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Everything posted by thinpea

  1. 1. I actually live just outside of Windsor and my interview was on Friday November 17th. I paid for the purolator delivery and I received my passport in the morning on Thursday November 23rd. 2. I just crossed the border yesterday and it was like any other time I’ve crossed the border. I said to the border officer that I was crossing for the first time since receiving my visa and he just checked a few things on the computer and said everything looked fine and didn’t ask to see the car or send me in for any further processing. I asked him if he was sure there was no “activation” type thing I had to do but he said no and that I was already coming up as a lawful permanent resident. I was under the impression I had to go in for some processing but he ensured me otherwise and I was almost positive they would want to look in my car but he didn’t seem to care. I know it varies from officer to officer but that’s how my experience went. Other than paying the immigration fee online, there was nothing else I had to do at the border. Good luck !!
  2. Thank you so much! My appointment was at 9:15am but I got let in early around 9am and I walked out at 10am. The whole process was quite quick for me, however, I have read others experiences and some people were in there for 2 hours. When is your flight?
  3. Thank you so much! I hope everything goes smoothly for you. Don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any other questions, I know how stressful this whole experience can be so I’d love to help anyone in anyway possible! Wishing you all the best
  4. Just got my passport an hour ago!
  5. Go onto CEAC then go to the end of your DS-260 (where you're able to print the confirmation that it was completed). On this page, you should see a barcode and it is the number starting with "AA"
  6. Thank you My interview was at 9:15 am and I got there considerably early at around 8:55 am. I did not have to wait outside at all I was let right into the security and then straight to the room where the interview was conducted. I don't think it's really necessary to be as early as I was, 5 minutes prior would probably suffice!
  7. I am yes! I forgot to mention I mainly chose to pay for home delivery because when you pay they use Purolator. I've had many packages delivered with Canada Post and Purolator and have had way speedier experiences with Purolator but everything is circumstantial of course.
  8. Thank you!! I actually did pay for it, my interview was on a Friday so obviously there were no updates throughout the weekend but today (Tuesday) my status on CEAC changed to "issued" and then a few hours later (at 11:30 am) I received an email from Purolator with my tracking info. I should be receiving it by the end of this week but I'll update you when I do.
  9. Had my interview on November 17th and got approved!! SO relieved it's finally over. And congratulations to everyone who got their interview letters this month, if anyone has any general questions about the interview let me know!
  10. Hi guys, My interview is on November 17th so I've obviously been preparing a bunch but I have run into some questions so I figured I would make a post: 1. My husband got a new job so I was planning on uploading a new I-864 to the CEAC portal but I was just curious if uploading new documents will affect my interview date? I doubt it will but I just want to double-check.. 2. I got my medical done at the beginning of this month and the Dr office just emailed me saying it was shipped to the embassy. Does anyone know if I'll be notified when they receive it? Or if I am able to access tracking?
  11. Oh okay! I had no clue it was based on the entry date. I'm so relieved now, thank you so much for your response
  12. Got my interview date today and I am super grateful to be close to the end!! My interview is on November 17th but if it was two days later (19th) it would fall on my husband and I's 2nd anniversary which would mean it wouldn't be a CR-1 at that point. I'm just curious if I should try to possibly reschedule for a few days later than the 17th or if it's really not that big of a deal/worth rescheduling?
  13. DQ’ed July 5th and just got my IL today (interview is November 17).
  14. Hi all, I was DQ'ed on July 5th so I've been following this forum anxiously! Has anyone gotten interview letters yet this month?
  15. Ok so B1/B2 visa’s are just not considered an actual visa? Even if I have a B1/B2 stamp in my passport on the Visa page?
  16. I’m currently filling out the DS-260 form and I have run into a question: Have you ever been issued a U.S. visa? As a Canadian I don’t really apply for a visa to get into the U.S., I get a “B1/B2 visa” but would this still be considered a Visa for this application? If I should say yes, what would I use as the visa number?
  17. Hi sorry guys, just realized I made a mistake, there is no difference between the total income on the 1040 and the net profit on the Schedule C and SE, that was stupid of me lol So scratch question number two basically but should it be total income before taxes? Not adjusted gross income?
  18. My husband is an independent contractor for a company as a sales consultant so his income is a little bit confusing. He works for a company and that company pays his corporation and then from there he pays himself an income from that money so he is basically "self-employed." This is causing some confusion while filling out the I-864 form and we have a few questions if anybody is familiar with this type of stuff; 1. For part 6, would he put self-employed and occupation as a Sales Consultant or would he put employed as a sales consultant and write the company that he works for that ultimately pays his corporation? 2. For the federal income tax return information, 24a-24c, would he still use the total income line on the 1040 (which represents the total amount his corporation was paid) or would he use the net profit (which is I think what he paid himself from the corporation funds) that is listed on the schedule C and SE? And for this one, I'm looking for a total income before taxes, right? 3. For his current individual annual income, I should make the estimate based on what he pays himself, not what his corporation gets paid right? Thank you!!!
  19. They recommend using Adobe Reader so I would prefer to stick to that. Was just looking for some opinions, thanks!
  20. Yes, this is why it confused me, the answers I received made sense for hourly and salary workers but for my husband, it would be a very inaccurate estimate. Also, if I were to take the total income line on the last tax return I don't necessarily think it would be a good reflection either because he just got a raise and year-to-date would be inaccurate too because the raise only went into effect the past pay check so I am really stumped. I guess I will just give my best estimate and include paystubs and a letter regarding the commission raise.
  21. I have obviously read this, you aren't even able to enter N/A in spots so if their instructions made sense I would be able to do so in certain spots...
  22. I know I'm going to get some responses like "use common sense" etc., but none of it makes sense and if it was common sense there wouldn't be people getting RFEs for leaving things blank and then on the other hand people who leave things blank and sail through the process. So with that being said, I am hoping I can receive some clarity regarding where to leave a field blank, type N/A, type None, or put 0. Below I have some examples where I would like to see what other's opinions are when it comes to filling out the fields: 1. 2. Do not have an alien registration number, blank or?? 3. There are no other family members, do I leave blank or enter N/A, NONE, 0? And in all of the fields or only select fields? 4. It's a US address, so what do i enter or do i leave blank? 5.Not using income from anybody else, what do i enter and in what fields or do i leave blank? 6.My total income is sufficient, do i leave blank or enter something in these? 7. No interpreter, do i leave everything blank or do I fill fields with something?
  23. Ok, thank you! It just feels inaccurate because, in his situation, he makes a different amount each month so that isn't the amount that he will end the year making. Also, in terms of paystubs, since he got a raise some of his past paystubs don't necessarily reflect his income so will this cause an issue?
  24. Yes, he gets paid monthly. So last pay stub was: $11,057.75 (before any taxes) so 11,057.75 x 12 = $132,693 (again, before any taxes) So he would enter $132,693 for his current individual annual income, does he provide pay stubs to support this info? Seems like such an inaccurate way to report annual income but I guess that's how it goes lol.
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