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Everything posted by CebuGuy

  1. Makes perfect sense. Thank you.
  2. Hello everyone, I am preparing the report of marriage for the Philippines Consulate in Los Angeles and part of the requirement is notarizing the Report of Marriage Form. I was wondering if I should go with the Acknowledgement notarization or the Jurat? Which one is the appropriate notarization for this form?
  3. Hello everyone. Just wanted to let you all know that we were recently approved! Thanks to everyone for all the help through the year not just on this post but others.
  4. We finally got notice of receipt today. Our online account gave an update saying "On January 17, 2024 we received your Request for Evidence" with followup statements just saying they will review. I hope when they said they received it today they meant someone finally had time to review it and not that they accepted it as received today because it's well past the deadline and what our tracking says. Maybe the wording is unintentional but it's making us a tad bit worried.
  5. Still no update. We are hoping to get a positive response soon.
  6. Hello Everyone, We finally gathered all the documentation we could for our I-485 RFE and submitted it. However, due to difficulties of getting all the documentation we submitted it recently during the holidays almost two weeks before the deadline. Tracking number shows someone (presumably a USCIS employee) picked it up on 12/26/23 from the Field Office PO Box at the Post Office. Deadline to submit RFE is Sunday 01/07/24 end of this week. We haven't received a notice of receipt or any updates yet and we are worried they might not look at it until after the deadline. Are we in the clear or in trouble? We are worried that they will deny our application if they look at our package after the deadline. Should we upload the same documentation to our USCIS online account just in case?
  7. RFE says: "Please provide your answers to Part 8., Item Numbers 62-68 on Form I-485 related to the public charge ground of inadmissibility. Place your initials and the date next to each answer and return your completed Form I-485 with your response to this notice." I'm guessing since it says return your completed form and USCIS has the original completed form, I have to submit a new one with new date?
  8. Hello everyone, I received an I-485 RFE not too long ago that asked for several things and I've been working on it ever since. One of the things the RFE notified me about was that I "Failed to answer Public Charge inadmissibility questions." Here's the text from USCIS: "You indicated that you are not subject to public charge ground of inadmissibility under INA 212(a)(4) when answering Part 8., Item Number 61 on your Form I-485. Therefore, you did not answer Part 8., Item Numbers 62-68 related to the public charge ground of inadmissibility. However, you are subject to the public charge ground of inadmissibility because you are applying for adjustment of status as a(n) Spouse of a United States citizen." I was confused at first when I read it because I thought I had answered the question correctly when I answered "No." However, I did further research including other threads on this site where people said the correct answer is also "No" and I think it may be a misunderstanding of the question. I figured out the question is worded awkwardly but it's not asking if my spouse is inadmissible from being subject (as in about to become or currently is) a public charge but rather if she is EXEMPT from being inadmissible as a public charge at any time (for example if all our money disappears into thin air and we end up in the poor house). Since she is not exempt, she is subject to inadmissibility from being a public charge under INA 121(a)(4). The answer should have been "Yes" like USCIS indicated. I was wanted to confirm two things from y'all: 1. That "Yes" should have been the answer to I-485 Part 8. Question Number 61. public charge question. 2. I have to fill out a new brand new I-485 with the correct answers filled in and sign/date with the current date (and not the date of the original I-485 submission).
  9. I spoke with my parents and it shouldn't be a problem to transfer the lease from them to us (we have a very casual/informal tenant relationship with our landlords). Trying to add my spouse to my accounts and everything today. We have some personal photos together with family and good friends. I can get them to write affidavits for us. Do the affidavits need to accompanied copies of their government ID? I'm thinking being hand written is okay.
  10. We kind of realized in hindsight that what we sent originally in the I-485 wasn't enough and we should have done more to have solid evidence. It's too late but we're trying our best. We're trying to gather as much as we can and get new stuff like joint accounts/billings/etc. We have proof we went to a lot of places like Disneyland, Vegas, etc. The plan is to send all that in the RFE response by next month.
  11. Hello, We received a RFE today for the I-485 and we feel might be screwed. They're asking for evidence of shared marital life together after early May 2023 (we got married around then). We don't have anything like shared utility bills, leases, etc., because we live with my family and most of the things are in my parents' name and we never bothered to open a joint bank account or anything like that. What we do have is a lot of pictures together in the past 5 months showing us going on many trips together, but I'm not sure what is enough. Not sure what to do or if it's too late to get new evidence. We have a few months to respond to the RFE.
  12. My wife and I went down to the local Walgreens to get some passport photos for the I-485. We were half paying attention but by the time is was done we realized the picture was kinda bad. The employee didn't do a good job on it. Too much shadows on the face and somewhat poor lighting in the background. My wife later suggested we use the passport photo copies she still has left over. Those are the ones she used for the DS-160 and interview right before she came over to the US. Photos are under six months old. I was wondering if using them is a bad idea.
  13. I believe there were no issues. I'm just worried USCIS will have a different take and we would get an RFE.
  14. Hi, I am filling out my I-485 AOS for my wife after she came here on a K-1 Visa and we got married. One of the supporting documents required is a birth certificate of the applicant (my wife). The issue is that the PSA (Philippines Statistics Authority) birth certificate is very illegible. It's very difficult to make out certain parts if at all. She also has a municipal copy of her birth certificate that is clear and easy to read. Should I include both the PSA and municipal copy as my supporting evidence? From what I understand the PSA one is the main (national) copy and takes precedence. Anyone have a similar problem when submitting the I-485? Should I provide a letter along with the birth certificates explaining the issue to USCIS?
  15. Thank you for generosity, Loren. I'll talk to my partner and see what she says about it.
  16. My soon-to-be-wife just arrived not too long ago in California and we're looking to get married soon. The LA county clerk's office is booked for at least a few weeks on the marriage license applications/ceremonies and it appears we will not get the wedding date we want if we go with them. I found a few local services that can help us get hitched conveniently at any time but they only issue confidential licenses. Are there any disadvantages with going with a confidential license as opposed to a public one? I've been looking around and getting mixed messages between "it's not a good idea for AOS" and "it doesn't really matter as long as you're legally married". What's the scoop? Does anyone have any personal experiences with this?
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