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Everything posted by TBoneTX

  1. Earth would be healthier if we were all shorter, greenies say PJ Media recently referenced a New York Times opinion piece by Gross Anatomy author (and confessed short person) Mara Altman in which she argues that "short is better, and it is the future." Altman wrote, "Short people don't just save resources, but as resources become scarcer because of the earth's growing population and global warming, they may also be best suited for long-term survival." [...] https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/01/earth_would_be_healthier_if_we_were_all_shorter_greenies_say.html
  2. Scintillating Wednesday repartee, yawn man. ----- Thrilling Wednesday report, see man: Lunch was onecan of Progresso chicken noodle soup, ingest we man. Din-din was Burger King* with Mini-B., ingest Two Guys man. *WUOC, financially savvy we man Every tree in the neighborhood has cut loose its leaves during the past Many days, egad man. We are faced with a true OPIOID crisis, as follows man: O ther P eople's I nfernal O ak leaves I nfesting our D riveway, grrrrr man. We are especially peeved at our next-door neighbors, a pox on the 'hood man. They fired Miguel the Lawn Mexican months ago because they got a lawnmower, OK on its face man. However, they have used the mower exactly Many (2+1) times in nearly a year, man. They have Many (2+2+1) -- si man, Many (2+2+1) -- able-bodied denizens to do the work, grrrr man. However, they assign yard duty to their youngest child, Many (2x2x +2+1) years old man. He does a partial job at best and never finishes, no accountability man. We have been tempted to mow their yard ourself, done it before man. We are now tempted to call Miguel the Lawn Mexican to get rid of the leaves, pay for it ourself man. If neighbors come out and scream at him, too bad man. We're just sick of the condition and the spillover of their leaves, man. Comments solicited, solicit we man.
  3. Maybe we could activate Al Gore's carbon credits -- he probably has a whole lot.
  4. The above was split from a very old thread in the main "AOS from K Visas" forum.
  5. That's when Columbus (the first illegal alien) landed in Eagle Pass, TX. Got it, first try!
  6. No, no, no -- 1892! On the bright side: In 1894, the first Dalmatian was spotted.
  7. Which leftists NEVER do. Never is one consequence considered. Excellent points. Interesting. How much activated carbon would it take?
  8. And remember the most crucial event of late 1893: New Year's Eve.
  9. We'll leave it up to the OP as to whether to close the thread.
  10. It is Wednesday -- time for our Semiweekly Semiofficial VAWA-Thread Joke: ================================== NEW YEAR'S IRRESOLUTIONS I resolve to leave the toilet seat down, as long as my wife promises to leave the toilet seat up. I resolve to take all the Christmas lights down by Easter. I resolve to stride briskly past fitness rooms. I resolve to get in shape. (Round is a shape.) I resolve to get more exercise, so I've moved the refrigerator into the basement. I resolve to help all my friends gain 10 pounds, so I look skinnier. I resolve to stop making the same mistake twice. Instead, I'll make a different mistake each time. I resolve to stop messing up my online passwords, so I've changed my password to "incorrect." Now, every time I key in the wrong code, the computer reminds me, "Your password is incorrect." I resolve to conserve water by taking fewer showers and baths. I resolve to floss every day -- and not merely with wild abandon in the week leading up to a dental cleaning. I resolve to break my New Year's resolutions. That way, I can succeed at something. [The above by Richard Lederer, Mensa Bulletin 2023 Jan;661(1):20.]
  11. These whackos get away with all kinds of this stuff. I "identify" them as insane and worthy of being institutionalized.
  12. In looking at Part 10, I can see why it would be confusing. However, the signature part says, "prepared... with the consent of the applicant." From all that I've heard, a minor child can't legally consent to anything. It will be obvious that you're the parent, regardless.
  13. Then it looks like all is well. See under "Form Filing Tips" in the link that I provided above. The "preparer" section of the form seems to pertain to an "applicant" other than one's own minor child.
  14. Did you do this? If so, all appears to be well. See: www.uscis.gov/n-600 If you are a parent or legal guardian completing Form N-600 for a child younger than 14 years of age, you must sign in Part 8.
  15. It should be assumed that a parent will fill out forms on behalf of a young minor child. Others here will comment specifically.
  16. Fingers crossed that this happens effectively, around the clock, during your entire visit.
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