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Nazim and Debbie

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  • City
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    New Jersey

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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Mount Laurel NJ
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  1. I don't know why the threads were merged. The focus of the second thread was specifically about Affidavit of Support Regarding what I've done so far, not much. Divorce was filed but she been a ghost and haven't been able to serve it.
  2. Nope. The subject is different. Here I am explicitly asking about the affidavit of support. Which no one brought up, and am just now realizing that I can be on the hook for monthly checks supporting her.
  3. She also constantly talks about faith and god which convinced me she was safe. But she's somehow using it now to justify the running out on the affair. I'm concerned that She can stop working at any moment and get me on the hook supporting her and her affair partner.
  4. Thank you for the response. In the text messages I posted she seems to say she's looking for money/support. Right before she disappeared spent $10K on eye surgery for her too... worst off is I had health insurance that covers the treatements but she didn't care to look for a clinic that accepted insurance for obvious reasons in hind sight.
  5. My wife disappeared and turned out she ran off with an affair partner. The text attached was forwarded to me by her sister and husband after she disappeared. I also received pictures. I don't know if this infidelity matters for anything. In process of divorce but slow rolling as we cannot find her and she is unresponsive. We know where she works but the divorce server was kicked out by security. As I understand it she doesn't need me to proceed with converting from conditional green card. From reading that I did it looks like that the Affidavit of support requires me to actually cut her a check if she isn't earning above a certain threshold. Is this accurate? Is there anything that I can do about this?
  6. New Information: Received screenshots of text messages where she says she was playing the part of "dumb trophy wife" until she could save enough money and leave. Would this potentially rise to level of marriage fraud?
  7. Hello guys. What can I do about this? Is it possible for her to residency to be revoked and for her to return to Brazil? K1 Fiance Visa - Married January 2022. My Wife disappeared and is unresponsive. Found out from her sister that she is having an affair with her co worker and intended just to stay with me until she she saved some money and then move out in an apartment with him. Her sister sent me pictures showing this. She was trying to hide this from me. She was using my credit card to afford them while this was occurring. Including uber to get them both to work and back since he lost his license. So her plan was to return, and save money until start of next year. She also charged $10K medical bill on my credit card for eye surgery in the weeks prior and to this occurring. Additionally she has been abusive to my 4 year old to 5 year old son where I had to separate them. I have this on video. Unfortunately don't have more because she started going around turning off the videos in my house.
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