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    K-3 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
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  • Our Story
    GOD is so awesome! This past year has been truly amazing and GOD has blessed us in many ways. We were married on March 15, 2007, in Lagos, Nigeria. We are praying that we will be reunited in the states before the end of this year. For now, Kingsley is working and living in Nigeria and Tomeca is working and living in the US. Despite the distance, our love for each other is growing stronger with each passing day. We both love the LORD and HE is our EVERYTHING! As I'm sure you can imagine, there is so much more to this story. We are anticipating each day with great joy. Our journey is far from over. . .

    Update: 01/01/08
    Happy New Year to each of you! Last night, I had the opportunity to share New Year's Eve with my husband, thanks to the satellite New Year's Eve Service with Pastor Chris at Christ Embassy, in Lagos, Nigeria! My husband was at the service and my son and I were able to attend via satellite! It was truly an amazing service!

    2007 was THE YEAR OF SUPERNATURAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS! My husband and I can truly testify to that! Pastor Chris prophesied that 2008 is THE YEAR OF FULFILMENT! We know that the supernatural accomplishments we experienced in 2007 will be fulfilled in 2008 by God's Word. In 2008, we will praise God for the realization and consider it done! The set time has come for the fulfilment and realizations for prophecies conerning us! We are walking in prophecy. (Scripture references: Mark 1:14-15; Acts 1:7; Malachi 3:16; Psalm 102:13-18)

    For those of you who have been following our progress with immigration, Kingsley finally has an interview date at the embassy in Lagos on March 10, 2008. That's almost one year from the date we were married, March 15, 2007. Honestly, we had hoped for a date in January. Last week, we corresponded with the embassy and requested a date in January or early February 2008. We know that GOD has the power to make this happen, and we also believe that HE will work all things for our good. So regardless of the date, we are praising the LORD because HE is worthy of our praise!!!

    I cannot tell you how excited we are about 2008 and what will come to pass! We are now preparing for Kingsley to be home. We know that GOD has so many plans for us concerning HIS Kingdom. While we miss each other so much, we are so thankful that God has provided the finances for us to talk on the phone each day. We are truly blessed and we know it! I can hardly wait for you to meet Kingsley. Our future begins now! We will keep moving forward and upward in the things of our LORD. We have come to the time of our destiny!

    God bless you,


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