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Everything posted by TBoneTX

  1. Not your choice. Invisible, or so anemic as to be ineffectual.
  2. Saturday GS/ES report, see man: Had to arm-twist Mini-B. to drag him from the casa, addicted-to-technology wee man. Visited 2 ESs and Many GSs, visit we and wee man. Most of the GSs were of the sorry "don't even stop the T-B.-mobile" sort, sigh man. Mini-B. was given an older pack of NBA-player cards, nice gesture man. Otherwise, nothing man. Total = $0
  3. If the petitioner is on the premises or within range during the interview, it enables the CO to call the petitioner in, to answer questions or clear up confusion. This can avert a 221(g). If you're allowed inside the building, hand your U.S. passport to your fiancée to give to the person who collects documents, or she should keep it to show the CO directly. Remember to get it back afterward.
  4. Before you send the incorrect card, make copies of the front and back.
  5. Teacher In Need Of Vacation Tells Class There Are Only Two Genders Katie Anderson, a 2nd-grade teacher at Barack Obama MLK Rosa Parks Cesar Chavez Elementary School, has been desperate for time off. [...] https://babylonbee.com/news/teacher-in-need-of-vacation-tells-class-there-are-only-two-genders
  6. Senate To Now Be Controlled By Whichever Party Has Fewer Senators In Hospital https://babylonbee.com/news/senate-to-now-be-controlled-by-whichever-party-has-fewer-senators-in-hospital
  7. Since when does he work on weekends? He's surely in Delaware, being pumped full of anti-Bidementia drugs. Agree.
  8. Garcia was a term-limited Houston city councilwoman who ran for an open Congressional seat and won it. Just as stoopid as any of the others.
  9. Scintillating Friday repartee, yawn man. ----- Thrilling Friday report, see man: 'Twas a true Two Guys day, hoorah man. Mini-B. wanted breakfast in bed, thus requested wee man man. He and we agreed that he shouldn't risk spilling anything, mutual weak moment man. He and we therefore agreed to serve him a bowl of dry cereal, perfect compromise man. Fended off many phone calls throughout the day from ex-Mrs.-T-B., who wondered what we were up to, helicoptering ex-she man. Our continuous response was "Chasing rubias, Two Guys man!" man. Went to the abovementioned ESs, q.v. man. Afterward, lunched at Subway*, ingest Two Guys man. *WUOC, financially savvy we man Afterward, went in search of haircut place, underwhelmed wee man. Stopped at 2-chica Mexican place, hadn't been there in some time man. Mandatory masking policy still in place, get with the times man. Owner-chica saw us come in but failed to acknowledge us, ignored we and wee man man. We stood waiting for over a minute, no acknowledgment man. Walked out, bye man. Went to franchise place where we'd gone before with coupons, none today man. Place had Mini-B.'s preferences (and ours) on file, big time-saver man. Mini-B. not displeased after his hairs were cut, miracle man. We not super-displeased after our hairs were cut, acceptable man. Cost of both cuts was $Many,000,000,000,000 because we had no coupons, anathema man. Beelined for the casa to off-shower the cut hairs, good policy man. Mini-B. then played V.R. while we napped, play wee and zzz we man. Din-din was different from most Fridays, see here man: Salad + hot dogs, ingest Two Guys man. (We shall save the burgers for Saturday night, delayed ingestation we man.) Movie night was the latest episode of The Mandalorian and 2 of The Twilight Zone, watch Two Guys man. Many (2+2+1) bowls of Costco popcorn consumed**, ingest Two Guys man. **vaulting us into double figures for the week, mandatory goal achieved man Mini-B. up just late enough to watch late TV news with us, watch Two Guys man. Mini-B. coherent enough to tolerate several pages of his book, read Two Guys man. Mini-B. fully asleep, zzz wee man. Was a great Two Guys day, conclude we man and wee man man. We have Many -- si man, Many -- GSs itineraried for Saturday, very close radius from casa man. We will see how many Mini-B. can be dragged to, investigate we man.
  10. It's the metaphorical barrel of, uh, monkeys.
  11. Here are two most thought about for use during VJ moderation:
  12. Why is this almost no surprise? Why is this also no surprise? It probably makes the IRS so mad that they take it out on the rest of us.
  13. Rio Grande Valley on the U.S. side, actually: McAllen, Harlingen, Weslaco, et al. Several places to visit in Mexico from there. There is an "Alamo, Texas" in the RG Valley.
  14. A similar-themed post has been moved from another forum and merged into this thread. Please avoid starting multiple threads on the same topic.
  15. Thread is moved from the K-1 Process forum to the K-1 Case Progress subforum.
  16. You realize that this is 100% politically incorrect, huh mam ma'am? In other words, you're the ancestress of descendants, eh mam ma'am. I always wonder how the pet-store personnel manage to keep the male fish from fighting each other. Seems no way to know what sex they are beyond trial and error. I also wonder what snakes use for genitalia...
  17. Friday ES report, see man: Many (2+1) ESs were itineraried, about as close to the casa as all could be man. First was lightweight, downsizing and not full-casa man. Many'rd was a wrong address, grrrrRRRRRR man. The second yielded the take, see man: -- 2 desk calculators, pocket calculator, fancy light-up pen for Mini-B. = $Many ($2+1), OK man Total = $Many ($2+1) The second ES had signs posted everywhere: "If no price, make offer; please be reasonable, si man." We had another item besides the above and made offer, fair to us man. ES lady said, "You tryin' to barter with me, huh man?" 🙄 man. At least she made us the deal on the other stuff, good grief man.
  18. Just Tamaulipas state, but that's overblown. Plenty of safe places there, including seasonal populations of Winter Texans. Donkey show, n. - exotic vacation places where Democrats go on the taxpayers' dime.
  19. Praise from Bidementia is probably great cause for alarm in general, and a signal to sell one's stock holdings in any company that he praises.
  20. Good grief. Do they even have to prove that they live in Minnesota?
  21. When GM stated earlier that it intended to convert to producing EVs only, it was clear that they were going to tank.
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