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Everything posted by jpfashizzle

  1. Maybe I did do something wrong. When I go to the website, I don't have the option to select the Jurisdiction - I am simply asked for the New Passport/Citizenship Nationality, which because it is Canadian, it automatically gives me the Toronto form. Anyhow hopefully I get the Renunciation Certificate ASAP, so that I can try your method for the OCI!
  2. Not entirely sure (there is no specific process from USCIS for the specific case that many on this thread are faced with). @Kai G. Llewellyn / @Maverick_TO and I are trying to decipher how to notify USCIS, only to ensure that we have been proactively and completely clear with them so as to not face any issues in the future.
  3. The problem I faced with your method is: 1. When you go to the PassportIndia.gov.in website, it asks the Country you've gained Citizenship from, and I selected 'Canada' (THAT is what put the Toronto Consulate in my form. 2. When I entered my current address (which of course is in the US) , it took me to the Houston Consulate page/instructions 😡😟 3. So basically, I had: a CGI Application specifying Toronto Consulate, and a Renunciation Application meant for the Houston Consulate
  4. Sorry @Crazy Cat, Can you please elaborate/specify your question.
  5. Lol your timing is great. Just had to pay BLS $30 to enter in 1 LINE that they claim I missed to enter even though the online form didn't have that field. They said I should get my Renunciation Certificate in 15 business days. Wow 4-5 Months??? I'm going to have to look into this and see if I can apply for an OCI from US Indian-consulates. With any Indian Government process I've learned you need to go through the entire application/process before you actually need to, in order to understand the intricacies.
  6. Agree with @Kai G. Llewellyn - I sent USCIS a message declaring my acquiring of Canadian Citizenship after acquiring my US LPR status and unfortunately I also got a non-sensical automated response that my US Green Card had been issued and that I can contact them in case I did not receive it. My game plan is to keep the record of that conversation, should I need it during my application for US Citizenship.
  7. @Maverick_TO, It's good you could apply for your renunciation from within the USA (using your newly acquired Canadian Citizenship). I unfortunately was denied by VFS because they said that the Toronto Consulate would have to process my application (though my current US address puts me in the Houston Consulate's jurisdiction!) Anyhow, I am applying for Renunciation with BLS Brampton today.
  8. Interview in July 2022 - Successful
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