If I filed an I-130 for my spouse and stepdaughter, does my spouse have to pay an immigrant fee before traveling to the USA? I thought that once the I-130 is approved it's sent to the NVC then once you complete all the processes with nvc and you complete your interview that they can come to the USA? How much is the immigrant fee? I thought that was all included when you pay the ds 260 fees. Can someone pls clarify this for me bcs I'm a little confused? Also, I have a daughter who was born in the Philippines and we did all the paperwork for her to be a US Citizen so I was told by USCIS before that I don't have to file anything extra for her bcs she's already a us citizen! However, I still have to add her name to the petition even though she's a US citizen but I don't have to file an additional application for her as she's already a citizen of the US.