I have a question regarding the minimum annual income limits for sponsors of the (I-129F) K1 visa. We would be a household of three. According to current HHS Poverty Guidelines, 125% for a family of 3 would be $31,075 per year. If I calculate my income from my job as my daughter's full-time caregiver that I have been employed as since 2000, I fall short by $600 annually. But this is not my total income. I also receive a monthly cash payment directly from my daughter for household expenses. If I calculated this additional money into my income, then I am above the income threshold.
My daughter receives a monthly SSI payment. She will continue to receive this payment permanently because she is permanently disabled from birth. It is from her SSI payment that she pays me the additional income that I count.
My question is then, will USCIS accept as my total income that which I receive from my employment as her caregiver AND her monthly payment to me even though she receives SSI?
She is the only SSI recipient. I personally DO NOT receive SSI.
Thanks for your help