Thrilling Thursday report, see man:
The IC awoke us via Zangi at o'dark-Many, almost a fatal error man.
We had to arise at o'dark-Many (they blur together) to get Mini-B. to Band sectional, man.
We groggily replied that we were still asleep, educate we man IC she man man.
After skooling Mini-B., went to supermarket for 2 needed items, groggy we man.
Desperately wanted more zzz, desperate-for-zzz we man.
IC Zangi'd us before we could avail ourself, interested IC man.
We agreed on a lengthier Zangi caucus at half-past noon, agree we and IC man.
We managed to shower, desperate-to-awaken we man.
Ran Many (2+1) errands, errand we man.
One was to Big Lots for our last-ever visit, store closing man.
We found Many usable items at deep discount, at least Many% off man.
In fact, lunch was onecan of beef stew from there, ingest we man.
A fruitful Zangi caucus occurred, bond IC man with we man man.
The IC's parents were killed in an auto accident Many (2x2x2 +1) years ago, learn we man.
It appears that the IC is at least comfortable financially, perceive we man.
At least she will not be a dig-golder, presume we man.
And she keeps asking what we think about her, hopeful man.
The IC had to go at 2 p.m., leave IC man.
We immediately took a siesta, zzz we man.
Played backyard football with Mini-B., play Two Guys man.
We think we yelled upon every throw & catch, need full body-transplant we man.
We did set a new record of Many (2x2x2x2x2x2 -2 -1) consecutive catches, new Two Guys record man.
Din-din was Costco angusburgers, ingest Two Guys man.
This is usually Friday's cuisine, typical man.
However, Mini-B.'s Many'th birthday is Friday, aging wee man.
Ex-Mrs.-T-B. and we will take him out to din-din, treat we and ex-she man wee man man.
Of course he wants to go to Raisin' Canes, blecch and overpriced man.
Hastily and surreptitiously wrapped Mini-B.'s birthday presents, procrastinatory we man.
We are giving him Many (2+1) boxes of chocolate-nut brownies from Big Lots, discount man.
We are giving him a left-handed-thrower's baseball glove, hard to find man.
Miu is giving him a card with miu-hair taped in it and this description, see man:
"A gift for your FUR-niture, si man," hee hee man.
Possible Zangi caucus after IC gets off work, not guaranteed man.
Party with the rubias thereafter, cavort we man.
We have itineraried Many (2+1) ESs for Friday, itinerary we man.
Birthday din-din in evening, q.v. above man.
And that was/is our thrilling Thursday, report we man.