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Everything posted by Sabela

  1. not sure, actually. And because of that, I don't want to enter the wrong info
  2. Phew!! Okay... Thanks for your response. Since it says "Required information before your flight", I thought this was a must do, but I'll just do it at the airport, then (international flight) .
  3. Hey all, I need some guidance. I’m flying with American Airlines this summer and am having trouble filling out their online form. My green card says it expired on 12/12/24, but I have a valid USCIS I-797 Notice of Action extending its validity for 48 months. The problem? AA’s form doesn’t let me select a past expiration date like 12/12/24. I don’t want to get flagged at the airport for entering incorrect info, but I don’t see a way to reflect my valid status... Anyone dealt with this? How did you resolve it? Thanks.
  4. Thank you all. You guys are amazing
  5. Haha, good point! Will do, and thanks so muchhhhh!
  6. That's the plan, @OldUser. And will do, @Crazy Cat. May I inquire why, though?
  7. Yes, but I can file for N-400 ninety (90) days before my PR 3rd year anniversary, right?
  8. I've seen this is pretty standard timeline, but... What to expect now? Just wait for months? Thanks! -Packet sent: Sep. 23rd, 2024 -I-751 received: Sep. 26th, 2024 (Priority Date) Sep. 26th, 2024 (Priority Date) -Notice of Action: Oct. 10th (48-month extension letter) -Biometrics Appt. Completed: Nov. 8th & “Case Is Being Actively Reviewed By USCIS” on MyUSCIS *Service Center: NBC
  9. Hi! I was finally able to create my MyUSCIS account and saw that a biometrics appointment has been scheduled. Will they mail the appointment notice to my home? Also, how soon do they typically schedule your biometrics? I’ll be traveling internationally next month for two weeks and worry it might overlap. Thanks
  10. Hi, I mistakenly used my own email when I created a MyUSCIS account for the I-130 case instead of using the petitioner’s. Now I’m trying to add a new case for my ROC, but it says my email is already in use. I’m considering creating a new account and using a different email for this paper-based case, but I’m worried it could confuse USCIS or affect my current case. Any advice? Thanks!
  11. I just sent my packet. Now, time to wait ≈8 weeks to receive the I-797 by mail? Will I receive any notifications via email? Or, do I check everything on MyUSCIS Case History? I will, of course, be alert to my regular mail at home.
  12. My heart almost dropped with your first sntence. So, "no", what? I mean, will I have any issues? Or will I be able to travel fine? I understand that if my flight gets changed, that might be an issue, and having the i 797 back up plan in hand would be more secure *If my flight gets delayed 3 days, that WILL BE an issue (not, might be)
  13. I’m on a CR-1 visa and my green card expires 12/12/24. I’m traveling back home (internationally) in November around Thanksgiving break, and will be back just 3 days before my GC expires. I’ll file my ROC (Removal of Conditions on PR) on Sept. 23. Am I cutting it too close with the timing ? Will it be fine for re-entry...? Any advice would be appreciated.
  14. Thank you for your input and feedback. I appreciate it
  15. Well, now it's done and there's no way for me to fix it on time. I hope this doesn't raise unncessesary red flags
  16. I remember now why we did it separately!!! I had foreign income from Canada and I did not meet the filing threshold, so I didn't file taxes that year. I will provide the Canadian tax document that reports the total employment income and deductions made throughout the year. Should I also include my husband's tax return for that year, if we did not file together? what's the best approach to address / submit this?
  17. Yes, I did file married filing separately that year, but I am not providing that. I am not sure if I can get money back or not, but it's a hassle at this point and even if I do, it won't count for this bc it'll have a timeline too. Is it that important?
  18. I know. We didn't file together that year bc we thought it was going to be more beneficial for us finantially. Turns out that wasn't the case. That is the reason why
  19. Hi all, we’re about to submit our I-751 and would love some feedback on the cover letter. This is all the documentation we have available. Do you think it's sufficient? We’ve been searching, and we don’t think we can provide any more… Please let us know either way of any suggestion or correction. Thank you. Dear Adjudicating Officer, This is a joint petition to remove the conditions on the residence of the principal immigrant: XXX. Both I, XXX, and my spouse, XXX, are filing this petition together. We remain married and living in a marital union. The supporting documents are listed below: I-751 filing fee (Check in the amount of $750.00). Completed and signed Form I-751. Copy of Permanent Resident Card (front and back). Evidence of a bona fide marriage: 1. Financial and Legal Evidence IRS tax transcripts for the past two years (2022-2023). Joint bank account statements from May 2021 (our wedding month/year) to today. Farm Bureau Insurance Property Protection Plan with both names listed as insured parties. Employee benefits portal screenshot for XXX, showing XXX as the life insurance beneficiary. Employee benefits portal screenshot for XXX, showing XXX as Spouse and Emergency Contact. Copy of previous joint car insurance policy. Please note that due to my car breaking down, I (XXX) now commute by moped. Document XX contains a fine for the moped, which was sent to our shared home address. 2. Proof of Shared Residence Lease agreement with both names (joint occupancy). Please note that all utility bills are included in the lease. In addition to the joint correspondence, we have also provided individual mail sent to each of us at our shared residence: For XXX: Voter Registration Form, medical bill from American Esoteric Labs, Statement of Work from (previous employer), TIAA quarterly retirement statement, and traffic ticket. For XXX: Life Insurance Beneficiary Record listing XXX as the Primary Beneficiary, therapy session bill, and prescription approval for Wegovy. 3. Affidavits and Personal Statements Three sworn affidavits from family and friends attesting to our marriage. Certified Declaration of Civil Status for Spain. 4. Travel and Family Evidence eTicket Itinerary and receipt for our reunion in Portugal & Spain, including meeting XXX’s family (photos included in a separate document). 5. Other Personal Evidence Photographs from the past two years documenting our relationship. If you have any questions or need additional evidence, please feel free to contact me at: XXX-XXX or via email at: XXXXXX. Thank you very much for your prompt consideration of our petition. Sincerely, __________________ __________________ XXXXX XXXXX please move if in the wrong forum. I could not find a i 751 specific one
  20. So, if my Card Expires on: 12/12/24, I can apply for RoC as early as 09/13/2024. Got it. As for N400, since I am a Resident Since: 12/12/2022, could I apply for it on 09/13/2025. I hope I got these right. I think so based off what others said. It’s also great news to know I can still apply for N400 while my I-751 is still pending (and that that may expedite things, perhaps). @BoilerI’m trying to get a better understanding of the process / timelines before I make any decisions about going back to Spain or how I’m going to deal with the situation. It isn’t an easy decision to make. Also, thank you @igoyougoduke and @.yana
  21. You are all great help. Thank you for the comments/discussion. I need to clarify something. As mentioned, my green card was issued on 12/12/22 (“Resident Since” in card). So, on 09/13/2025 (I mean, as early as) I can apply for RoC, correct? Do I have to have that approved first, in order to move on and apply for citizenship at a later date? I guess I’m a bit confused about how all that works. I honestly knew about RoC, but I just had forgotten after all these months in the process. So, realistically, what would an approximate timeline look like for Removal of Conditions and, eventually, citizenship? I know these are two different things, but I’m trying to have a time range (at least) before contemplating things in my life further. It’s not I’m trying to be impatient. It’s that my parents are getting older and weaker, and I want to know how many years I am facing here. By the way, what’s OP? I suppose that refers to me, but can’t find the acronym.
  22. Thank you @PaulaCJohnny, for your input
  23. @PaulaCJohnny Great. I missed that entirely (removal of conditions). Did you go through that step? If so, how long did it take? I am in Tennessee. And I do not mean travel for leisure. I mean, my parents are getting sick, so my sister will need help in my home country. This is why I am asking about the time I can spent out of the USA each year without compromising my marriage / citizenship. I am just basically trying to find ways to navigate the situation.
  24. @jackiegringa Loud and clear! Thank you very much for your help and good wishes!
  25. Hi everyone, This is a sensitive subject. I recently moved to the USA in order to be with my husband + have a better future. I’m under the CR-1 category, but my parents aren’t doing great health-wise. I need to inquire about my timelines here. 1. My green card was issued on 12/12/22 (“Resident Since” in green card), so I am guessing I could apply for citizenship as early as 09/13/2025. Correct? I have been reading about how long it takes from when you apply to citizenship to when you actually get it, and I am heartbroken knowing it can most likely take 2 years total... (current timelines). 2. Am I really looking to 2027 before I can get my citizenship? This is a very long time, and my husband cannot move back to my home country with me… 3. I am torn, and don’t know what to do. Is there any way to speed up the process? Do I really have to decide between spending the last years with my parents or my spouse? I’m overwhelmed, and I do not know what to do. Every time I think about this subject, it feels like a dozen hands squeezing my neck and suffocating me... I am also thinking about spending 6 months in each country yearly , but I really don't know how that will look for me economically or towards citizenship. Anyway, thank you for reading and your guidance in advance.
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