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Skyman last won the day on April 10 2021

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  • City
    San Antonio
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  • Immigration Status
    Naturalization (pending)
  • Place benefits filed at
    National Benefits Center
  • Local Office
    Cleveland OH
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  1. I'd like to bring my MIL over for a visit and the correct method would be to get her a B-2 but that was already denied once and the prognosis for success on future attempts isn't great. So, I'm thinking about doing an i-130 but wondering how long that takes for a parent? Also, does that take longer depending on the country?
  2. Yes, probably less than 24 hours. App, bio reuse, interview scheduled. Just waiting on the oath but that was delayed because we moved.
  3. Why do you keep agreeing with me as if we were arguing?
  4. The key word here is "may"
  5. Exactly what I said. The stance is that they neither allow nor disallow dual citizenship. They don't recommend it.
  6. I've see6that but the actual law states "if you have lost your Philippine....". For instance, up until recently, Germany did not allow dual citizenship and if a Filipino became German, and then recruited Philippine Citizenship and the German government found out, they would no longer be German. The US government does not, not allow dual citizenship. So you don't lose RP citizenship. Nonetheless, it's $50.
  7. Finally, last night, she started zinging the answers. A couple days ago I figured she'd probably pass but last night she was doing well. We drove down to the Federal building in Cleveland and after a couple blocks pushing the stroller and getting through security, we were at the office and checked in. There were 8-10 folks there waiting but my wife was the first called. I tried to go in with her but since there was no ROC, I wasn't allowed. The IO told my wife she could bring the baby but she left him with me. Good thing because he is distracting to her. IO said it would be 20-30 minutes but she was out under 18. She answered all 6 questions but can only remember 5. The answers are: 4 years American Indians Mississippi The Flag Republican and Democrat As for the last question, she said it wasn't a name or date. That's kind of too bad because I told her if asked for a senator, she'd get extra credit if she answered, Vice President Elect JD Vance. She was asked why she hadn't worked in almost 2 years. (Pregnancy/ baby) and if we owed any back taxes. Status is now Awaiting Oath Scheduling. At the bottom of the status is a link to change address which I find interesting because if the scheduling tales too long, we may move. Hoping for the 16th.
  8. I don't believe acquiring other citizenship voids Philippine citizenship but they want their $50 and payment for another passport.
  9. Thanks so much for posting this. My wife's interview is today in Cleveland.
  10. Why did you get a new card? Name change? I'm hoping her SSAN won't change. I probably did check the box for them to handle it but we'll be going to SSA soon and we'll do it too.
  11. So, I've been asking my wife the civics questions and she is getting pretty good but one of the easiest questions was giving her trouble. Name a war the US fought in the 1800s. She would say the Civil War sometimes but often one of the World Wars or whatever. I kept saying, Why don't you just remember the easiest one, the War of 1812. After telling her that several times she started getting mad. Finally, last night, we figured out she thought I wanted her to say the war that was in 1812 and didn't know the War of 1812 was the name of a war.
  12. One bright side. If you go over 2 years married before she gets here, she'll get a 10 year green card instead of just 2. That would save you some money and hassle.
  13. Assuming my wife passes her interview, she then has the Oath, and needs a passport. And then I also don't know if the SSA needs to be notified or does USCIS do that? I assume she gets some certificate of naturalization to send in for the passport? Do we get that right after the oath? I know that sometimes oaths are done right away and some are scheduled. What is the typical wait for that?
  14. We filed online 18 Sep and on 19 Sep, notified of 7 Nov interview date but I think we're some kind of anomaly.
  15. That's a bit of a problem as her interview is 2 days after the election.
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