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    New York

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  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa (DCF)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
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  1. Hello, my name is Sol.

    I am prior to receive my interview letter for cr1 visa in santiago de chile and I would like to ask you something because my husband has his 2023 taxes with amendment and I am kind of nervious of what you mentioned the Consuler officer got mad about your wife taxes/ i wanna know the details about it. This is my chilean number if you mind to contact me thorugh whatsapp +56997107890 


    thanks in advance!!! 

    1. appleblossom


      I would suggest you take your phone number off this post - VJ is a public forum! Most people won't give out their personal phone numbers to strangers on the internet, best to PM people via the site instead. 

  2. I will paste what google translate gave me as translation, so everybody can understand: Question: "Congratulations on the process, friend. I'm going through the same situation! One question when filling out the i-864 form: Your mailing address and your physical address, did you put Chile or the United States? Thanks" Answer: Thank you very much @ManoelSena. So, about the address question, the US citizen (my wife) was living with me in Chile, so her mailing address and physical address were the same, in our Chilean address. She was a resident in Chile since she had lived there for some years, so that makes a difference in the whole process, hence the reason of having to prove US domicile when submitting all the required documentation for NVC process. Wish you success and remember to post in English only so everybody can understand!. Take care.
  3. Hello! What's the usual time for the answer from the CO after receiving the documents at the embassy? I know it may change from country to country, but it'd be nice to have an idea/estimate. For what I've heard, Chile isn't really a busy embassy. Also if anyone from Chile can share would be awesome . Thanks!!
  4. Hello everybody!, I'm posting this because we're in search of words of wisdom. I had my interview at the Chilean embassy for the CR-1 visa, and got RFE by the CO asking for more proof of domicile, since my wife (the USC) has been living here for 4 years already. I brought to the interview just a bank statement and quotation for shipping our goods to the US. Now I realize how little we brought, considering the time she's been abroad. We had no issue in the whole process until now, NVC DQ'd us without any other observation. Anyway, now we are gathering these items to send by mail here so we can finally end this painful feeling of being rejected: - Letter from the petitioner, listing all items and speaking about the missing documentation. - Job offers and job applications from the petitioner. - Signed agreement for lease at her parents house (they are our joint sponsor+HH member) - Letter from the sponsors indicating full support and formalizing the lease. - Voting registration status of the petitioner, the document has her address which we think it could help. - Copy of the money transfer from her bank in Chile to her US bank account. - Updated bank statement. - Official resignation letter to her Chilean job. - SSN card, which we didn't bring to the embassy. - Amended tax return for 2020 (there was a mistake which the CO pointed out and got really mad about). We're gathering the job offers, job applications and the receipt of the money transfer. We already have the rest of the documentation. Our questions are: - Do you think this is enough?. - Does this mean the petitioner might have to travel before me to establish more evidence, if the prior list is not enough? is that travel allowed? - The interview was december 19th and the CO didn't give any time to send our proof, except a paper saying that if we don't respond in a year our case is closed. What is the time limit we have to send our documents?. Thank you very much for taking the time for reading this. Best wishes and Merry Christmas!
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