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  1. Hello everyone, I am filing for my taxes and would like to do Married filing jointly. My husband arrived to the US on November 28, 2022 and has 0 income in the USA but income outside the USA (prior to when he landed in the USA). Want to confirm few things when I file as MFJ: 1. His income from outside the USA needs to be added, right? 2. In Turbo Tax Deluxe it is asking if he earned the money outside the USA as a US resident. Would that be "yes"? Techinically it would be "no" but we are electing for him to be treated as a resident for the full year by filing the joint return (I am the US Citizen) 3. Would he be eligible to get the Foreign Income Exclusion Credit? His work was in UAE so he wasn't taxed there and as such no treaty would qualify.
  2. Hi there, did you end up getting the right card?
  3. Do you mind letting me know who your tax accountant is?
  4. Hello, Arrived in the US, but both visa and entry stamp were CR1. We have been married since 3 years. I haven’t recieved my green card yet, but should I contact USCIS in advance prior to the production of the card to let them know I was given the wrong visa class and that it should be IR1?
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