Our Story in Brief...
In June 2006, Agustina and I met during a Michigan State University study abroad program in Argentina titled "Globalization, the Environment, and Social Capital." I remained in Argentina for 1 week following the end of the program to spend more time with Agustina and to see more of Argentina. Departing was difficult as there was so much uncertainty regarding the future of our relationship. With devotion and love, we kept in touch through chat, e-mail and phone calls. That following January, Agustina visited for one whole month! Since I had just graduated from MSU and was unemployed, I had plenty of time to show her the beautiful (yet frigid) Michigan. After some time and more uncertainty, I was able to take time off work during July and August to return to Argentina to see Agus. During these 2 weeks our love and relationship blossomed and we both knew that we wanted to spend eternity together. We decided that we wanted to be together and we decided to get married. Shortly upon my return to the US, we discussed how we would like to be together and where we would live and decided to file for a K-1 Visa. The rest has been chatting, emailing, waiting, and hoping for a smooth K-1 process. Great things come to those with patience, love, and persistence.