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Everything posted by Mundo254

  1. This is big considering we haven't seen such movement in years. Lets hope it keeps up the pace (even more increases pace) as we get deep into the fiscal year. All the best good people, hang in there!
  2. Not sure what you mean but they can and have advanced dates before (last VB) irrespective of Current numbers in DR. Nobody out here knows how and when they advance dates because specific Current and DQ numbers for specific countries/regions aren't provided. I guess it's an internal thing and how they advance dates is at their discretion. That's why we have Visa Bulletins after they are done with their internal processes 🤷
  3. Well, I'm not an expert in interpreting law...but I'm inclined to believe that if any law is being broken here by the state, we would have been seeing a lot more uproar. That's why I feel there is something you are missing.
  4. Its time we stop focusing on DR numbers. Most seem to suggest the numbers they are receiving are 'illegal', which I doubt is the case. Probably our math or understanding of the cap numbers is wrong. There are a miriad of reasons why things are sluggish, and we all know them. As one stated, these kinds of visas seldom exists for other countries, we are at their mercy, and it shows with the way they treat these FB visas. The law just needs to change for significant improvements to be seen. For now, Let's hope things ramp up soon.
  5. We have been doing analysis, making predictions and speculating for the last 3 years now and nobody has nailed it. Point is, even with the data we have been provided, you have seen that we simply cannot speculate! We have been and are still in unprecedented times, nobody knows out here what the future holds.
  6. This is obviously good news! Any movement after 3 years 4 months should be something! As you should know by now, VB movement has always been unpredictable, it can move 9 days, 7 days, 4 months, 2 months, sometimes 0 days as we have observed over the last couple of years ... it cant be an accurate assesment if we say we will only now be seeing 9 day movements here on forward. Stay positive! This is good news!
  7. Really handy resource. I would love to see how the Annual Numerical Limits for FY2023 were and confirm if this was followed to the letter, because DR F2B Visa Numbers for FY2023 seemed a little bit over the top.
  8. If this is the case, we are yet to see an astounding jump soon in waiting times we have never seen. Just glad to be somewhere in the queue near the PD date. I can only Imagine those who are filing now. Plus some of us when it all done and we have our Visas, we still have our fiances, girlfriends, kids to worry about who we will be leaving back in our home countries ... Sigh! US Immigration Journey esp for Family Sponsored Applicants and their Families is really draining!
  9. It sure seems like a factor. What could possibly trigger an increased number of applicants in your opinion? Because everuthing seemed to be moving well before Covid!
  10. Generally this has been the trend over the past years (even before Covid) where there have been low F2B issuance numbers in most countries and high numbers in DR and a few others. This doesnt seem new or strange to me. Im not convinced that much that DR numbers are affecting Visa Issuance for other countries. The Backlog that stemmed from consulate closures worldwide during covid clearly had a big impact on F Visas processing, worse still, the Ban during that time on some F Visa made it even worse. The fact that we are still seeing the same Visa Issuance numbers worldwide even after 3 years of the Visa Bulletin not moving paints the whole picture. A lot of people with PD before Sept 22 2015 are still being processed. Its bad! ...we wait. and it will be a painful one. But Damn! Dominican Republic...Those are a lot of people being processed monthly. Whats the explanation here!? Who says what visas numbers go where? Id really love to know.
  11. Its been 3 years now of speculation/ 'prediction'. At this point it's fair to conclude no one out here knows. I dunno if the new numbers for new quarters is true because I guess it wouldnt make much sense releasing the visa bulletin monthly then. As they say, we keep waiting.
  12. At this point now it's hard to predict what's going on at consulates and NVC. I believe the figures are inclusive of immediate relatives numbers so it's hard to tell where they may be at with family based visas. Wish we had category specific data. We keep crossing our fingers for good tidings.
  13. Can you please share your reasoning behind this?
  14. As expected. Fact they've released VB this early may mean they have the Visa numbers figured out already for the next couple of months. Mexico moved 4 months, hopefully when rest of the world starts moving it will be at that pace or more! As mentioned, let's hope our predictions with the backlog report stands. Stay positive good people! This immigration journey will end someday.
  15. Not a question of right or wrong, it's all about getting a meaningful explanation as to why their numbers are high, because that would also inform why our cases have stalled. Being more deserving as an explanation doesn't stick.
  16. 1. There is no one individual/group responsible for distributing the Immigrant Visa Numbers to consulates. A miriad of factors guide this process. Entrenched in law and policy. So the question on favouritism is a bit outrageous. 2. Its inaccurate to compare visa issuance numbers through different administrations. Different times and circumstances. Most obvious one, Covid and The Trump ban played a huge role in the current backlogs we are seeing. Things were moving decently before all that. Still doesn't explain why Dominican Republic is opening interview slots and Issuing F2B Visas in staggering numbers.
  17. Has there ever been some US-Dominican Republic immigration program that had Dominicans receive Huge Numbers of Green Cards in previous years??? Because Its puzzling to me why they have an unusually high number of FB Immigrant visas issued esp F2B. I'd expect a country like India, Mexico and the Philippines to have numbers like this but I have a feeling even if you move the Visa Bulletin a couple of months and consulates like India, Phillipines are asked to prioritize F2B, you still won't be seeing 1000 plus visas being issued like we are seeing with The Dominican Republic. Its crazier to think they are still receiving high numbers of F2B visas and the Visa Bulletin has not moved in 2 years. Will be interesting to see what the October Visa Issuance numbers will be for Dominican Republic. Any ideas why we are seeing this?
  18. We can try predict using existing data. The Immigrant Visa Backlog report and Visa Bulletin speaks volumes. They've held the dates of filing chart meaning they are receiving and DQuing limited cases at NVC. On the other hand, Backlog has reduced to 275 K and they are scheduling 40K Visas monthly. Meaning it will take approximately 5 months to return to pre covid levels (60K backlog). I think we will start seeing movement when the backlog comes down to pre covid levels...as explained, probably 5 months from now. I may be wrong,🙂 Just another prediction but hopefully I'm right.
  19. Indeed this would be very helpful and a good indicator on where they are at in trying to clear the backlog. Last time I checked (and the best Info I have) a person from (rest of world) with a 2015 July PD had their Interview scheduled...and that was last year in November. I wonder if anyone here knows anyone else whose had there visa issued with a PD close to the Sept 2015 cur off that has refused to move? That might also be a. good indicator if they are close to moving the dates. We'll also have to wait for October Issuance numbers to see if they are ramping up visa issuance for Family Visas. Otherwise, we might have to go wait for them to bring the down the immigrant visa backlog numbers down to 60k pre covid down from the current backlog of 275K (Which is somewhat some good news because a few months ago the backlog was at 420K). I'm starting to think the VB will not move until this happens.
  20. As it stands, nobody knows. But by trends from the last 3 years, this doesn't look good. I'd really want to be optimistic.
  21. Depressing! 😔😔😔 Hard to imagine that this fiscal year F2B will still be stagnant. Sigh! Brace yourselves people. It going to be tough.
  22. True when filing I-485 when inside the US. But a decision on your actual green card will only be made when PD is current on the final action date, so yes...PD has to be current on the final action date to receive a green card.
  23. That's good advice you've been given right there. The direction to how this case goes lies on what was shared on the I130 and DS260 forms. It won't hurt also to carry some sort of receipt/letter from the registrar to the interview to show that the document change process is ongoing.
  24. You are right. My bad Then the reddit thread user claiming receiving visa with an Oct 2016 PD is strange.
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