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Everything posted by TBoneTX

  1. A moderator moved your thread to the VisaJourney forum where similar issues are most often discussed. That's all.
  2. Thanks very much for returning with your update and findings. Some folks may be lucky enough to find an attorney who practices both immigration and family law. They're out there. Sorry to hear it, brother. Let's hope that she marries or whatever. Sincere sympathies, and all the best to you.
  3. Delayed by Hurricane Beryl power-outages, here is our Wednesday Semiofficial Semiweekly VAWA-Thread Joke: ================================================================ FORGOT HIS PRAYERS A husband and wife were dining at a 5-star restaurant. When their food arrived, the husband said, "Our food has arrived! Let's eat!" His wife reminded him, "Honey, you always say your prayers at home before your dinner!" Her husband replied, "That's at home, my dear. HERE, the chef knows how to cook!"
  4. Yee-HAAAAA! [Note to T-B.'s self: Jokes worked again... jokes worked again... ]
  5. Decidedly Unthrilling Hurricane Report, see man: First, gracias to all wish-wellers, and special gracias to Ontarklar for intrepid reporting, si man. As a one-time exception, we are overlooking all blatant P-Math errors by everyone, blinded we man. We went to bed at half-past 2 a.m. Monday having taken HSM, wanted to zzz soundly we man. Power went off at half-past Many (2+2+1) a.m. Monday, darkness man. This was before the trop-storm-force winds really began, suspicious man. People theorize that the public utility intentionally cut everyone early to protect their lines, man. Ex-Mrs.-T-B., also powerless, phoned us in fright twice, terrified ex-she man. We told her to CTR (call the Rojo), his problem now man. Mini-B. came to bed with us, rattled wee man. Had this socialization not happened, we'd have slept till daylight, oh well man. Temperature inside casa rose from that point, maxxed out at Many (Many00 - [2x2x2x2] +1) F. downstairs man. Upstairs temp was certainly Many (2x2x2 +2) degrees hotter, oppressive man. We managed to shower/shave without sweating too badly, last time for a while man. Mini-B. managed to shower, unpalatable for wee man man. Wind/rain quit a bit before noon, go out to inspect we man. Front of casa OK, mild surprise man. Neighbors' casas apparently OK, mild surprise man. Street and others' yards filled with twigs, sprigs, branches, tree debris man. Little park across street had many branches down, many oak trees man. We are fortunate to have rid ourself of all yard-trees over the years, who needs them man. Inspected back yard, inspect we man. Shared side fence mostly blown down, due for replacement this year anyway man. Saw a couple of shingles, probably ours from very top of casa man. Mini-B.'s basketball hoop blown over, fortunately intact onto grass man. No other damage, no man. We skipped breakfast, usual man. Mini-B. had bananas, ingest we man. Lunch was PB&J sandwiches, ingest Two Guys man. The tech-less Mini-B. was pacing around like a zoo animal, bored wee man. Miu was torpid, year-round fur coat worn by miu man. By flashlight, we made good progress with a heavy-reading book, Sword and Scimitar man. A NIP portable radio* gave us news, informed we man. *bought at an ES last year for $Many ($2+1), prescient we man Later, we & Mini-B. played tabletop shuffleboard** in lively fashion, entertained Two Guys man. **bought at a GS last year for $Many ($2x2x2 +2), prescient we man For din-din, ex-Mrs.-T-B. and the Rojo came with very cold BK, ingest Two Guys man. (The Rojo's casa was unaffected, kept power man.) The Rojo also brought a hand-carried generator, phone ports + outlets man. We plugged in Mini-B.'s corn-dog fan, quite a difference just from that man. Nothing much to do after sundown, bored Two Guys man. Finally went to bed before midnight with use of Mini-B.'s corn-dog fan, circulate air man. Got maybe Many (2+1) or Many (2+2) hours of zzz, well OK man. Casa oppressively warm in morning, agree Two Guys man. We attempted a quick shower in coolest water possible, sweat regardless we man. Mini-B. breakfasted on bananas, ingest wee man man. Before noon, ex-Mrs.-T-B. and the Rojo showed up with very cold McDonalds, ingest soon Two Guys man. The Rojo brought and set up a portable gasoline generator, generative Rojo man. He brought extension cords with multiple outlets, enable fridge/fans/phone chargers man. He brought an extra can of gas, prepared Rojo man. Temp inside fridge was Many F. (2x2x2x2x2x2 +2 F.), not propitious man. (However, canned root beer inside was still cool, surprising man.) Temp inside unopened freezer was Many F. (2x2x2x2x2 + 2x2x2x2 -1), not propitious man. We consulted with the knowledgeable Ontarklar about what to keep or throw, informative Ontarklar man. We decided to wait until restored power and perform the smell/touch tests, patient we man. We continued with our flashlight-aided reading, continue we man. Mini-B. could get TikTok on his phone, partially mollified wee man. More tabletop shuffleboard was energetically played, distract Two Guys man. Lethargic miu did not demand treats or brushing, fully fur-coated miu man. We and ex-Mrs.-T-B. tried to find motels for we & Mini-B., zero available or even answering phones man. This was within an hour's radius, waited far too long to try we man. We & Mini-B. resigned ourself to a horrid night, sleep downstairs Two Guys man. We were not Many00% uncomfortable in recliner with large floor-fan blowing, zzz Many (2+2) hours we man. Mini-B. beefed some but got Many (2+1) hours of zzz, calculate wee man. We awoke at half-past Many (2+2) a.m. Wednesday, ungodly hour unless one hasn't gone to bed yet man. Miu was excited to see Daddy and Big Bruddah up at a reasonable miu-hour, perked-up miu man. We decided to shower/shave before sunrise, minimize inevitable sweating man. Mini-B. observed that this was quite a different Two Guys week but still a Two Guys week, bond Two Guys man. Ex-Mrs.-T-B., staying with the Rojo, offered her casa for overnight if power still off, si man. We thought of waiting till nearly sundown to bail, restoration promised by end of Wednesday man. Mini-B. lobbied to bail at around Many (2+2+2) p.m., probably not a bad idea man. We therefore bailed then, bail Two Guys man. Not 2 hours later, we were informed that we had a power innage, restoration man. We and Mini-B. returned to the casa, lights and A/C man. We hurt ourself moving the fridge, disconnect generator cord man. Miu perked up and demanded thorough brushing as temp fell, cool miu man. New miu-box, which had stopped mid-cycle, continued operating perfectly, we man. We were restored after Many-&-a-half (2x2x2x2x2x2 - 2 hours + half an hour), finally man. Lunch was pasta + meatballs, ingest Two Guys man. After Many (2x2x2x2 +2) power-hours Wed-Thurs, power went off consequent to lightning at around 2 p.m., egad man. Mini-B. immediately lobbied to bail to ex-Mrs.-T-B.'s casa, bail wee man man. We decided to stay, betting on temporary situation we man. A power innage occurred in about an hour, relief we man. Mini-B. gladly returned, return wee man man. Stay tuned for Thrilling part-Thursday report coming later assuming a power innage, see later man.
  6. Gracias, Bro G, si man. We must credit the Rojo with selfless contributions, too, si man. Report being composed, wait with bated breath man.
  7. Thread is moved to the US Citizenship main forum.
  8. 8 European Criticisms Of The USA That Americans Take As Compliments Europeans love to malign America, but did you know that Americans actually take most European critiques as compliments? Here are eight European criticisms that Americans will actually say "thank you" to! [...] https://babylonbee.com/news/9-european-criticisms-of-the-usa-that-americans-take-as-compliments
  9. Thrilling Sunday & Pre-Hurricane report, see man: Did not leave the casa all day, optimal Sunday man. Finished all chores, de-chored we man. Breakfast/lunch/din-din (at Many [2+1] p.m.) was modified* Tuna Glop, ingest we man. *onebag microwave rice, onecan tuna, onecan Cream of 'Shroom soup instead of peas man A wonderful siesta was taken thereafter, zzz we man. Got several rounds of outer-band rain, but literally the calm before the storm man. Hurricane to be at least a Cat 1 at landfall, could be worse but still sucks man. Landfall supposed to be 1 a.m., hitting us thereafter man. We are on the dirty side, yuck man. Many -- si man, Many -- inches of rain are forecast, build an Ark man. Many-mph -- si man, Many-mph -- winds are forecast, hope for no projectiles through casa windows man. Had we not told ex-Mrs.-T-B. of the impending hurricane, she'd not have paid attention, no and man. In the past, ex-she man has walked by us precisely when the TV weather report was on and asked, "Is it going to rain, huh man?" man. Weather-forecasting in Ecu = stick your hand outside, and if it gets wet, it's raining, si and man. Ex-she man has never overcome this, no man. Mini-B. is here, Two Guys week man. We are certain of power-outages but unsure for how long, si and no man. Happy Columbus Day (again) in Poland, oj tak! No party with the rubias tonight, no man. And this was/is our thrilling Sunday, report we man.
  10. A general caution to all: It's safest to wait a day or two, such as sending your N-400 on the 87th day. People who have applied on what they thought was exactly the 90th day have had their materials returned because they were postmarked or received "too early."
  11. Over and over, our jokes bring about approvals and positive progress (that is, if correlation = causation). To keep up the good stuff, here is our Official Weekly VAWA-Thread Joke: ============================================= SMART THINKING Graham went for an interview at a computer company. "You start by earning $300 per week," said the interviewer. "Then, in a year, you'll get $800 per week." "Great!" said Graham. "I'll come back in a year!" Brian bragged to a classmate, "My dad is the best dinosaur-hunter in the world!" "Don't be ridiculous," the classmate said. "There ARE no more dinosaurs." Brian answered, "See how good my dad is?"
  12. Elderly Surgeon Assures Patients He's Still Lucid Between 10 A.M. And 4 P.M. TOPEKA, KS — After several reports emerged of Dr. Don Williams showing signs of cognitive impairment, the surgeon assured his patient population that he is still reliably lucid between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. "Don't you worry," said Dr. Williams to a patient being prepped for surgery. "I'm still totally coherent about 25% of the time. I'm the man for the job." Surprisingly, Dr. Williams' reassurances did little to quell the patient's fears. "Um, don't you have to operate before 10 a.m. sometimes?" asked the patient, Landry Smith. "Wait a minute, isn't my surgery scheduled to start at 9 a.m.?!?" cried Smith. However, Dr. Williams just laughed and walked out of the room. [...] https://babylonbee.com/news/surgeon-assures-patients-hes-still-lucid-between-10-am-and-4-pm
  13. White House Gave Radio Host Questions She Was Allowed to Ask Biden — and He Still Gaffed It Up [...] There was Biden's disastrous ABC interview with establishment propagandist George Stephanopoulos, but there was much more as well. In his latest madcap misadventure, Dotty Old Joe was supposed to conduct a sham interview with a Philadelphia radio host, in which she served up questions that were not only prearranged and agreed to by both parties but were supplied to the interviewer by the Biden White House. Biden was likely fed the answers as well, but he still managed to botch the whole thing. [...] https://pjmedia.com/robert-spencer/2024/07/06/white-house-gave-radio-host-questions-she-was-allowed-to-ask-biden-and-he-still-gaffed-it-up-n4930435
  14. I'd say that the water issue (quality, pressure) is probably chief among these. The other jump-out point was about countries good at heating or A/C, but not both.
  15. Honest question: Did this happen during his first term? If so, how? POTUS probably, but the down-ballot Democrats are typically polling far better than Bidementia is. Ballots will be counted for days and weeks afterward. Sad, but true.
  16. Good for you for recognizing the scam, and thanks for taking the time to let us all know here.
  17. Scientists studied 1,200 cats to determine why they scratch up furniture and how to stop it [...] if you really want your cat to stop scratching up your couch and chairs, it's worth knowing the exact reason they're doing it in the first place. Now, a new study offers more clues into cats' destructive habits and how to curb them. [...] https://www.yahoo.com/news/scientists-studied-1-200-cats-201026413.html --- Link to full paper: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/veterinary-science/articles/10.3389/fvets.2024.1403068/full#supplementary-material --- I (T-B.) think that this study was poorly designed. In the authors' Recruitment Questionnaire, one of the inclusion/exclusion criteria involves time spent outdoors by the cat (Supplemental Material, q. #12). The range for continued study inclusion is "exclusively indoors" to "more than 6 hours (daily?) outdoors." Another question (#31) was "[where] do you live?" with choices of apartment or house. Either of these situations can imply or impose all kinds of uncontrollable, unmeasurable variables. How much and what type of stress does the cat undergo when outdoors, regardless of time spent outdoors -- e.g., peace the whole time or intrusion of a rival cat during the first 5 minutes? How much distraction (chaos vs. toys vs. boredom) exists inside the residence? Does the cat have a place to escape when stressed? I don't see that the researchers can draw valid conclusions without considering these factors. The second paragraph of Discussion, especially starting with "One additional factor that should be discussed here" and talking about child-cat interaction, almost kills their argument, because such variables can NEVER be measured. Every cat is different, every child is different, and every child-cat interaction will be different. Furthermore, the elephant in their analytical room is the inability to overcome "cats do what they want when they want." In view of this, I don't think that pronouncing great insights or even significant associations from the study findings means very much. Later, we will tell you how we REALLY feel about this study.
  18. Thrilling Saturday non-ES/MS report, see man: Hurricane to hit on Monday not far away, such fun and Texas weather Many man. Very hot day with ominous rain-clouds and intermittent strong wind, not from hurricane yet man. After ES-ing, finished grocerying, place not as mobbed as one would expect man. Returned to casa, treated/lunched demanding miu, de-groceried, and inspected lawn & weather, see we man. Lawn, sadly including back yard, distinctly needed mowing, sigh man. We couldn't put it off till next weekend because of impending hurricane, too much rain/grass-growth man. Skies highly threatening with thunder and pre-storm winds, who knows when rain would cut loose man. We hastily prepped mower, added side-discharge chute, and mow-lawned with intensity, intense we man. Side chute kept mower from bogging down, functionally savvy we man. We mowed almost all back yard, one part not that needy man. We mowed all front yard, all parts needy man. It was actually rather not-uncomfortable because of wind and clouds, but would we make it man. We didn't bother using the blow-leafer to dispel debris, too windy man. Not half-of-half an hour after we finished, the clouds burst, cloudburst man. It rained like an illegitimate male child, build an Ark man. We off-cooled under ceiling fan, then showered, good feeling to finish before downpour man. Breakfast/lunch/din-din (at Many [2+2] p.m.) was a large bowl of Tuna Glop, ingest we man. Zzz-ing miu was unaware of the opening of the tuna can*, oblivious miu man. *one of those recently procured from supermarket clearance bin, financially savvy we man A magnificent siesta was then taken, luxuriate in zzz we man. We have pretty much what we need for the hurricane, conclude we man. First hurricane rain bands supposed to start by Sunday afternoon, whoopee man. Landfall to occur wee hours Monday, whoopee man. Torrential rain/strong wind to occur first half of Monday, whoopee man. If the power goes out and we are incommunicado, this is why, see man. Failure of the power to go out is known as a power innage, this too possible man. Rant, see man: Why do clocks with supposed battery backups always reset to factory settings when the power goes out, huh and man? Two Guys week starts Sunday eve, Two Guys man. And that was/is our thrilling Saturday, report we man.
  19. Saturday ES/MS report, see man: We attended all of the above, attend we man. The 2nd ES and the MS yielded the take, see man: -- Many (2x2x2 +2) NIP boxes Kleenex; 1/Many'rd large jug Tide; NIP bottle rubbing-alcohol = $Many ($2x2x2x2 -2), deal man -- insulated bag for 2 drinks = free, heavenly man Total = $Many ($2x2x2x2 -2)
  20. The original Pre-Owned Toilet Seat*! *buy yours today, si man ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ancient swamp creature with a toilet seat-shaped head was a top predator before the dinosaurs A massive, fanged creature with a head shaped like a toilet seat lurked in swamps near the edge of the world 280 million years ago, long before the first dinosaurs appeared, new research has found. [...] https://www.yahoo.com/news/ancient-swamp-creature-toilet-seat-152635135.html
  21. Three more posts have been removed. A member has been banned from further participation in this thread because of assaultive posting toward others that treads on the site's Terms of Service provisions. VJ Moderation
  22. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New Labour Government Promises To Fix British Teeth By 2025 LONDON — Following the Labour Party's landslide victory under Prime Minister Keir Starmer in Britain's recent elections, the new government has assured the British public that it will make good on its biggest promise yet: fixing British teeth by 2025. [...] https://babylonbee.com/news/new-labour-government-promises-to-fix-british-teeth-by-2025
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