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About jvok

  • Birthday 10/01/1958

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    San Diego, California
  • Interests
    Mountain biking, motorcycling, racquetball, working out, hiking, going to concerts, attending professional sporting events like the Chargers and Padres. I am really a Red Sox/Celtics/Bruins/Patriots fan though. :)<br /><br />

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    San Diego CA
  • Country
  • Our Story
    My friend Richard was scuba diving in Palau where he met a Filipina, Jhoanne, who was working on the island. She returned to her hometown of Baler in Aurora province and he followed. They were soon married. They lived in Baler for 15 months until her visa was approved. They moved to San Diego in the fall of 2003 and now have two children.

    In February of 2006, Jhoanne asked me if I wanted to be introduced to her sister, Christine Joy. I said yes, and the following day received an an email from Christine. We corresponded via email and phone calls for six months when I told her that I would like to come visit her. I made my first trip in August of 2006 for 10 days. I made a second trip some months later. In June of 2007, we decided to marry. I filed for a K-1 visa in July of 2007.

    I have since made two more trips to see Christine. We have spent the majority of our time in her hometown of Baler but also gone to Boracay twice. I highly recommend going to Boracay if you can find the time.

    Our latest news is that the NVC received our paperwork on January 11, 2008. Based upon recent timelines, we hope our interview will happen sometime in March.

Immigration Timeline & Photos

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