Finally, last night, she started zinging the answers. A couple days ago I figured she'd probably pass but last night she was doing well. We drove down to the Federal building in Cleveland and after a couple blocks pushing the stroller and getting through security, we were at the office and checked in. There were 8-10 folks there waiting but my wife was the first called.
I tried to go in with her but since there was no ROC, I wasn't allowed. The IO told my wife she could bring the baby but she left him with me. Good thing because he is distracting to her. IO said it would be 20-30 minutes but she was out under 18. She answered all 6 questions but can only remember 5. The answers are:
4 years
American Indians
The Flag
Republican and Democrat
As for the last question, she said it wasn't a name or date. That's kind of too bad because I told her if asked for a senator, she'd get extra credit if she answered, Vice President Elect JD Vance.
She was asked why she hadn't worked in almost 2 years. (Pregnancy/ baby) and if we owed any back taxes.
Status is now Awaiting Oath Scheduling. At the bottom of the status is a link to change address which I find interesting because if the scheduling tales too long, we may move. Hoping for the 16th.