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Bob in Boston

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Everything posted by Bob in Boston

  1. I did a walk in at JFK, Was easy and no wait, I did a walk in at JFK, Was easy and no wait,
  2. Get it, Makes coming home a breeze. No long lines to stand in. I go to the PI twice a year. You get Precheck too.
  3. I think as long as you explain your situation in Part 14 I think you will be OK. You were'nt homeless and didnt have a physical address but not in a shelter. None of the given situations apply so where your mail went with an explanation that you were on a vacation should be ok. Not like your hiding anything. Good Luck
  4. I Just checked the form, Physical Address is asked for. (Been a while since I seen form). You could just put "Traveling in Motor Home" and give the specifics in Part 14 Additional Information. He could also use the mailing address and also provide the Specifics in Part 14 Additional information. I would put the mailing address if it was a friends or family and just explain away if this was my circumstances.
  5. What was your mailing address during Your time as a Nomad?
  6. It is pretty clear that Iran does not like Americans. It is also possible that they would not think to highly of you for being with one. Do both of yourselves a favor and meet, hang out or whatever in some other country.
  7. That would be up to your job. As far as customs is concerned their is no difference between leave and vacation.
  8. Have her contact a social worker, Lots of Lawyers do Pro Bono (free) work. 2 months of marriage is nothing but paperwork. Best she can hope for is a free ride home.
  9. Taken from this website:What Crimes Does Immigration Not Forgive? (urbinalawfirm.com) What crimes are unforgivable by immigration and can cause my deportation? There are a number of crimes that are unforgivable by immigration and can lead to the deportation of an immigrant to the United States. You should know that, according to the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), if you are deported for any of these offenses, you will be barred from re-entering the country. Aggravated felonies under INA Section 101(a)(43): Felonies are serious crimes that may include, but are not limited to, physical violence, armed robbery, sex offenses, and drug trafficking…. Drug offenses: this includes trafficking, possession and sale of any prohibited drug. Crimes of moral turpitude or depravity: These are crimes against morals and ethics, such as child abuse, prostitution (in certain states), incest, lewd acts with minors and theft. Violent crimes with prison sentences of up to 1 year: Violent crimes, such as assault or battery, can have serious consequences on your immigration process. Money laundering, fraud and tax evasion for amounts over $10,000: these are serious financial crimes involving concealing or disguising the illicit origin of money obtained through illegal activities, obtaining goods or services through deception or forgery, and the intentional omission to pay taxes. Sexual offenses: are those that involve any type of non-consensual or forced sexual contact with another person, or any type of illegal sexual activity, such as rape, sexual abuse or sexual harassment. It is important to keep in mind that every case is different and it is always advisable to seek the assistance of a qualified immigration attorney for specific advice regarding your situation.
  10. People do change their minds after being with someone for a while. If it was real in the begining and she grew tired of you its not fraud, just making the best of a bad situation. I hung in there till they changed the alimoney laws here in Mass. Same difference. Just stay away from her. A lot of women are coached to press DV charges to get a better deal.
  11. Child Support is for Unmarried Parents, sometimes court mandated. You are married so no child support. You live as a family.
  12. Which wife did he list on the DS 160? on the I485 it requires you list all your wives. it is best to take care of these issues befor he files not after.
  13. that was my point. Not time for the US Census. Wheres the website..... is it a town census? We have a town one every year and also every 10 years for US.... Which one is it.
  14. is it a government website? If unsure call your town hall and ask someone there. If its legit yes you can fill it out. My town does one yearly but its mailed and I just add or delete names of people in my household. They ask about my dog too.
  15. We used Birth Cerificate, Passport, green card what kind of visa did they show up on, that would take place of 94.
  16. Any Mail from USCIS or Social Security? They have health ins?
  17. Dont read into it. A govt ID is one that is issued by a government.
  18. I think this may be the reason for the denial. My wife was a 24 year overstay and we were approved {her befor Me} with no issues.
  19. In the Future!!!! Arrive at least 3 hours early. Me and my wife do 4 hours. Long lines, Dim wits, computer glitches all add up . Leave room for error. International Travel can really Suck and having that extra time can help with the Stress if problems arise.
  20. Officer was not being a Jerk and is not all wrong. Just because you can file on the last day does not mean you should. There is a lot to do in those 90 days and leaving the most important till last is not wise.
  21. That is not true in My state. As long as you have your marriage license it gives you the right to change your name. My wife had her maiden name on her SS and green card and passport till citizenship. health, state ID and all that can be in her married name with out social security card, Marriage license lets you change it.Try it
  22. Go here Internal Revenue Service | An official website of the United States government (irs.gov) to do a search of your tax status. If he said he put your name on the taxes he filed jointly and got more money back on his refund. As a US citizen you are responsible for your own taxes. If Husband does not file jointly you have to do it. Your kids should not have any issues as they are too young to file taxes and fall as dependants.
  23. Marriage fraud. You waited till his conditions were lifted to file. Says a lot.
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