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Everything posted by HurtRN

  1. So I finally got an agent on the phone…what a mess….apparently they have scheduled him for a biometrics appointment that he just complete before they will process the green card. I do not know why on earth that was not done at the POE. So, he said a letter was mailed to us 10/20/23 and that his appointment is for 11/07/23. I wonder what else can go wrong with our case….makes no sense at all. I’m so so frustrated. I wish I knew how or who to complain too - knowing it will do no good at all. Before you know it, it will be time to deal with them ALL over again to remove conditions.
  2. Well, today has been 90 days since my husband entered on his CR1 visa and they still have not sent his green card. I have the receipt number from paying the immigration fee, which the status of that just says July 1 immigration fee was paid. I was going to submit an inquiry on a missing card but, I have no idea what form this would be. I could choose 485 but he did not apply within the USA he entered on his visa. Has anyone else had this happen? I called USCIS a month ago and since it had not been 90 days since entry they would not tell me anything but did say he was in the queue for biometrics which makes no sense at all. So lost and confused at this point. Any help is appreciated. We were able to get his social security card at least - but, had to go to the SS office to request it. At least that’s finished.
  3. Haha no biggie. About an hour NE of Lubbock.
  4. Ok perfect. There is a SS office close to my house so we can go there this week. Preparing myself for that craziness and long wait. Haha. Yes, I was wanting his SS card before we leave to my mothers in the Panhandle for 2 weeks because the DMV in my hometown is super small and of course I know everyone. So wanted to take care of that while visiting there. So hopefully we will get the SS card before we leave on the 26th of August. Thank you so much for your kind help!
  5. Hehe yes, but I am actually a man too. ☺️☺️ gay couple. 🌈🌈
  6. Yes, they have direct flights almost everyday from Liberia, Costa Rica to Austin. I chose that airport so he wouldn’t have to deal with the craziness in Houston. Lol
  7. Thank you thank you! That makes me feel better. Yes, I paid the immigration fee about a month before. Right after his interview.
  8. Good morning all! So, do you know if secondary processing always happens on the first entry into the US? My husband arrived in Austin July 25th for his first time on his CR1 Visa. They asked him about fruits plants meat and took his fingerprints. Also asked for our address here in the US. I was under the impression they would then take him to another area for secondary inspection and to "activate" him. But, they just stamped his passport and notated CR1 With 1 year on it and sent him on thru to the international exit. Does anyone have experience not going thru secondary?!? I'm so confused. Another friend tells me I need to take him back to a POE. I called the customs in San Antonio and the office told me it was nornal, i confirmed that it was his first entry etc etc. But still worried and waiting on his SS card. Yes I did check the box on the application to generate that. Anyhow, any information or experience you might have with this would be much appreciated.
  9. Mynapuse entered the states on his cr1 visa 2 weeks ago. Can anyone help me with what case number do you use when tracking the green card production on the USCIS website? The one from the I130 or the NVC case number? I read you can track it on the USCIS online account but it just shows the case is closed. I also entered both case numbers on their tracking page but it doesn't return any results. Maybe it's too soon to be able to track it as well. I did pay the $220 fee immediately after his embassy interview. Thanks for any help or advice. 🥳🥳💛
  10. The first time was 2 weeks but they rejected his birth certificate - so I just resubmitted it again (exact same one) and they approved that right at 2 weeks later too. So really it should not have taken 4 weeks since the birth certificate was correct to begin with. So hopefully only 2 weeks for you.
  11. Thanks so much! I just sent my husband the I-864 and my tax transcripts for him to print. It said they wanted that but was kind of weird because I had read they don’t require the beneficiary to present the financial sponsorship documents. I will let you know what they tell him Tuesday. Hopefully you get a date soon.
  12. Hey there! We were approved on April 19th and they sent the appt date via email on April 24th. The interview is for June 26th. Weird thing I was not expecting….is that about 1.5 weeks ago they sent another email with a “pre-interview” interview for May 30th and said to bring all original documents to that appointment. Which this is before his scheduled medical appointments but, they say that’s okay. I had not heard of anyone else going thru our Costa Rican embassy having a pre interview. keep in touch on how your process goes! Pura vida!
  13. Right. So I don't need to worry about it saying to register your appointment? It's just means so they know where to return your documents to?
  14. So after the NVC sent our date for interview at the Costa Rican embassy in San jose, June 26, it sent me to the "next steps". https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Supplements/Supplements_by_Post/SNJ-San-Jose.html This is to register your appt and let cargo express know where to return the passport with visa post interview. So i click the register link https://www.ustraveldocs.com/cr/ I login and go thru the steps it shows and enter the info for returning the passport and it says the basically process complete please print... - but, it never asks about registering the appointment and on the dashboard says "no appointment scheduled". So confused - especially because the website continuously logged me out randomly. Anyhow, has anyone else experienced this?! I did contact them but I'm.not sure how long it takes for a response... Maybe the appointment date just not loaded up in their system yet you think? I hear all the countries are different on this particular process. But any help or advice appreciated. Thanks all!!
  15. Ohhh - you're so smart! I was able to get it cut down to fit. Thank you, thank you!!!
  16. Hey all! Finally at the NVC stage. Working on the DS-260. As many probably know addresses in other countries do not necessarily follow an American format - and are more like a description of how to get there. What have others filled in for the address line one - because the whole address is not going to fit - even using the option line two. For now I just wrote the name of El barrio and city (Tierra Blanca de Nicoya). Same problem with employment addresses and history. On the I-130 forms it gave the option for additional information to where I could enter it completely - but, not on the DS-260 from what I can see. Any help and/or advice welcomed!
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