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Posts posted by ChiKel

  1. 7 hours ago, YYZ&MIA said:

    Hi everyone, I apologize in advance if this has been answered but I’m about to pay the immigrant visa fee and I’m having trouble locating the “A” number as I don’t see one the visa stamp... can anyone who has even brought this help? I’d really appreciate it.

    Note: i put the registration number as the “A” number and the system added a 0 in front of it and when I put in the IV case ID it won’t allow me to put the last #. For example on my visa the IV case number ends with 01 and it only allows me to put the 0. Has anyone experienced this problem. 

    Hi. I’m not sure if you figured this out. I was just having the same problem. For the IV case number I just put the number without the 01 at the end which has been my case number all along. It worked perfectly. 

  2. 17 minutes ago, DrJanko10 said:

    What does it say on her 221g? Doe she need to answer supplemental questions? If yes, she will most likely need to fill out the DS-5535. 

    There is no reason stated on the 221g. They just checked the box for additional processing required. They will contact when this is complete. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Canths said:

    I just had my interview yesterday and they kept my 2 police certificates. I think this is normal procedure, especially since many countries issue police certificates for the purposes of immigration to a specified country (in other words, you can't reuse the police certificate for other purposes).

    Thank you for the reply. 

  4. 33 minutes ago, ChiKel said:

    Wife had interview Tuesday morning. Interview lasted about three minutes. She was initially denied and informed that she had to have administrative processing. They kept her passport and kept the police certificates from the 4 countries she lived in. They returned all other documents. Is it common for them to keep the police certificates?

    The main question is “have other people not received their original police checks back on the day of the interview?”  They kept her police check from Canada and four other countries she has lived in. Thank you

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