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Posts posted by Quanger

  1. 5 minutes ago, Temp_Xyz said:



    This is very similar to what NVC table has. Did you attorney explain how this supports/proves that a PCC is not needed from the country of nationality?


    I called NVC today, and the rep said they'll perceive "at any time in their life" as anytime even before they're 16, so if the candidate has lived in their country of nationality for a couple years while they were young, they would need the PCC.

    I think I may have misunderstood your situation. In my case, I am no longer a Chinese national, so section (a) does no apply to me. I was referring to section (c) which allows me to forego the PCC from China.


    4 hours ago, Temp_Xyz said:

    I was looking at the PCC requirements on NVC website, and it's mentioned "If you're 16 or older and have lived in your country of nationality for more than 6 months AT ANYTIME IN YOUR LIFE". Does this include living in India before she was 16? And is it cumulative 6 months or still consecutive 6 months?



    I had a similar question because I was born in China and immigrated to Canada before 16. But my attorney assured me that I did not need a police certificate from China. According the Foreign Affairs Manual 9 (https://fam.state.gov/fam/09FAM/09FAM050404.html), 9 FAM 504.4-4(A)  (U) Basic Document Requirements, section 7 Police Certificates:


    (7)  (U) Police Certificates: If the applicant is 16 years of age or old, they must obtain an original or certified copy of a police certificate for:

        (a)  (U) Their country of nationality, if they lived in the country of nationality for more than six months at any time in their life;

        (b)  (U) Their current country of residence, if different from nationality, if they have lived in that country for more than six months; or

        (c)  (U) Their previous country or countries of residence if they were 16 years or older at the time they lived there and lived in that country for 12 months or more; and

        (d)  (U) Any city and/or country where they were arrested for any reason, regardless of how long they lived in that city or country and regardless of age at the time of arrest.

        (e)  Present and former residents of the United States do not need to submit any U.S. police certificates.


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