as well?? Thank you for your time
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