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  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
  • Local Office
    Orlando FL
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  • Our Story
    I was a Peace Corps Volunteer. I met my husband while my host mother, his sister took me to her mother's house to meet her and their family. When I first saw my husband, I was like "He's cute, but why is his shirt collar up like he is famous or something." Our first date was riding donkey's. We hung out in cafes getting to know each other. Over the 2 years that I was there, we spent just about every day together watching the fire in the fireplace, lying on the balcony watching the stars, making dinner, playing with my cat, walking around, arguing, making up, etc. We built an unbreakable bond and attachment. Our love has been tested time and time again and there aren't other people for us in this world. We were meant to meet and be together. It was our destiny to meet. We married in Morocco during a 3 day ceremony. It was better than any of us ever imagined. People ask if we are part of a royal family. I haven't seen him in almost 3 months and it is difficult for both of us...... I pray that God speeds up this process....

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