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About b_weeks

  • Birthday 05/01/1969

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Local Office
    Louisville KY
  • Country
  • Our Story
    I was first introduced to Trang after seeing her picture while visiting a former co-workers home named Steve. I asked who she was, and his wife Thao said she was her older sister. I asked if she was married or had a boyfriend. His wife said “No”. I then asked his wife if she would introduce me to her sister, and she agreed. I gave his wife my email address, and ask that she send it to her sister. After the beginning of February 2007, I received my first email from Trang. Since then, Trang and I have sent numerous emails, and video-chatted online, many nights. After many months of chatting almost every day, we realized we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. I asked Trang if she would marry me. She said, yes, so I decided to plan a trip to Vietnam to meet her and her family and get engaged. I decided to travel to Vietnam in December of 2007. I told Trang of my plans and she was very happy. Trang spoke with her parents to ask permission to become engaged, and we decided to set our engagement for December 19th, 2007. I fist met Trang while visiting Vietnam. I visited Vietnam between December 14th, 2007 and January 20th, 2008. Trang and I became engaged on December 19th, 2007.

    We are now married, and have a daughter.

Immigration Timeline & Photos

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