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Posts posted by DoodBoy

  1. ahh so i need to get the documents in order first. before i even apply online. Good thing i read instruction page because in the form itself there is no mentioned of evidence or passport size photos or anything documentary request. 


    Do you think it does any good to give backstory.. like in 2019 i came looking to get married met several candidates and spoke to them decided on ONE(we have an age gap im mid 30s tho i look 30.. she early 20s, she is from within khandan, my aunt's niece, so ppl recommended her).. in 2020 i came attending cousin wedding n went for proposal with family to the girl i liked (my wife) n they took a day consulting relatives n accepted n next day i had flight, but had to cancel the flight & extended day (cost family 1200 extra) only 1 day because i had to rejoin work. So got my nikkah done in sort of rush n yes i had same ceremony that segregated girl section where bride is signing, me(groom) signing in male section n subsequent people hugging me/eachother (congragulating).   Good idea put it on word doc and captions explaining, whats going on.. etc


    for evidence -  nika nama i have to get that registered with nadra first thing. 


    pics of nikkah (caption) + money transfer receipts, a couple of affidavits (dad, cousin in PK, UK) who attended. my boarding pass/tickets. whatsapp msgs of several month ill randomly do each month..


    i130 - i will submit my documentry evidence n all. looks like a simple form. (my own 2 passport size photos, should drop it in .doc file too? 


    i130a - will that come up automatically or there is some drop down (once i finish my i130) while i am logged in my account.


    (in i130A(this filled on spouse behalf) i dont supply passport photo (of wife) or documentry evidence for bonafide marriage, right?  but do i send her birth-certificate/passport copy/  same thing as they asked me in my i130.


    about medical exam... if the girl is lacking some vaccinations. do they physicians there give her the vaccinations that are needed or they just give sealed envelope. because embassy CO may delay based on missing vaccinations.. if we can know ahead what vaccinations are needed, we can get em ahead.


    thanks bilal.. your answers are very helpful

  2. (3) You must submit two identical color passport-style photographs of yourself and your spouse (if he or she is in the United States) taken within 30 days of filing this petition.



    It reads bracket condition ""IF"" she lives in US... my wife doesnt live in US (although i can request n have her send me it).  But i dont wanna be wiseguy, just follow the instructions to the T... so i don't have to send her photos? correct.  Trying to avoid RFE delays.


  3. new here, me petitioner mid 30s beneficiary early 20s got nika (islamic marriage in Pakistan) early in 2020. 


    i visited pakistan, 2019 on vacation to screen potential girls i can married to(briefly met/interviewed) almost like that reality-show bacheler, i felt like a prince haha.... came back to US, with my heart on 1 girl. Aunt's niece. I told my aunt to confirm with her parents if the girl is ok/family agrees and they did approve of me.

    -middle class family, conservative values not much mingling before marriage is  the custom. 

    -Early 2020,  decided to come to PK, attended cousin wedding and stary my own process too. I went to girl's family with my family & we OFFICIALLY proposal as they had previously agreed, met the girl, she still looked gorgeous(LOL) and a sweet heart.all agreed, took a day to give answer(customary-to consult relatives) So the problem is that i had to fly back to USA in 2 days. extended one more day(paid $1200 for extending 1 more day for my famly-got it all in cc-statement charged to extend ticket.. i had to rejoin work in US). 


    So on this trip, i had the nikkah done(ceremony which officially provides u marriage-certificate in Pakistan) got pics of nikkah(not whole lot, me and wife standing together looking a bit awkward tho... shy guy me), video clip of me signing marriage papers(aka I DO) on groom side, her signing on girls side (segregated middle-class customs n values).  

    -So, next day is flight back to USA due to work.  Now that we are married (marriage certificate issued). whatsapp exchanged, we've been chatting daily/phonecall weekends and have 7 month of communication on whatsapp. I send her monthly/bi-monthly money transfer..(have receipts) , girl living w/ parents at moment. I plan to go to PK in 2021 hoping her visa is in so i can bring her with me to USA. 


    i plan to file CR1 Now that embassies are resuming visas starting Oct 1. In 7 months of time, we establish some communication/good understanding & comfort around eachother. She knows about me, i know about her, ready to re-unite and start life in US and live happily ever after.


    is there any red-flags here for this quasi-arrange marriage? i have a feeling my not-so-many pictures together or time together makes my case WEAK and worried that i be denied or RFE. Is my worry valid? what more can i show as evidence of bona-fide relationship incase something comes up. People were saying that counselor in PK are aware of the customs of Pakistan therefore, no suspicion should arise and that i shoud apply CR1 ASAP.


    one minor issue girl's birth-certificate name 1 letter is mispelled from IRFANA its written ARFANA (will this bring a problem) -note:not her real name.


    Kindly advise, what you think.. is my case ok? is there anything i can do to strengthen my case to prove bona-fide relationship?  do i need to mention 2019 visit to see series of girl in my time-line? 


    Any advice is appreciated... 



  4. did someone say Pakistan has 2 embassies? when i was looking through consulate office dropdown it only allowed me to pick Islamabad. Correct me if i am wrong, all Pakistanis have to interview at islamabad as there seems to be no other location they interviewing. My wife is from major city of karachi, and kinda worried she has to travel to Islamabad just for interview.  I am just understanding the process for now, soon i plan to apply for my wife. 


    Khatera sorry about the horrible experience. Worst part is, you do everything right n yet there are they have right to determine one's marriage is fake/fraud/not enough evidence? 


    hopefully u registered your nika nama with NADRA cuz that gets connected to your NIC) & when do due diligence marital status shows up.

  5. O wow, 3K is alot. So you filed it yourself online? seems like a simple form. I checked, Visacoach.com seems like a legit knowledeble guy doing it for $1300.  an avg. lawyer charges like 150-300$ per hour in NYC


    very encouraging news to hear your friend get visa recently; how long did it take him overall.  Some of those NVC people may be more leniant then others, naseeb jiska acha.. 


    what about evidence documents n photos during online applying? u scanned em all & uploaded when prompted?  can u leave the online application save n return to it later to edit before the final submission? 

    yea, i may be overblowing the evidence thing, it may hold more weight  for K1 visa applicants.


    about nikkah nama I should have it registered/translated by Nadra first thing ... wife has english issue, can she request her interview be conducted by urdu speaker? she is so masoom (innocent ) even urdu doesnt she would mess up haha... and are interviews ONLY conducted in islamabad? or karachi too? 


    issue: my wife's birth certificate has 1 letter spelled different.. like name irfana is written as arfana..(minor but u never know they make an issue outta it) better to fix it while waiting for interview call...


    Thanks for your responses.,calmed me down a bit.


  6. Past 2-3 days im reading forum n videos on ppl's experience n just stressing. Everyone is sending so much concrete evidence in binders with content etc. It's just overwhelming me.


    Any idea how much it will cost to get an immigration lawyer to file for me? i am in NYC.   They will help me compile evidence or narrate a story that makes case sound reasonable perhaps.   

    1 hour ago, bilalasd said:

    I think a lot of people here, including me, are in the same position as you. I did nikkah just like you in Pakistan. The only proof I had was the pictures from the nikkah event, some pictures from the dinner in the restaurant with the whole family, receipt for the jewelry bought and two affidavits from the family members. We didn’t have any whatsapp communication at that point so I didn’t include it.


    I applied for CR1 around January and I have been DQ’d since June. If it wasnt for the Covid, my wife would have had her visa by now haha. 

    Good Luck!

     hey, thanks for answering. DQ? is same as NOA2? like they approved your petition?  June is pretty quick for CR1, ahh covid or not it takes time.  Did you apply ONLINE or paper version. I am skimming through I-30 n 

  7. guys, i am petititioner (male).  I got nikkah done in Karachi Feb 2020 (just before covid19).  I only had nikkah done no rukhsatii/waleema so no major photo album compiled ( thinking i would apply for K1) and during nikkah had handful pictures taken via cellphone involving me & wife wearing haar (rose petals). It seems like i dont have ANY  pictures to prove bonafide relationship for K1(only i have im wearing haar, it looks clear marriage)


    u know how pkstani middle class conservative culture is.. no dating.. not much meeting between boy n girl, hence no pictures together.. but after niikah our parents agreed to allow us to we talk/chat thru whatsapp n share self photos once in while etc.. also i send her money every other month by online money transfer services n have receipts,


    So its pointless applying for K1?  since evidence seems to be almmost non existent other than whatsapp communication <-- which isnt big evidence is it? we chat daily n call weekly.


    I only have chance at CR1(spouse visa) where atleast i have nikkah nama (which i may ask to register ASAP) as solid evidence n hoping they dont ask much about handful pictures is all i have as proof..  we had plans to do big wedding event (rukhsatti n waleem) which is when we'd have photos album etc.. I had plans to go to pk soon as visa is issued to my wife in 1 yr and comeback with her  to USA. 


    But seeing these forums n everyone talking about evidence evidence evidence.. i feel hopeless. .. do they understand that pkstan some family conservative  customs dont allow lot of mixing of boy/girl n photos taking n isnt nikkah nama enough of proof


    do i have a chance at all?  feel so overwhelmed. 

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