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Everything posted by US-INDIA

  1. My spouse (Indian citizen) and I got married in the US. Our marriage is registered in Virginia. I applied and got an entry (X-1) Visa to travel to India. Upon entering India, I registered with the FRRO (as I intended to stay beyond 180 days). Just before my stay in India could exceed 180 days, I applied for visa extension online (it has been 3 months and the extension process is still underway!) After much back and forth with the cops, numerous visits to the FRRO, and submitting every damned document to the FRRO—they now require me to "UPLOAD MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE WHICH IS REGISTERED BY INDIAN GOVT OR EMBASSY". How and where do I register my marriage license from USA for the FRRO's use here in India? Is it the same as 'apostiling' my marriage license? If yes, where do I do that, in India or USA? I would like to get it done here in India, as I have no plans of travelling to US currently (and can't because my visa has expired!) The US Consulate here in Mumbai says they CANNOT do it. Any help and guidance is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
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