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Angie Y Shane

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    Looking to gain knowledge and meet friends that are experiencing the same long journey.

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
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  • Our Story
    I met my wife on a dating site. We seemed to share so many interests and we had spoken for some time. I went down to her country to meet Angie's family. I was there a total of 45 days. We were not prepared to marry withy proper documents so we went to San Andreas Island and got married on passports. We married on February 17, 2007. We hired and attorney and got delayed finding out that he was not a state bar attorney. We had to start over with hiring another attorney. Also the paper work was done incorrect, maybe this explains why he was disbarred in 2004. My advice is being careful what attorney’s you hire. My son is currently in Colombia getting to know my wife the current attorney we have is very helpful and suggested that I send my son to create strong bonding for my wife and son. This also make’s our visa a stronger case. i have seen my wife 3 times in Bogota. It ois the worst feeling going home and still is. I know that everyone knows that feeling.

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