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One day at a time

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    One day at a time reacted to Vale1 in VAWA, Part 25   
    Guess what? Guess what family????? I’m a greencard holder! 
    I can’t stand the happiness. I’m levitating! 
    Thank you for all the support! 
    November 2018 
    VAWA approved August 2021 
    Green card approved April 2022
  2. Like
    One day at a time reacted to Maxlax in VAWA, Part 25   
    Faithful God!
    Hi Everyone,
    I have been a subtle silent member of this group, If ask how I came across this group, won’t have a specific answer. Googling every concern of mine online lead me to this group as regarding my Vawa case
    File May 18, 2018
    Got 1.5 PF
    February 25, 2020: we order your new card status update on my Vawa application 
    March 12, 2020 case approve for Vawa
    July I received another approval for the second C31 card EAD
    after I long wait, I decided to follow one suggestion provided here on how to inquire about my case through the congresswoman office representing my constituent. I was assigned a very nice case officer 👮‍♀️. This is officer really help me out, he responded to everyone of my request. I just kept going to him every month or every other month requesting for him to make enquires regarding my case.
    The first inquire was submitted somewhere April 2021 and right after the inquiry an update was made to my case: fingerprint applied to my case by May 25th.
    March 8th 2022 I made another inquiry 
    and by April 07, I got update that they sent request for Medical since on the 3rd of March 2022. Luckily enough they include a copy for me and the congresswoman office case officer send me the update including the copy and I forwarded it to my attorney and send me address for Immigration Doctors to go carry out medical. As God will have it, I already had my COVID19 shut both. 
    April 20th medicals dropped off at the Brooklyn office and 
    May 2nd: I-485: Néw Card is Being Produced 
    It is a long story, but God did it after almost 4yrs.
    Please, in your prayers today, help me thank God. 
    Thanks to all the admin members for all the resources you all provide here.
    God bless you all.
    Hang on there, you are next in line!
  3. Sad
    One day at a time got a reaction from Vale1 in VAWA, Part 25   
    I’m in the same situation except I dropped mine off 5 months ago. My senator has submitted an inquiry but USCIS has yet to respond. Please let me know when you receive an update. 
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    One day at a time reacted to God is a good God in VAWA, Part 24   
    Thanking God , what a surprise? I'm crying, I am a man.
    Many of you remember me. I had a 204c FRAUD CHARGE on my I-130 that came last March 2021 while my i360 was pending already. even @sandranj gave me less than 1% chance. Many people here encouraged me but gave me less chance since I had a fraud charge
    I received NOID on my i360 last November asking me a list of things that seemed impossible (I posted my  NOID notice here) but I tried to gather proofs. Sent response to NOID on January 31, 22 and today booooommmm card production.  Applied i360 October, 2019.

  5. Like
    One day at a time reacted to shiva32 in VAWA, Part 24   
    Administration of booster soon after initial vaccine is not a good idea as you said, @Tulucitor. USCIS / physicians will not ask you to do that. Booster doses are needed to enhance immunity several months (Six months, I think) after the initial vaccination. It is only if you were vaccinated maybe 6 months ago (doc can give you exact time) that they may suggest that you get the booster, and that too on a voluntary basis. Its not a mandatory part of the USCIS covid19 vaccination requirement, I looked it up on USCIS I693 instructions webpage. USCIS follows CDC guidelines (see weblink pasted below, got it from USCIS website), there is no mention of booster requirement there at all, just the initial vaccine doses. 
  6. Like
    One day at a time reacted to Restez Forts in VAWA, Part 24   
    I finally got my green card in hand. They had sent it to my lawyer's office.
    I just wanted to encourage everyone who is waiting for their day to come. Even though you are going through this scary roller coaster now, just know it will eventually come to a stop. So just hang on tight, don't give up, don't loose hope keep fighting and  keep going.
    I have been through it all, Bad marriage, Stokes, Removal Proceedings and even Arrest record. All this to say if my roller coaster came to a stop, so will yours. Have faith and stay strong. Even if you loose hope, because I know I did many times,  pick yourself up and keep pushing. 
    Many of us, as we are waiting we miss out on alot of things like weddings, baby showers, graduations, separation from children we left behind, missing our families and even sad events like funerals. You have to believe the Supreme Being who brought you here will take good care of you. Your prayers and your tears will not be in vain. You will win!
  7. Like
    One day at a time reacted to BlueTiger92 in VAWA, Part 24   
    friends, I'm feeling so low today... this process is sooooo long, almost unbelievable that they make survivors of abuse to wait this long. if anything, this should be the fastest one... I'm grateful for my work (thanks to EAD) and people I love... staying patient... but just wanted to share my feelings...
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    One day at a time reacted to StanSmith in VAWA, Part 24   
    Well thank you guys! I hope interview was waived for sure…I feel like I was waiting for sooooo long already….
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    One day at a time reacted to TBoneTX in VAWA, Part 24   
    Merry Christmas to all here who celebrate it.
    Rely on the spirit of the season for strength and hope.  
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    One day at a time reacted to anita21 in VAWA, Part 24   
    My journey is finally over
    this is a 2/3 years of exreme anxiety of depression.
    eversince i got my card im feeling an internally healing in me.
    2years ago i was in a nightmare.. this thread gave me hope. God bless everyone helping people here.. esp Sandra and the rest.
    This place is a place of refuge.
    I will try my best to always come back to answers questions as best as i can.
    I know someone here is wishing to be like me right now.  i want to encourage you that your time will come. believe me i never thought i would see this day...  2yrs ago i couldnt even visualize it but God made it possible becuase He hads broken the gate of brass.
    God bless everyone...PEACE!
  11. Like
    One day at a time reacted to rossss in VAWA, Part 24   
    Hello everyone,
    I had my interview today. The office said he needed to review some information and get  a new background check and told me to wait a few weeks. I Checked my case status online a later today and it says new card is being produced. That’s it mean I’m approved?

  12. Like
    One day at a time reacted to anita21 in VAWA, Part 24   
    it has been a long journey my people.  i nearly commited suicide 2-3 years ago after been abused by my spouse. he couldnt go with me to the second interview i had toog myself and lawyer to put the i485 on hold..
    applied vawa sept 2019
    no rfe
    vawa approved june 2021
    aug biometric
    dec 2nd interview in chicago
    on day of interview(i took my lawyer with)
    very nice lovely lady..only asked me some few questions on my i485. name gae adres bla bla..asked where i work
    asked the date of my ;last marriage. ask for taxes ask whom i live with at the moment... i told her i live with my new fiancee
    ask ofor medicals and last year taxes.
    and thats it,,says everything looks gud..also mentioned that i have two i485 running says she gonna cancelled the old one out....then i just had a nudge that it is done,
    i went home still no update and bam this afternoon...i got the joyous update CARD IS NOW IN PRODUCTION
    SO GLAD MY JOURNEY HAS ENDED. i  pray for evryone whom are looking to get approved soon you will dance for joy as i am dancing now
    i cant wait to go see my family after  7 yrs in this country..chai
    thsk to sandra God bless you ma and all others contributing to keep this wonderful thread alive!!!!
    note. i only submitted psychology report in vawa and it was approved...this is for those who think they dont have enough abuse proof.. pls just submit what u can and pray!
    thk you
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