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Everything posted by TBoneTX

  1. Good luck with resolving your issue, and keep us closely apprised.
  2. Thrilling Wednesday report, see man: Miu was hyperactive -- no man, aysheep -- most of the day, aysheep miu man. Jumped atop places we'd never seen her, conqueror miu man. Dragged play-pole across the casa to us, play with us Daddy man. Lunch was the remaining Many (2+2) Costco cod fillets, ingest just in time we man. Mini-B. desirous of Two Guys interaction, wee + we man man. Did a couple of skool things, Two Guys man. Played basketball on back patio, pleased wee bodily-destroyed we man man. Din-din was the remaining 2 lbs. of the Costco potsticker dumplings, ingest Two Guys man. Mini-B. didn't want us to leave his room upon lights-out, needy wee man. We should probably enjoy this period while it lasts, they grow up so fast man. Cavorting with the rubias begins imminently, party uninhibitedly we man.
  3. Unsure where in the country you are, but here in Texas, we have a few medical clinics that target the Hispanic community, doubtlessly including the undocumented. Office visits are $35 (office procedures are more but probably reasonable). Enough English is spoken, or enough staff can be called in to interpret, that communication is adequate. See what's in your area or within range. Your County Health Department might also have clinics, for walk-in or scheduled visits.
  4. Around $5/doz here. Can remember 82 cents/doz. at Aldi just last year. D ma'am, raise your prices to $2 or $1 under supermarket rates, and clean up. One analysis: https://hotair.com/karen-townsend/2023/01/11/why-is-the-price-of-eggs-so-high-opinions-vary-n522989
  5. Good post other than the blatant P-math offense, si DA man. He must've moved to California, sigh man. Just tell her not to go Many mph slower than everyone else in the left lane, plea DA man.
  6. Do they have true clout, or is this merely beefing? The wild card is how Santos would be replaced.
  7. Perhaps no one can say for sure. If it were me, I'd choose the second (cheaper, faster) option first, attaching the USPS letter and a fee-waiver form. Others here may have other ideas. You might also contact your Congressman's office (the immigration liaison), fill out the permission-to-intervene form, and see if they can intercede on your behalf. This has the potential advantages of formality and of better tracking of the case.
  8. This is either very good or very frightening, elegant flexibility of P-math DA man. It was Perry Ellis, si DA man! Avoid counting your chickens, DA man. (Example, see man: One, two, Many...) And you'd better not abandon this forum (or at least this thread) after said celebration, no DA man! This one is Calvin Klein, si DA man.
  9. Prescription medicines in a prescription bottle go a long way toward conferring legitimacy. If you have several boxed packages, for example, it's prudent to get a clinician's note.
  10. Thread from 2013 is now closed. The most recent poster may start a new thread.
  11. This is your definitive study guide for the civics test, R ma'am: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/382775-mrs-t-b-the-citizenship-test/
  12. This (and the first linked piece therein) is well worth reading: https://hotair.com/david-strom/2023/01/11/the-electrification-of-our-economy-is-a-scam-n522936
  13. Lookee at Comrade Hochul's decree: https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2023/01/11/not-just-stoves-ny-to-ban-all-gas-appliances-n523010
  14. Wednesday means that it's time for our approval-evoking*, good-news-prompting* Semiofficial Semiweekly VAWA-Thread Joke: *if correlation = causation ====================================================== THE BLONDE HUNTERS Two blonde girls decided to go on a hunting trip to see what it was all about. After a few days of camping, they finally shot a deer and were dragging it by the rear legs back to the truck. However, the antlers kept getting stuck in the mud. One blonde said to the other, "This is tough, but we have only about a mile left to reach the truck." Another hunter happened upon them, saw their dilemma, and told them, "If you drag the deer the other way, the antlers won't stick in the mud." The blondes gave it a try, and it worked! The first blonde said, "That hunter was right! This way is a lot easier." The second blonde said, "It sure is, but now we're two miles from the truck."
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