I am asking on behalf of someone for their N400 application online. They currently work as a house manager. However, that's not closely tied to any of the occupations listed on the online N400 application. Which should they choose? Thank you for your help.
Here are the options:
- Admin support, Including Clerks
- Architectural Occupations
- Artist/Writer/Athlete/Entertainer
- Business/Management/Marketing
- Construction/Skilled Trades
- Counselors, Education/vocation
- Editors, Publication, Broadcast, and script
- Environmental, Product, and related designers
- Executive, Admin, Managerial
- Faring/Forestry/Fishing
- Food Services/Hospitality
- Health Diagnosing Occupations
- Health Technologist/Technician
- I.T. Software Development
- Lawyers and Judges
- Logistics/Transportation
- Military
- Natural Scientists
- Occupation Not Reported/Unknown/Invalid
- Occupations in Athletics and Sports
- Occupation in Data Communications and Networks
- Operators /Fabricators/Laborers
- Precision Production/Craft/Rep
- Public Relations Management Occupations
- Sales and Distribution Management Occupations
- Sales and Distribution Management occupation
- Security/Protective Services
- Social/Recreation/religious Work
- Wholesale and Retail trade managers and officials