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Everything posted by kubda89

  1. Ah you know what I just double checked and I did include our child on the dependent children section which was DQ'd back in February.
  2. Yes, CRBA and passport obtained for our child. Haven't updated the I864 since he's been living with my wife since birth and hasn't yet entered the US. Our wedding date in Morocco was December 2nd, interview is in a couple weeks, so assuming she gets the visa 5-10 days after interview (which we've heard from many people here and on FB groups) it's about a 3 month wait til our 2 year anniversary. Personally, we'd like to get back asap, even if it's a little more trouble later on. She won't be working in the US, nor petitioning anyone, and hopefully applying for naturalization after 5 years. We would like to travel abroad in the next 1-2 years however, are there difficulties when you're applying to remove conditions? Thank you so much for your kind words and advice!!
  3. Ah thanks! But I was referring your comment about not having a choice. What did you mean by that?
  4. I'm the USC, my spouse is the immigrant. We have our interview in a couple weeks, and 4 months until our 2 year marriage anniversaries. My priority is helping my wife raise our infant together, and that's extremely difficult living halfway across the world. If I can be with them as soon as possible and worry about some forms a year from now, I'm not worried about how long it takes so long as they are with me. I don't want to have to travel back and forth again, leave them alone for 4 months, when I can simply bring them to the US after our interview. What am I missing?
  5. I would have my wife and child with me and start our life in the US together than leave them again. I don't care about how long it takes to submit a few forms 21 months from now so long as they are with me.
  6. Do you mean they required a covid booster shot? Even with 2 covid shots?
  7. Related question, if the immigrant enter the US before the 2 year mark and receives a 2 year GC, what is the process for switching to a 10 year GC once you pass the anniversary?
  8. Hey @Em25 hope you are well! Did you get your passport/visa? We have our medical exam next week and just making sure everything is ready. As far as documents to bring, we have: Visa appointment letter Passport + copy Photos Covid vaccine card Vaccine records (its a very old little piece of paper from years ago) DS-260 print out Is there anything else they requested of you when showing up to the exam? Also could you tell us what they checked for during the exam? My wife is a little worried if she was sick recently, or has a small bruise, it may be cause for concern. Shoukran!!
  9. Sorry, just 1 more question! Did they happen to ask for proof of domicile or any financial docs? Also did you just print pictures/chats on paper and show them? Is there any format you need to follow? Let us know once you get your passport!
  10. Congrats @Em25 so happy for both of you! Just a few questions.. Did they allow your sponsor to attend the interview with you? I've been getting conflicting information on this and would love to be with my wife if possible. Did they already have your medical with them or did you have to bring it? When you said she gave you a white slip, what is the name of the paper? Do you have to take it somewhere or just keep it with you? Did she ask you do interview in English or Arabic? Did you setup your pickup location for the passport? From what I understand, you can choose to have it delivered to you or pick it up from the Aramex locations in casa or Rabat which I hear is easier. Congrats again and so happy your interview went smooth! Are you planning on going to the US soon?
  11. Thanks, we were able to get an appt a few weeks before our interview Alhamdulillah, only kicker is it's with a Dr who is famous for causing trouble with applicants, but hopefully all goes well. Please keep us posted as well and let us know how your interview goes!
  12. My current situation https://youtu.be/NFM1j-XjS-w
  13. I couldn't not believe my eyes when I checked my inbox this morning. Scheduled for August 18th Alhamdulillah!! In the midst of trying to get a medical scheduled, will keep you guys posted
  14. This is unbelievable. I know I would be furious if this happened to me. Imagine waiting all that time for your interview, showing up, only to be turned away without any reason given. Do we know when the next batch of interviews are typically sent out?
  15. You mean people who were scheduled for interviews yesterday had them cancelled?
  16. 3 months DQ'd and still no IL or update. Getting pretty anxious, has anybody heard anything elsewhere about how the consulate is moving?
  17. Does anybody know how long it takes for the physicians to send the medical exam to the consulate? What if your exam is only a few days before the interview? Would it be enough time for the consulate to receive it in order to process your visa? I know @etrangais has been stuck in processing after sending docs to the consulate so I'm curious on how long it may take the consulate to process a visa if they get your medical after the interview date.
  18. What did they ask for when you asked to schedule an exam? Keeping you all in my dua also!!
  19. Yep you know what to do! I'm surprised there's more than a 2 month gap between the IL and interview date.. everything I've read about not just Morocco, but other countries the gap is usually only 4-5 weeks.
  20. So happy for you congrats!! So about 9 weeks from DQ => IL, not so bad relatively speaking. I'm 1 month behind you so hopefully a few more weeks for me. When is your interview date? Also as I'm sure you know, medical exams in Morocco are on a 1-2 month delay, be sure to call/email everyday or even visit Casa if you can to secure an appointment. Please keep us posted on your progress/timelines as we are all curious!
  21. You should be getting your letter soon InshAllah. It seems pretty random, but DQ to IL should be 2-3 months at most.
  22. Would you happen to have these FB groups? Can DM if you prefer
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