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Everything posted by Sikander321

  1. Will be better for you to transfer your case to other US embassy instead of waiting for the useless embassy of the world. If you want wait for this useless third class US embassy Islamabad then move to Pakistan and relax so whenever your spouse get visa then return to USA.
  2. Exactly, they just finding excuses to wasting our time. Only happening in US embassy Islamabad. US Other embassies around the world is working normally. US embassy Islamabad mission is to punish all those U.S. citizens who married someone in Pakistan 🇵🇰. There intention are Crystal clear.
  3. Is it normal nowadays for everyone else after interview ? Or is it just happened in your wife case specific? I understand some cases go under administrative review and take upto 3 months . But It only happens when the information entered at I-130 and d-260 doesn’t match at the information told at the interview.
  4. Did your wife got her passport after the interview? Did she got the visa approved to rejected ?
  5. Can we report on your post just to see it works or not 😂
  6. US embassy in Islamabad needs to shutdown permanently. Such a waste of a US citizens tax payers money. All they doing is making US citizens life harder and harder because they made a huge mistake by marrying someone in Pakistan 🇵🇰. We will pray to Lord to give them the worst depressing and anxiety disorders that we are going thru.
  7. I need the link as well
  8. I hope so but I heard the backlogs will be over till 2025. Then immediate family members of the Us citizen cases will take 9 to 12 months. Current US government budget invests more than $1.5 billion in the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) both to manage and mitigate the backlog of over 1.8 million cases currently pending in the immigration courts that this Administration largely inherited from its predecessor.
  9. US Embassy Islamabad is the biggest and slowest US embassy around the globe 🌎.
  10. Hopefully it’s going to take upto 11 months till you get your IL.
  11. American 🇺🇸 FBI keeping a record of all those who took place in the protests took place inside USA for Imran terrorist. In recent terrorist activities done by imran supporters in Pakistan 🇵🇰 they will not get police clearance certificate . USCIS will get a complete background report for those who were involved and facilitated those terrorist activities against the state and Pakistan 🇵🇰 armed forces.
  12. Imran terrorist is the one who raised the slogan “America ka jo yaar hai gaddar hai” “a friend of America 🇺🇸 is a traitor of Pakistan 🇵🇰 “was the slogan of Imran and his terrorist organization. “America ne kuttay palay fouji walay “ “Pakistan armed forces are the dogs 🐕 of America 🇺🇸 “ this is imran and his terrorist organization hate for Pakistan 🇵🇰 army and America 🇺🇸.
  13. Because of the 🤡 clown Imran thief , US President Joe Biden called Pakistan 🇵🇰 one of the dangerous country https://www.dawn.com/news/1715159
  14. Did the government or Pakistan 🇵🇰 army blamed US for regime change ? It’s the UK and Indian puppet Imran blamed USA 🇺🇸 for conspiring against him which was totally baseless allegations on the U.S government. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/05/27/asia/pakistan-imran-khan-us-conspiracy-intl-hnk/index.html
  15. The credit goes to Mr. Imran Khan’s terrorist activities to destabilize Pakistan 🇵🇰. From last one year He keeping protesting and trying his best to destabilize Pakistan 🇵🇰 and because of his protest and terrorism in Pakistan, US embassy have to reschedule the interview appointment over and over.
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