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Posts posted by DoodBoy

  1. Yes, i understand but we were in contact daily thru chat n hourly calls on weekends. I didn't hold back, she was young n immature (in begining i felt i married a 10 yr old) but then i realized look we commited,she is innocent, ill teach her everything.. i became her fast-friend altho my cuzins warned me NOT to get too friendly, keep some reserveness)my view was, that she is gonna leave all her family behind to new world, i wanted to put her at ease n gave her all the love n attention. We would sometimes even talk for hours on weekend.


    SO what changed is when i asked her to become a lil responsible, now that she is married, to not stay late till 5-6am daily watching tiktok n being online, its unhealthy n just not a healthy lifestyle.I even asked inlaws the same but this was their ''daily routine'' n they got offended for me trying to suggest something healthy.. her mom would constantly put up sad/sarcastic urdu quotes on whatsapp, so her relatives can be guilty, her young daughter did same n just so strange. I would ask MIL to stop this negative behavior cuz its effecting my young wife, who is copying her n broadcasting sad n hurtful status msgs, giving people wrong impressions.. .. if they have any problems, tell me, i would solve em all.. but nope.. they didnt listen n continued.. they loved watching turkish soap operas with all the ''fake love''romanticism teaching girls that one day romeo will bump into them n life is better with finding LOVE.. n pkstani dramas injecting poision as well with affairs n divorces being normalized n all heroin characters are negative lately(feministic).. so the middle class women have nothing to do but watch n absorb these toxic material which i feel is starting to effect their minds and actions


    ANyways, sorry i got into rant mode, anytime i reminded of them, i lose track of things.. 

    you took a big risk leaving your job to stay in PK. I mean hindsight, i didn't know things would go this bad specially i did nothing wrong to be blocked n ignored for last 2+yrs i dunno what got into her, who was influencing her, she became a different person.. anyways, Allah saved me from a bad woman. I take it positively. Everyone goes through tests in life, so this was mine.

    It is all good, alhamdulilah, everything happens for a good reason. I am satisfied w/ my life i did the best i could n put my trust in Allah to do the rest. So Destiny is written, we just have to play our part n make sure to do the right things, results in his hands.

  2. @Machinecorpse62  hey congrats on uniting with the 2nd one. So you saying, you went through a breakup of marriage having waited 4 yrs n then remarried in PK and waited another 4 yrs? meaning you waited around 7-8 yrs to get 2nd wife from PK into USA? that is some mighty patience you have, if thats the case.


    For me, no point going back to PK, its a mess, hard to trust people when our own khaala's daughter can do this to us so imagine others.   


    So, i have no choice left but to go in streets of new york n look for a niqabi/hijaabi n approach them respectfully for their wali's number ( they are usually bengalis n arabs)...its tough likely 90% rejection rate but its whats left. To find a diamond one has to go thru dirt. Whatever is written, shall come to pass. Otherday at tacobell, i come across a pkstani girl she seemed attractive but the way she was dressed (spandex) i was like, ahh No, thats a redflag. Living in US, its takes courage for women to dress modest n not expose themselves so cheaply like i see many here. Even the hijabis with tight jeans? social justice warriors/feminist/male friends, high5iving etc... So many redflags, very hard to find a good lady these days. So niqabis are my first choice.. Someone who fears their lord n has some hawa left in them.. any woman who listens to the likes of farhat hashmi, is a jannati woman, a treasure to be had. So its a lil tough to find these gems/pearls.

  3. thx for the positive vibes, ahh its not that they were greedy. Actually, wife was young and immature. So her cousin filled her head with was-was and turned her against me in order to seduce her n she fell for it. So they both plotted to run away.. This girl was so innocent n sweet in 3 yrs ago, but social media n crazy pk soap operas on affairs/divorce topic just groomed her into this selfish person over yrs. She was a selfless person but i guess, people can change w/ time. It's a test from Allah indeed...so i wouldn't say they were greedy.. its just they felt like i abandoned her.. So young people these days, have no patience, this is the tiktok generation being groomed to swipe to the next video n next video... so to them now human relationships are like that tiktok video, if not fulfilling enuff, swipe n move to the next one.. n next one.. Patience is no more..   So, deep down i can understand whats happening.. all we can do is watch it happen, you cant force someone to change or make them understand things.. in end one has to accept the fate n carry on, despite the wounds. 


    I am only child of elderly parents, whose only dream left was to see me married n play with grandkids. I did all i could, patiently waited n waited only to see her slip further away from me..  Its a test for us all. May Allah accept our efforts.

  4. hello everyone, its been a while since i checked up on interviews. Looks like progress has been made for many. Congrats.


    Unfortunately, it seems my wife has decided to not go to interview and infact wanting to end marriage as well. So over 3+yrs of wait, all the efforts, seems to go down the drain. I am going to blame the lengthy visa process for this breakup. The family of wife was TIRED of waiting so long and felt they couldn't wait any longer and relationship strained with them deciding to end the marriage.


    My wife interview is this week. If she doesn't show up? what happens? anyone know.. 

    Also is it possible that i can contact NVC n tell them my story and request that they give me some break. Like if i want to marry someone else from PK. That i dont have to wait another 3-4 yrs like last time.. is there room for this? i can no longer wait 3yrs to start family. My father is devastated by this.. we are heart broken, we did all we can from our end but this lengthy process was eating up wife's family as they had their relatives made their lives living hell n filled ears of distrust and its looks like its over.. 


    Any advice for me, can i request NVC, will they give me a chance n speed up my case for my future wife. It will be very difficult for me to marry in USA now given now after having to wait 4 yrs, i'll be 40yr old n it's difficult to find good god fearing girls in USA.. Its why we opted for PK. It is unfair, being a US citizen i had to wait this long.. i don't wanna say my life is ruined because i have faith in God n losing hope is a sin. It's just, i feel like i've been robbed by this crazy process to get my wife to be with me to start life. I hope no one goes through what i been through for last few years.



  5. amazing share by ATIF B. Question 11 kinda worries me (11.how many times u guys met after marriage?)


     because i have not yet had chance to visit my wife since nikkah 2 yrs ago (covid+work) what could be a good reply? n what additional can they ask for? i may visit her in 2months.. take lot of pictures i guess... any tips on this question 

  6. 5 hours ago, zellahy said:

    Hi, You’d likely get your IL 12-18 months from DQ date.


    Have all documents in one place everything that was submitted especially evidence of your relationship that could include pictures and your passport stamps from when you visited your spouse and whatever else you would like to show as proof. Upload all of this when you get your interview date on to the CEAC portal. Additionally, when you get the IL upload your spouse’s latest passport pictures and ofcourse take them along on interview day.


    From what I’ve seen, most people who had uploaded everything only got asked for a few documents in embassy and had a quick interview and got approved on the spot.


    Also, you’ll have to submit an updated AOS form for all sponsors before the interview and add the previous years income details as well as upload the new tax returns.


    If you have everything with you at interview, Inn-Sha-Allah your spouse will get approval. You can join Facebook groups as well where people share their interview experiences and what questions they were asked.

    wow 12-18 month ok. Has there been any miracles? where someone got IL in 6months? 


    Ahh i didnot visit her since nikkah.. like only had nikka and sent photos of nikkah when filing i-130. Since then i have not visited her (2yrs) due to covid & work.. do u think that will cause a problem? a red flag? someone suggested i DEFINATELY need to go n show that i spent time with her n take family pix together as i visit & spend time w/ her. IF THIS IS A MUST,  I can only go for 20 vacation days. Probably in May-Jun 2022. is it a MUST i visit? I had plans that once she get visa i utilize my 20 days then n do rukhsati n lil spend time with her family then... but if its MUST that i visit to get approval, i will. What do you think? 


    when i get IL? (interview letter?) o upload new photos on CAEC portal? thats where the NVC site stuff ds-260, i-865 is right?  the pictures should i replace them or add the (new ones) in additional/other document section? 


    I have no co-sponsors, so no need.


    Thanks, i appreciate it.



  7. hi folks, i have jointed the Race. 


    Just received my DQ for my CR1 Applied in Dec 2020 for my spouse in Krachi. So now waiting for islamabad interview date. Any idea how long will it take?


    Meanwhile, can anyone advise any tips until the interview? is there anything we should start gathering & those who had interviews what's been their experience like? if they can share, appreciate it. 


    I am so grateful to the VJ team here, they've been giving us some great advice through out. 

  8. Yes, 

    6 hours ago, Jorgedig said:

    Or how about just find someone you love to marry?  Why does anyone's parents have to be involved in the choice at all?  After all, this is the US.

    Culture mainly. Brought up in west my views have shifted definately. Parent's role should be that of a coach not dictator. They should help you, guide you navigating the stages of life. 

    Asian parents/families tend to be overprotective of their kids. It's love indeed but it's suffocating love where it seems to  be hard for them to let their offspring fly away. Lot of asian parents want to ''énjoy'' seeing their kid have a marital life..specially grandkids r everything to them.  They feel they invested all their life to raising kids n somehow kids owe them back by marrying the good girl (their defination off) thats where bounderies are crossed n often compatiblity is overlooked just because the girl is from their brother or friend. She is still an independent being & could be an A-hole n what not? so that due diligence part is overlooked if they KNOW the family... that is BIGGEST mistake in arrange marriages, i noticed. Arrange marriages of old days were different because in past kids followed their customs n values. Nowadays, arrange marriages is just like convenient matrimonial service agents putting pressure to say YES. 


    Billa48,  i think MANY people of our planet have the false understanding of Love. After discovering many flaws in my arrange marriage partner, i wanted to END it but then i came across swiss philosopher Alain De Botton on concept of love, which totally changed me from seeking romanticism/superficial LOVE to one of REALITY based, i think it's worth a watch. (English begins at 1:10)  I summarize concept of love is as following: Love is commitment. commit to anyone/anything in life & efforts will bear fruits (insha-Allah) cave-at: must have a cooperating partner.


  9. 14 minutes ago, billa48 said:

    Good god. I am a US citizen looking to get married in Pakistan soon. I haven't even gone there and married the chick yet and ya'll already scarin the s#it outta me man. I am starting to think this over through now. I guess arranged marriage engagement to a Pakistani girl is beginning to look like a bad idea. Should'a just looked for somebody here. 2 years or more wait. Bro, unreal. DoodBoygood luck man. 

    hey Billa, agree marrying overseas is a mess for US citizens. I actually wanted to marry within USA but my dad didn't cooperate, i could've run off w/ bride (like in movies) but then girl's family didn't like that as they say marriage is between families.  By chance, i came across the MGTOW movt through coach greg adams on utube (redpill community) n the horrors of divorces in US where women are marrying for superficial reasons, having a children, seeking divorce N taking your 50% and kids with them. Basically broad daylight robbery N men can do nothing but watch it happen... So these horrible stories made me play along w/ dad n i trusted my dad's decision, saw the girl/liked the family n did the good deed. I didn't think it would take 2+ yrs 1 yrs max.. but reality is different, looking at these threads.. so yea, it's 'definately better to find someone within US. try muzmatch app or salaams. lot Internet muslim matrimonials sites are growing popular along with many success stories.


    Once piece of advice Billa48: look for a girl,whose role model is Khadijah(R.A) not Kim Kardashian.


    best of luck



  10. thanks kor2usa(sangwoo) Ali here haha  (jokes /squidgame references, aside).. thanks for the  detail responses man... 3months for DQ, ok thats comforting. denial at interview (worst case) means reprove/ re-apply i130 means  2yrs more wait? that's insane.


    Ok so 1 more year, got it. I guess Summer should be right time to vacation there then. We have a semi beef lately. Her family upset that process is so long.. n wife is getting spoiled by tiktok feminist mov't. 


    So yea, things to think about.. enjoy my 'freedom' till then? 😊


    looking at that thread, a guy has 22months of AP? wta heck?... thats after clearing interivew?i thought passports comes back in 2 weeks once interview is cleared.

  11. 24 minutes ago, Jorgedig said:

    Again, you've not done a lick of reading or researching the process, have you?


    Visa Journey is absolutely full of threads by people who were DQd for Islamabad in early 2020, and have yet to receive an interview.  That embassy is also very well known for its extended administrative processes after interviews, as a result of poor recordkeeping/no centralized criminal records.


    Do some research, please.  The entire US immigration process is much more complex and time-consuming than you seem to realize.  Good luck.

    ok, well thank you for being upfront/blunt with me, that's what i like actually. I didn't research deeper in threads as i thought my case was simple plain vanilla while other's have complex cases. But you've brought it to light the norm for Isalamabad cases. hmmm a bitter reality to accept then... 


    So knowing this timeline that it could EASILY take 1 more year. It shows, that US immigration system for it's citizens is outrageously bad & begging for a reform... @ what end can the system become more efficent, i wonder.


    do you feel system has gotten any better over election of biden? same? worse?


    my experience in online application has been smooth, only complain is the ''waiting time'' more staffing is needed perhaps?


    So time to adjust plans.. 

  12. 15 minutes ago, Jorgedig said:

    What does this mean?  Most people would be happy to get the 10 year GC vs the 2 year conditional GC.  


    Also, it's good that you're planning ahead, but if you haven't been documentary qualified yet through NVC, you may have a couple of years yet to go in the process.  Your embassy is backed up and fraught with other issues.

    what? couple of years? you mean months...my expectation was at max 6months she'll be here with me, sipping latte in me casa... where did years come from man?

  13. 37 minutes ago, pushbrk said:

    Then length of visit is far more important than what you DO, during the visit, and/or what you take photos of doing. Photos are good, and some of them should be with family.


    If your wife enters the USA after the two year marriage anniversary, she will receive IR1 status and a ten year green card.


    You'll get an email stating you are documentarily qualified.  Then you are in queue for an interview.  When an interview is scheduled, you'll get another email a few weeks in advance.  When the visa is issued, it will be good for six months from the date the medical was completed.  You would know ALL of this already if you did your homework.  Get on it.


    the DQ, yes so i am to wait for DQ confirmation email first.  I submitted in Dec 2021, on average how long do they take? any idea.. interview depends on queue at consulate i guess. 


    So if 2 yrs go by in the process, i dont have to re-apply everything? that's a relief ! i think it was at USCIS(i130) stage where the 2 yrs lapse crushes the case? right?  what is the worst tht can happen at NVC stage? like if they dont issue visa, they may ask for material to be convinced its legit marriage right? they cant just outright trash our case to a point where one has to re-apply from begining i-130 at USCIS level .. can that happen?  sorry if my Q's annoy u, i like to know the worst case scenario n best case scenario to plan things.


    She is definately getting the IR1 status since 2 yrs anniversary is month away..  


    is there downside to IR1 status n green card 10 yr? as oppose to permanent one? sounds like downgraded version of greencard for no fault of our own. strange..


  14. ok you made some valid points here. I'll try to make a visit in few months. So, i go for a visit, we go to fun places take pictures together in various fun spots & print them. That should be good enough, yes?   


    a concern about the time period about CR1 turning into IR1? 2 year thing. 

    marriage in Feb 2020

    initial applied with uscis in Dec 2020 (I-30 online)

    case created at NVC Oct 2021.. (submitted civil docs + Ds-260) in Dec 2021


    so currently, i am waiting for interview call yes? or before the interview call there will be a confirmation msg received stating all documents completed/accepted?


    Point of concern:

    SO Feb 2022, it will be 2 yrs to my marriage date.. am i counting from right date?  like they said if it your case isnt completed in 2 yrs? you have to re-do everything from begining. 




  15. ok appreciate the bluntness.  I am open to accepting my taking of process lighter than i thought.  im saying what could an interview which lasts on average 10 minutes on a window booth (with 100s of ppl in line in back) be hard about? i mean it's like buying a movie ticket (thinking of setting) like no actual chairs to sit right across n ''interrogate'' ) environment setting alone gives me this thought that it's formality n that it's just to make sure thye have the copies of civil documents r matching so they can begin the passport creation, name spelling correct etc? may be a curveball Q or two.. but best be prepared...  


    so Q is...what kind of curve ball questions could they be asking my wife? now that key due diligence is done, marriage is proven on paper/evidence they accepted. I just want an idea so i can have her prepared (much prep needed).. thanks always appreciate the yrs of experience/wisdom you guys carry.  


    Q's  i have in mind they'll ask are as follows:

    1) how did u guys meet?

    2) what is ur hubby's DOB

    3) how have you stayed in touch?

    4) what is your husband's job?

    Curve Q 5) Give evidence of your on-going relationship. (got financial receipts of my support to her i send her, can't show whatsapp msgs since cellphones are not allowed in building, so) just the oral statement from her that we stay in touch via whatsapp.. its pandemic, husband couldnt come due to above stated reason (truth) n such..


    Plz note my wife is extremely naiiive, she lived a very shelled life not much interaction w/ world just stayed w/ her parents, never worked, so her communication is not the BEST, so i am a lil worried on that matter..   like i did mock interview Q i askd ''ok what r you here for'?''  her reply was because you guys called me for interview? :) ... yea need some practise here.. any practical Q's at interviews at Pakistan anyone know? 



  16. 2 hours ago, pushbrk said:

    Petition approval is the easy hurdle.  Best to go visit her again for as long as you can BEFORE her visa interview.

    ahh what? easy? isnt petition approval the HARD PART?  like they wanted bona fide marriage n to see if its LEGIT marriage n all.. thhat part was hardest given we were away from eachother for past 1.5 yrs. n we were able to convince that its a legit marriage... so i feel that was the HARD part... 


    Why do u feel i should visit her BEFORE interview? i am just curious... like what could they be asking? i was thinking interview would be easy now its just formality.. cuz it seems the background check/due diligence is cleared. Interview is usually 5-10 minutes on average.. so i am thinking they just want to know the basics like how did we meet, how do we keep in touch, n proof of financial support etc. .


    Reason i haven't been able to visit is, covid....then we had lot of turnover, i had to hold down the FORT at my employer. WHen i did get some time off Omicron surfaced US  (december) it was unpredictable at that time.. travel bans could be issued from XYZ countries, so i didn't travel, otherwise i was going to go, spend 15 with her n return.


    Again, what is the logic behind me going there before the interview. As far as i know, they won't even let anyone in the consulate building, other than interviewee.. so why waste the time/money n vacation time which is limited due to high turn over. 


    i was thinking Once she gets visa, i will get time off n bring her with me.. if i go now(use up my vacation days n return to USA) n then once she gets visa in nex 2-3 month.i won't be able to go becuz vacation days used up.. .. so that would mean another delay.. that's my situation.

  17. hey, petition was approved...then NVC, all paper work submitted month ago to NVC (ONLINE, including Ds-260, affivated of financial support etc, all her civil docs submitted).. now waiting for ''documentation completed'' status and then interview call (meanwhile all covid vaccination completed). So now its just waiting period, NVC sure is taking while to review civil documents to provide that ''documentation completed status"" 


    So lets, just see how it goes.. thinking it should be done within 6months.

  18. 3 hours ago, Crazy Cat said:

    If she doesn't have the records, she can either take all the required vaccines again or have titers tested for antibodies........but talk with the medical exam civil surgeon.

    all required vaccines? that means after few days gap right? cuz if all vaccines same day could give adverse reaction. What do you mean by ''titers tested''  is that like a test which shows if one has had all required vaccinations which they want from childhood? IF SO, will we have to tell them this? because in DS-260 one Q' asks if beneficiary has been vaccinated & has documentary evidence to show for it. So, that evidence is going to be required. Can hospital she was born in do this titers test & issue a NEW medical immunization card for Immigration? 


       my wife is super super scared of needles & wants to avoid em at all cost. Even the 2 covid19 are last resort for her. 



  19. Cr1 visa applied for wife, about to fill out DS-260 for wife in Pakistan online. I have one issue.  My wife immunization card is lost/missing. Even tho she had all her vaccination at childhood. Will this be an issue? because before interview there is a medical exam & i think they need this data. (if im not mistaking) 


    Worst case: if we cannot find the immunization. Is there an alternative solution? will she have to get like all her vaccination right there at by their physician. Is that do-able?  Also i have asked her to get covid19 ASAP.


    thanks in advance for all your responses.


  20. Thanks,yes scanning will be required in any case. Given they want hand signature. print/intitials will not be accepted. 


    Question about item 1D.  on page 1 of i864 form,    Do i check off " I am the only joint sponsor''  since i am not using anyone co-sponsor.  Just my income alone is sufficent


    I didn't check off yet because i felt im SOLE sponsor.  When i saw word joint, i felt it didn't apply me but ONLY joint sponsor.. makes me scratch my head.  If i am only sponsor word joint sounds contradictry don't it?



  21. Question:  i-864 asks for MUST SUBMIT 1 year tax return transcript. Right under it is optional to provide 3 years tax return transctipt (which i don't see any harm in providing so) but question, does this increase help one's beneficiary interview package? i imagine so, if income is hefty not requiring joint-sponsor. This strengthens case, yes? that new incomer will not burden the gov't social welfare. BUT then are the interviewers thinking this deep? is another Q


    I-865 must be filled within 30 days of moving & submitted to USCIS, if not one could be fined. A bit harsh? what is the intention hmm.. perhaps to keep track of person entering US.. post 911, my guess.

  22. GUYS,


    i am filling up i-864 AOS for CR1 visa for my spouse and it's not letting me fill in page 4 out of 10 (employment data) Part 6 Sponsor's Employment & Income (very annoyed 😒)  Is anyone aware of this? or did i make mistake? i am using the 3/10/21 Edition for I-864 form. 


    So i guess, i'll have to half hand-write my answers (and SCAN) My only concern is that files have to be within 2MB and if this goes down to handwritting half answers then scaning could exceed 2MB limit. 



    Also i am submitting this online right? like save the PDF once all answers are filled & attach it at NVC website.


    Additional Info on Tax transcripts: PS: took me 10 days to get activation code from IRS for Tax transcript. It's valid for 30 days (I activated my irs acct n got my transcript online)

  23. ok thanks Devraj, this response prompted me to look into medical further & i discovered additional steps/info. for Pakistani applicants. I'll share some


    1) must get covid19 before medical exam

    2) medical exam must be done before interview

    3) one cannot complete medical exam before one has obtained interview letter +  DS-260 confirmation page which needs to be brought to approved doctors.  One MUST bring covid19 immunization certificate & few civil documents in order to get medical exam.


    Covid19 vaccines must be from these 7 vaccines



    No saving time is possible (for medical) until applicant is document qualified + interview letter granted.  Only, way one can save time is get Covid19 vaccine ASAP because they require 2nd dose after 6weeks. 


    After NVC approves you, here are the next steps for Pakistani applicants


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