That is what everyone here is trying to point towards.
The B2 visa is strictly for tourism or visit, any non sleeping consular will be able to look at this and say that this guy is not coming back. So as everyone said that YES he can apply for a B2 visa, there is a very low chance of him getting it approved, as far as you seeking help from a lawyer, B2 visa will be applied by him, it is a very straight forward system you do not need lawyers help to fill out the form as he will need to fill out the form.
Unfortunately the way the system is if you are poor the logic is how you are supporting your travels, your stay etc. Which is a reasonable question.
Yes he can apply for B2
Chances are he will not be approved
Lawyer cannot do anything, he can charge you a fee and help fill him the form? but besides that anything he/she says will be irrelevant imho.
Best of luck.