As @Edward and Jaycel mentioned, it HAS always been listed as a possiblity on various lists of requirements from CFO. However, in the past it was rarely actually required. Even now, although there has definitely been a recent uptick of antidotal reports of CFO asking for police reports from the petitioner I think it is still only a small minority of cases. They might ask for one but most likely they won't.
For CFO, they do have a huge amount of discretion and make up rules as they go along. It is what it is. The best strategy for dealing with them has always been appeasement followed by grin and bear it. In terms of what your fiancee can proactively do. They are probably judging her by how confident, mature and worldly she presents herself. If she goes in there confidently and maturely able to discuss exactly what she is getting herself into, how well she knows you, what she would do if anything went wrong etc. She would probably get through trouble free. If she seems young, naive and unsure of what challenges she might face then they may ask for more.
Americans tend to look for a check list, fulfill the requirements, and thus have complete assurance of the expected result. The Philippines in general has less certainty about everything.
I have seen CFO delay and hassle applicants for a week or so and even up to the day before a flight. But it's been pretty rare that they actually, really, forced anyone to miss a flight if they have a US fiancee or immigrant visa. Even if they are hassling someone they generally do come through at the last moment.