Also what do folks think of this affidavit letter from my mother about living with her:
Dear USCIS Officer,
I, [Parent's Name], am writing this affidavit to confirm the residence of my son, [Son's Name], and his wife, [Daughter-in-Law's Name]. They have been living in my home since [Date], and it is our intention for them to stay with me for the foreseeable future. In our shared residence, I have taken on the role of joyfully helping to care for their daughter, my granddaughter, [Granddaughter's Name].
I provide this affidavit for the USCIS as part of [Daughter-in-Law's Name]'s application to remove the conditions of her residence.
For any further verification or questions, I can be reached at [Contact Number].
Warm regards,
[Parent's Name]