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    Lorraine1149 got a reaction from SalishSea in K1 Can I pre-empt an RFE?   
    Oh thank you so much. I appreciate you sharing that. Think I will give it a shot.
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    Lorraine1149 reacted to TBoneTX in What happens if my fiancé becomes pregnant during the K-1 Visa process?   
    OP, you've gotten consistent and wise advice thus far.  Here's more, kindly meant, but in your face.
    1.  I have incontrovertible personal knowledge that anyone in Venezuela who has any potential avenue to leave that country will say and do anything to take it.  Absolutely anything, including roping you in emotionally by intentionally not asking for money when the real payoff will be so very much bigger.
    2.  Your plans and their timing will not get past a consular officer if the relationship makes it as far as the visa interview.  You lack "face time" (time together in person) to legitimatize this relationship.  Just picture a 221g or outright refusal of the visa when your girlfriend has a newborn infant that you're many miles from, or she's 99.44% pregnant and you're helpless to react because of the visa situation.  And what if it's twins?
    3.  There are 3 phases to beginning a relationship:  e-mail, phone/video, and in-person.  The first two can go swimmingly well, but if the third features any hiccups or incompatibilities, alarm bells should ring.  Then, the analysis should begin.
         First, is this person genuinely available to you?  Geographically, situationally, emotionally?  You can't know this without spending considerable time together.
         Next, people are a mixture of positive & negative, or palatable & distasteful, qualities.  You can't expect to change negative or distasteful factors.  It's like a "blue plate special" in a restaurant:  if you want the roast beef, it comes with the peas -- no substitutions.  Does the person have a list of positive attributes as long as your arm, but one negative attribute that you can't compromise your standards or thoughts or emotions to accommodate... and never mention or worry about it again?  That person isn't right.  You can't possibly know this without spending considerable time together.
         Third, what reflection of yourself do you get from this person consequent to spending time with them?  (This is unrelated to how you feel about them or they about you.)  Do you feel like a million bucks, like two cents, somewhere between, or it varies from one to the other depending on situations and over time?  You can't possibly form an accurate judgment of this without spending considerable quality time in each other's presence.
    Everyone here can acknowledge the excitement of finding a beautiful, apparently available young lady, but only fools rush in when the "life stakes" are this high.  Marry in haste, repent in leisure... and with a drained bank account, alimony, and child-support payments for years and years.
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    Lorraine1149 reacted to PostalDuchess in OCTOBER 2020 I-129F K-1 FILERS   
    They are in their own kind of category. They technically start as a non immigrant visa even though there is clearly immigrant intent. The embassies have been responding to the Milligan  lawsuit but only for those that are plaintiffs and they do have the list. We should keep pushing and trying regardless. 
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    Lorraine1149 reacted to dmeister3 in OCTOBER 2020 I-129F K-1 FILERS   
    I would also like to know this too! I think it depends on the individual country.  Also I would assume those presidential proclamations from last year banning most international travelers would have to go away.  All I know is my consulate in Sweden is not processing K1s at all, who knows how long their backlog is. 
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    Lorraine1149 reacted to Lin&Chou in New K-1 RFE Master List   
    Hi all, we have received the RFE on Feb 9th and requested us to submit more evidences about meeting in person for the past two years
    we have most of the photo ready, airbnb receipts, my passport copy and stamps. however my fiance whom is a US citizen has lost his passport last year. 
    his new passport did shows that he lost his passport and it is a new replace passport. 
    just wondering if he only submits the copy of it, would it be ok? or is there anyway we could tracked his travel history like I-94 ? 
    also if we do not have any other people's statement would above evident good enough to fulfill the RFE request? 
    Thank you all for the help
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