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TBoneTX last won the day on March 4

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About TBoneTX

  • Birthday July 16

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    Gulf Coast area, Texas
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  1. Country-specific thread is moved from the K-1 Process forum to the Thailand regional forum.
  2. 9 Things To Look For To Make Sure A Chinese Restaurant Is Legit Nothing beats great Chinese food, but how can you tell if the restaurant you just walked into is legit? Here are nine things to look for: [...] https://babylonbee.com/news/9-things-to-look-for-to-make-sure-a-chinese-food-restaurant-is-legit
  3. Biden Announces Return To Politics With Bid For President Of Shady Oaks Retirement Community WASHINGTON, D.C. — Former President Joe Biden announced his intention to return to the world of politics with a bid for President of Shady Oaks retirement home. After taking a couple of months away from politics to mull his future, Biden decided he simply could not stay away, launching a heavily dark money funded campaign to unseat the incumbent Shady Oaks President, Ms. Ethel Wannamaker. "I'm coming for you, Ethel," said a fiery Biden at his campaign kick-off. "Under Ethel's leadership, Shady Oaks has [...] https://babylonbee.com/news/biden-announces-return-to-politics-with-bid-for-president-of-shady-oaks-retirement-community
  4. 'Snow White' Beaten At Box Office By Middle School Recorder Recital U.S. — In another blow for Disney, the live-action remake Snow White was beaten at the box office by a middle school recorder recital in Rushville, Nebraska. According to tracking data, the auditorium had about five dozen people gathered to listen to a recorder medley, trouncing national viewership of Snow White four-fold. "It's a tough pill to swallow," said Disney producer Dana MacIntosh. [...] https://babylonbee.com/news/snow-white-beaten-at-box-office-by-empty-theater-undergoing-renovation
  5. : Google Maps Offering New 'Shortcut But You Will Fear For Your Life' Option U.S. — Google Maps has added a new feature in its latest update which will offer drivers a shortcut to their destination, but through a route guaranteed to make them fear for their lives. While Google Maps has often taken unsuspecting drivers into dangerous ghettos, the new option will allow drivers to decide precisely how many minutes of reduced travel time they will risk grievous bodily harm for. [...] https://babylonbee.com/news/google-maps-offering-new-shortcut-but-you-will-fear-for-your-life-option
  6. It is Sunday, and time for our ever-hilarious (and too-rarely upvoted) Official Weekly VAWA-Thread Joke: =========================================== A LITTLE GIRL FEELS SICK AT CHURCH A little girl was in church with her mother when she started feeling ill. "Mommy," she said, "can we leave now?" "No," her mother said. "Well, I think I have to throw up!" exclaimed the girl. "Then go out the front door and around to the back of the church and throw up behind a bush," said her mother. After about 60 seconds, the little girl returned to her seat. "Did you throw up?" her mother asked. "Yes," the little girl said. "How could you have gone all the way to the back of the church and returned so quickly?" her mother asked. "I didn't have to go out of the church, Mommy," smiled her little girl proudly. "They have a box next to the front door that says, 'For The Sick.'"
  7. Thrilling Saturday-on-Sunday non-ES report, see man: Embedded ourself on Friday feeling genuinely sick, burn candle at all Many (2+1) ends we man. Took every HSM known to ape-kind, throw kitchen sink (and fling poo) at it man. Awoke feeling somewhat less sick, nondead we man. Did cancel morning rendezvous with PJC (Proximal Junior Chica), still trying to meet for first time man. PJC was understanding and gracious, patience of Job man. Breakfast was 2 turkey-&-cheese sandwiches, ingest we man. Got on ES trail half an hour after noon, delayed we man. Decided to truncate itinerary so as not to overdo, no relapse desired man. On way back from ES-ing, stopped at Costco Business Center for Many (2+2+1) items, disciplined we man. Returned to casa at Many p.m. to face indignant miu, Where Has My Miu-Lunch Been Daddy man. Serviced indignant miu, mollify miu we man. Arranged date with QC (Quinquagenarian Chica), pending outcome of siesta man. Lunch/din-din was Modified Tuna Glop, ingest we man. Siesta relatively restorative, conclude we man. QC visited right on schedule, responsible QC man. Far older-looking and fatter than website fotos, always the case but rarely this extreme man. Nevertheless, we and QC had vibrant social visit for >2 hours, periodically necessary man. And this one somehow didn't cost us a penny, imagine that man. Dished the warsher, must de-dish man. Must mow lawn on Sunday, not looking forward to this but must be done man. Must do LL + ironing*, periodically necessary man. *optimally with use of ironing-board from recent ES, financially savvy we man We shall up-dope ourself with more HSM at bedtime, only prudent action man. No party with the rubias tonight, no cavort we man. And that was/is our thrilling Saturday, report we man.
  8. Saturday ES report, see man: Because of feeling poorly and late start, visited only Many (2+1) ESs and no GSs, clarify we man. The first 2 ESs yielded the take, see man: -- >half-roll wax paper = free, heavenly man -- full box standard staples, Revlon metal nail-file = $1, steal man Total = $1
  9. Why doesn't Iowa slide into Missouri? Because Minnesota sucks.
  10. Country-specific thread is moved from the K-1 Process forum to the Mexico/Latin/South America regional forum.
  11. The OP hasn't logged on to VJ since October 2022, so a reply is highly unlikely. This old thread is now closed to further comment. The most recent poster is welcome to start a new thread.
  12. Meaning human ==> monkey ==> ape (Central Chimpanzee).
  13. Thrilling Friday report, see man: We did not attend any, see below man. Before readying ourself for GS-ing, we checked our chica correspondence, check we man. We ended up furiously alternating texts between 2 Junior Chicas, one needy one yakking man. All this was amidst an ultra-active, ultra-demanding, aysheep miu, aysheep miu man. The needy JC was one whom we'd hoped to meet for several weeks, si man. She is the EJC, Exotic Junior Chica man. She had been ripped off by amigas, too kind-hearted EJC she man. We offered in-person emotional support and asked when, si man. She said, "Right away," say EJC man to we man man. We were prepared to go to the EJC, si man. Instead, they began fumigating her apartment, great timing man. The EJC therefore came to our casa, si man. We had to prepare in a hurry, prep ourself and casa hurriedly we man. Lunch was Costco "egg bites," OK but rather unsubstantial as an entrée, ingest hurriedly we man. The EJC is strikingly beautiful, major fox EJC man. She is a mix of Many (2+1) heritages, indeed an exotic JC man. We will see her again, most likely on Tuesday man. Other JC turned out to have champagne tastes, forget her man. By the time the EJC left, it was after 2 p.m. and too late for GS-ing/ES-ing, oh well man. We continued texting with the other JC, yak yak YAK she man. After a couple of hours, other JC turned out to have champagne tastes, forget her man. By now, it was after Many p.m. and too late to run many errands, traffic building man. We went to Aldi, shop for most of Two Guys Week provender* man. *of course, they were out of 2 key items, man Lunch/din-din (at nearly Many [2+2] p.m.) was onebag of Aldi mixed vegetables, ingest we man. Miu was finally zzz-ing upstairs, zzz miu man. We then slightly opened a tin of Costco sardines, open we and shaddap Bro G. man. The infernal tab broke off, man. Amidst splashed sardine-oil, we tried a can-opener, not very successful man. We ended up shoving the sardines toward one end or the other with use of a fork, inefficiently ingest we man. This was almost too much work except for the wasted expense otherwise, reason cheap we man. It was now too late for a siesta and mow-lawning, both desperately needed man. An exhausted siesta was thus taken, zzz we man. We have a JC to possibly meet briefly on Saturday morning, possibly man. We have a JC to possibly see on Saturday eve, possibly man. We have itineraried a maximum Many (2+2) GSs and a maximum Many (2+2) ESs, itinerary we man. We must absolutely mow the lawn, mandatory man! Mow-lawning makes us useless for anything else, out-wipe we man. No party with the rubias tonight, no cavort we man. And that was/is our thrilling Friday, report we man.
  14. And it's your fault for not finding us an eligible rubia, shame man! Not since the last "it came close but we're fine," no man.
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