Me (Claire - Scottish) met Jeff (USA) in Greece in the summer of 1993. I was working on Zante over the holidays and he was based on the mainland (he was in the USAF). He came to Zante for a break with some pals, and decided to come to our tiny village (he still doesnt know why) we met and spent the weekend together. Jeff left for the mainland on the afternoon of our last day together. I returned to scotland and he left for the US 2 days after that...we kept in touch fo the next 8 years or so then lost contact. ...Jeff sent me a letter in July 2002 asking me how I was etc (e.g. was I single?)..and if I wanted to spend the new year with him somewhere nice...we started emailing and phoning and IMing daily....decided we couldnt wait til the new year to see each other so I went out to see him for 2 weeks in Oct 2002...that was it. we new it was serious so starting making plans for our K1....we got engaged in the Bahamas at New year, and were married June 2003..and are still living happily ever after! :) ...
about to apply for lifting of condition in the new year of 2006, cant wait for that part to be over..almost permanent!!!