You d .ont have to convince us here on VJ, This is a well known avenue for couples to shave off a few months of waiting. Whats wrong with this? Far to convient to just happen on a holiday trip and will raise a lot of questions. We here have heard it all and USCIS has heard more, I can see right through this . Not saying your making this all up but... your story has all the ducks in the row. Did you bring all your legal papers your going to need to do this? Has your spouse paid and filed all her taxes, got a joint sponsor lined up. You can AOS but it might no be as smooth as you would like. My step daughter pulled all this _against my and her moms advise) and she is on her second round. First one was denied. work permit revoked going on 2.5 years. Marriage is not going so well now with the added stress and financial burdon all this costs and not being able to work. Your call