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    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
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    Dallas TX
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  1. Hello , I need your help . My husband was cited a citation for family violence. It was assault by contact . am I supposed to report to uscis because someone told me to and they told me get a lawyer. I'm afraid . He has to move out because he called the manager and got her involved and she asked me. I told her was charged because he was trying to throw me under the bus anyway.
  2. Yea , well let him go with his cousin then . Just don’t worry about tell him if he leaves you are responsible for him . You won’t be helping him . Men over there got be treated the same as they treat you . I did it with my husband he came to his senses he was out there having emotional affairs with women my last trip but I did was best for me also by getting me a male friend . I just do what people do to me .
  3. His cousin is his sponsor . If it’s true he has somewhere to go is probably why .
  4. Hey , my husband meet your husband doing his medical exam . I actually talked to him . He never mentioned a divorce . He was wanting some Gambian spices . I’m sorry you are going through this . He really sounds ungrateful. Has he even got a job ? My husband cooks and clean . He helps with that and always have . I’m not waiting on no one hand and foot .
  5. It will probably be denied to . One man says he was a denied and he can’t function at all . I forgot the name of it condition but he says they denied him. We are coming up on our two year anniversary. I say maybe the next two months we should get interview letter . Thank you .
  6. Ok , yes that is the injury . Thanks , for the correction. I’m not sure how to get the cost of the treatment , but I ask my husband to see if the doctor can get a estimate for him .,I know he is suppose to go to turkey for treatment . I will have him ask him when he goes back . I’m not sure if my insurance will even talk about it because he can’t go on it until he here . Not sure they know without any paperwork with the injuries. Thank you so much . I have him see if he can get the cost of the treatment. We may not have to pay hopefully they can get the resources even if he leaves . They already started the process . Thank you .
  7. I never said I was going do that . I said it has to be about me to get the expedited approved . We don’t have long anyway . Thanks
  8. I wasn’t understanding why . They don’t tell you but I know now to make the expedite about me . Thank you
  9. Ok , I understand now . Thank you so much
  10. No , they don’t resources there . He suppose to out the country treatment but he in category 2 . It may be years before they take him . Thank you
  11. I was wondering if anyone been denied for health reason. My husband had a biracial injury with his nerves ripped from his spinal cord. We been waiting a year now for the treatment . I was wondering why they denied it . He been needing medical attention. He had a dislocated shoulder for over a year but they been approving jobs . What else can we do to try speed this up ? Been 2 year now
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