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leviiathan last won the day on April 7 2022

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About leviiathan

  • Birthday 01/26/2001

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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Montgomery AL
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  1. Yeah about that It was $1,195 which is a masssiiive difference!!
  2. I'm glad they dialed back I-751, the original proposed fee was so steep for part of the process that is simply meant to grab more money out of us.
  3. We have a credit card, we simply always use a personal check as it is the most convenient for my husband, and we don't want to be set back by the credit card being rejected (Nor do either of us like making calls lol)
  4. I don't quite understand, did you send your petition without any evidence towards the requirements? You are supposed to send quite a few things with your petition, which can be found on the official uscis I-129f website.
  5. 5. I had 5 photos and no other proof of relationship, was approved without issue. Is the consulate you willing be interviewing at high fraud? Otherwise id say you have more than enough. 6. Proof of video calls or even chat logs are weak forms of evidence. If you are interviewing with a high fraud consulate and you are intending to frontload, photos and visit longevity is the best evidence. 7. All I-129f petitions for fiances goes to the California service center. If there was an awa criminal case it'll be transferred to vermont. 8. You send the fee with the form and all relative evidence.
  6. If you filed without legal assistance: you. You chose to carry the burden of research. If you hired help, then the person you hired should've been experienced enough to help guide you.
  7. In the end, it's up to you if just a few months potentially faster is worth so many sacrifices. You may say you're cool with them now, but keep in mind it's significantly easier to say "I'm cool with this!" when it's not actually about to happen yet. I thought the same, that the stress others had wouldn't be my experience. I'm a homebody, I never go out so surely it would be fine.. right? In reality, it was one of the hardest times I ended up facing. For many, it causes significant damage to their marriage to begin it with such a scary power-dynamic. For me, I was living in consistent fear and stress to the extent where I was barely able to think or do fun stuff for myself, it was just all focused on the situation. I was very fortunate my husband took no issue in the fact that for the first 6 months he had a wife that was just so out of it. A common thought I had was "If one of my family or friends got hospitalized and are in critical condition tomorrow, what would I do? (or even my family pet)" Do you stay and risk never seeing them again, or do you go back and restart EVERYTHING. Sure, you can try to expedite I-131 under the right conditions, but you cannot guarantee that the expedite will be processed in time. The limbo stage doesn't just mean being stuck around bored, it's a dynamic where you CANT do the things you want to do. Can't travel out of country, cant work, in some cases drive. Very different than simply choosing to do that. But the thing is, just assuming how you'll feel about it now is not possible. It is such a major deal that those emotions are something that becomes real, when the moment comes. Even with a remote job in Canada, you cannot continue to do that work in the USA. You don't know how you'll feel, the logistics of it being possible does not mean it is something that wont cause you significant distress. And I cant stress enough; its one of those things you cant predict how you'll handle it.
  8. Hey sorry they sent me more questions this morning hope that's alright "1. For the above mentioned post the children's and the mother all has their own 1099 , so carry 4 1099s ( petitioner+3 children's ) ?? 2. The only year she (petitioner) was able to file tax was year 2022 for (2021) her ex passed away just around the tax season and the stimuluses the children's got was taxable and she was able to files taxes via (H&R block) So carry that year papers ? 3. For the non filing years what shall be done just provide 1099s for each year (petitioner &childrens) + a self written letter for non filing or either one?"
  9. "As of dec 2023 it was like petitioner - 1101(ssdi) and each child - 777*3( survivor benefits) As of Jan 2024 petitioner - 1136(ssdi) and each child 802*3( survivor benefits) They all have their own award letters , and yes we have to use a joint sponsor right ? Petitioner household should be six right ( petitioner+4 childrens + intented immigrant )? My joint sponsor lives alone (widowed) separate house, non related to petitioner, doesn't claim anybody in taxes. She makes 57k a year that should be enough to for a JS to sponsor right? Because her HH size would be (Joint sponsor + their other dependents and spouse (Which there is none of)+ intended immigrant)?"
  10. Asking for a friend who finds themselves unable to join. AFAIK the question is a bit time sensitive "My sponsor is on ssdi, she lives with her 4 children's all of which are minors, out of which 3 childrens receives survivor benefits from the gov itself which comes to the petitioners bank account, so how to calculate her total annual income? Just add what she makes ssdi on, or add all the incomes together that she gets from the gov including the children's getting survivor benefits (which is their dad passed away)"
  11. The landlord claims its in the contract, only thing I can think of is that maybe the original contract (this is our second year) has something in it that claims he can now change it but we don't want to take risks, since the penalties in our contract are fairly large. I'm sure there is reddit threads similar, but I am specifically looking for someone (the lawyers Ive been contacting I mean) with experience in the law to read through both contracts and let us know firmly, without a sheer of doubt, that there is nothing sneaky in the contracts I missed that permits this. Because if we are wrong, we end up liable. I'll give the schools a shot, I think we have some larger ones that is definitely worth a try thank you!
  12. Not the best update but we have contacted countless real estate lawyers or attorneys in the area, trying to get a consultation but not a single one has gotten back to us. Today our neighbor seems to be moving out, so I wonder if that's related to the price change (Either the reason he increased it or they're leaving due to the abrupt not okay change.) We are still trying, we contact more attorneys every few days that we get ghosted but it's getting frustrating.
  13. USCIS has no such 90 day rule. Thats simply something made-up. You are fine to file I-130 after marriage and continue with the plan you sent here.
  14. Thank you both! We'll politely ask like Crazycat suggested, meanwhilst contacting an attorney. I appreciate both of your time
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