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Bob in Boston

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Everything posted by Bob in Boston

  1. Federal buildings also require a real ID or passport for entry.
  2. You are a LPR and will be until a judge says your not. They have to let you in.
  3. I seriously doubt you will get a 551 stamp while going through your new process. You can file for an EAD but will be unable to work untill approved.
  4. She ownes that SSN till the day she dies and then some
  5. Do a walk in. They may not take you right away but once they have a hole they will slide you in. The Biometrics are not USCIS. They are a private company under contract to do the Biometrics and are pretty accomidating as they get paid by the volume of clients. Just go there and explain your situation and be polite. I'm sure they will squeeze you in when they can. Prepare to spend some time in there though. Let us know how you make out.
  6. were they immigrints? Do a freedom of information query on them and find out what they out down for that information. do one onyourdelf if that might have the family tree info too.
  7. <----- Thinking like an embassy Officer. If I let the whole family go slim chance they are comming back. Now that can be overcome but it depende on your situation in the homeland. I say slim chance all 3 get a visit visa. Maybe your spouse.
  8. today, took my strp daughter 11 mos to get hers
  9. they may even send it back to USCIS..... that wont be good
  10. You d .ont have to convince us here on VJ, This is a well known avenue for couples to shave off a few months of waiting. Whats wrong with this? Far to convient to just happen on a holiday trip and will raise a lot of questions. We here have heard it all and USCIS has heard more, I can see right through this . Not saying your making this all up but... your story has all the ducks in the row. Did you bring all your legal papers your going to need to do this? Has your spouse paid and filed all her taxes, got a joint sponsor lined up. You can AOS but it might no be as smooth as you would like. My step daughter pulled all this _against my and her moms advise) and she is on her second round. First one was denied. work permit revoked going on 2.5 years. Marriage is not going so well now with the added stress and financial burdon all this costs and not being able to work. Your call
  11. You need to check your attitude at the door. First off Boiler is an immigrint too. He is also a very smart one as he has navigated this thing called immigration. We all have been through this storm. Dont like an answer to a question...... dont blame the messinger, he didnt make the laws. Accusing someone of being racist without knowing what your talking about speaks volumes about you. Not a good way to make friends. Now about your brothers options. You said your a business owner. Go find a H1b lawyer and figure out if you offer him a position in your company can you get him here quicker. You said you missed your family. Boiler was simply stating in a round about way that if that was the issue if your brother cant come here maybe you could move there. it is a valid answer to that question.
  12. If you notice all this enforcement is about illegal immigrants. Not legal law abiding ones. If you lied about your past to secure your benefit or broke any laws to get where you are then yea I would worry. If that is not the case enjoy your moment, you earned it.
  13. It would depend on the assets your trying to protect. House, car , retirement etc etc. Some you can protect some you cannot. Prenups are really not bulletproof and is up to the judge to honor them. A family lawyer would be your friend here.
  14. Was not laughing at their situation, was laughing at the thought of USCIS giving up a refund. Once they have it its theirs.
  15. I married a 24 year overstay during Trumps first term. Once I dumped the Lawyer everything went smoothly(he filed expired versions of I485). Make sure your paperwork is in order, plenty of evidence and have all your ducks in a row. You are not what he is hunting down. Millions came over the boarder in the last few years and dont belong here, Those are his priority and by the time he gets that done your partner should be a citizen. Good luck and dont stress about that. Plenty of other obsticals coming your way. Good Luck
  16. Also if your name is not on deed Water Bill and tax bill cannot be both names in my town. Elec and Gas no problem.
  17. I know from personal experience tax return transcripts are available 10 to 20 days after a return is filed. Your RFE was due on May 10th. Even if you couldnt get the transcript the paper copies should have been filed by 15 or 17 April and you could have sent them. Not their error. I think a new 485 is what you need to do to get back in the program. I have a little saying. Its their game and you need to play by their rules.
  18. Some towns use neighbor hood names. Like boston has like 5 0r 6. You can put 126 tree St, roxbuty Ma 02109 or you can put 126 tree st, Boston Ma 02109. Same place in same city just different names. Dont worry about it as long as street and zip match its the same place no matter what the utility bill calls it. Use the main town name.
  19. You dont need him to start divorce. Go find yourself a divorce attorney and get going. He cant stop you if thats what you really want.
  20. I wouldnt worry about this too much. When you left you didnt have a green card and you entered you used your AP. When you got home there was your green card. Kind of like a transition period between AOS and Green Card. You didnt officially get your greencard till you got home. Time to put your AP documents on the shelf now. Congrats on your Green card. When you file your N400 they will want travel dates and such but thats only for adding up your days outside the US. Never checked the dates in the passport.
  21. Maybe you should hire a Immigration Lawyer.
  22. Send them your birth certificate, They wanted that too. Play the game by their rules
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