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Everything posted by Darkchop

  1. ? Are you saying it is the wrong forum?
  2. unfortunately he got sick and went home treatment and passed away during COVID
  3. What about permanent resident then? Still apply?
  4. overstay gets an automatic ban the vast majority of the time and she "served" her time. Not a permanent ban just a 10 year ban.
  5. not sure which one but was a Petition for Mother and Father Permanent Resident (Father was allowed but Mother Denied)
  6. Good Morning Everyone, My Mother-In-Law had been traveling back and forth between here and the Philippines for several years and overstayed her last trip here (approximately 1-2 years but am not sure -USG doesn't care if a day or 20yrs). She got banned 10 years which she accepted. That was almost 20 years ago. My Sister-In-Law tried unfortunately applying before her time was up on the ban thinking that she should apply and her Visa would be accepted by the time her ban would be expiring; she got denied before her time was up. She is now 84 and would like to visit us (doesn't want to live here) and travel back and forth. What do you think her chances are of getting a Visa and which Forms do we fill out? What are the wait times as she is 84 but in pretty good health? Thanks!
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