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  1. What!! We were in AP for a total of 8 months. You need to contact a lawyer ASAP. I was going to use Josh Goldstein. I did a consultation with his firm but then we got approved a week later. Good luck and so sorry you're going through this!
  2. Anyone else having any luck? We're in our 6th month of AP. DS5535 paper. Spoke with a few attorneys. I'm giving it another 60 days and will most likely be filing a WOM after that.
  3. Hey everyone. I don't see a thread just for DS5-355 approvals. Can we start one? List your country and when you were finally approved. Just trying to see an average (if that's even possible) or if you're still waiting general discussion or updates. Idk if this is allowed so mods delete please if not. Jordan Interview 10/31/22 responded to DS same day. Still waiting. Last update 12/12/22
  4. Hey all, My husband had his interview Oct 31 2022 and was subject to AP. We weren't missing any documents. I've attached the letter he received. We sent in the info within hours of his interview. CEAC has updated 4 times but we've been stuck since Dec 12th with no update. Just wanted to see if anyone else was in the same situation at this embassy. Thanks!
  5. Do we have anyone active from Jordan on here? I'm trying to see where they are at as far as scheduling 2021 DQ's. I am aware of the Facebook group but that hasn't been very active either. If anyone has interviews scheduled in Amman please post your DQ and interview date! Thanks for any replys
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