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Everything posted by Verrou

  1. i did indeed put duplicate even though it was advised not to. i have no RFE whatsoever no need to submit separate i-3025 since its gonna be copy i presume. and they only want the real original sealed one
  2. if the kids are with ur wife now in their home country, fill the exact same thing. the beneficiary is the kid ( individually). fill the city or town where they are going to get interview + the country obviously.
  3. if it's i-751 joint, ex can withdraw. the only time ex cant withdraw is when OP file solo i-751
  4. U should be able to check the marriage date on the copy of application
  5. i landed in NYC and stayed with someone that i met through twitter because we both love the same band. she's from same hometown with me and we met once in our country before i went to the US. i stayed at her place for couple weeks and gave her couple hundred of dollar just because i dont want to stay in someone's place for free. then i met old friend from high school who live in NYC for 20 years and he suggested to joined facebook group. same country community. i found sublets from them, stayed in that sublet for 2 months, and the whole apartment which is from the same country move to another apartment and asked if i want to split rent with them and i did. i lived with them for 1,5 years. i'm a gypsy and always moved from place to place, and easy for me to make friends, so i navigate to live in NYC by making friends and ask questions. unfortunately there's no handbook for that, which is awesome if there is any. all i can say i combine being book smart and street smart to live in the (NYC) jungle. also im a city girl, so for me NYC is the right place for me, it feels more home than my hometown. im not interested to live in small city even though the cost of living is less. u also dont need a car if u live in NYC. if not because of covid i wont moved to Maine, but that's story for another time. i wont suggest to live in maine either because of the housing shortage. the rent is almost the same with when i live in NYC. less pay but the cost of living is the same than NYC my advise : no need to settle in if u dont like it, just move to another place until u find a place u can call home.
  6. i will bring the copy of old passport bio if OP have any along with the UK driving license. at least it's UK driving license and its in english. worth to try.
  7. ur marriage certificate is legal document to prove ur name change. bring ur passport and driving license too. it shouldnt be a problem. the civil surgeon just want to make sure that u are who u are.
  8. u can include that, wont hurt ur application. normally they wont read the cover letter much except for tab index. and i think story about urself and spouse is un neccesary. u can tell the "story" in different way by submit evidence that strengthen ur case, for example : boarding pass when u guys meet, chats ( but dont go crazy which the number of pages), pictures with family / friends with descriptions. more concrete evidence than story.
  9. as long as you can legally marry in argentina, that marriage certificate will consider valid. but u have to do the legroom to make sure that argentina marriage court ok to marry non resident in their country ( its based on the country) many many people got married in 3rd country, and its ok. and u just need to translate that marriage certificate to english. congrats ! check this link for the accepted marriage certificate from argentina https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents-by-Country/Argentina.html
  10. vote 4 vegas @Loren Y VS than Utah. utah probably good if ur fiancee is not in the US
  11. Ok that’s kinda strange especially if ur mom got the visa overseas means she is LPR and her medical is clear. Am I wrong ? I can only tell u my experience. I did AOS and the medical in US found out I’m TB positive on the bloodwork. The chest X-ray which is requirement here showed that its clear means my TB is doormant. Doctor have to report to department of health.Public nurse indeed called me not for a test but to offer treatment and I need to go to TB clinic for assessment ( not test ). It’s optional. I don’t have to take the treatment ( have to take medication for 4 months and no booze is really really tough for me ) if I don’t have to and no one can force me to. I decided to take it and she did house visit after that and we chatted a bit before we started. That’s it btw I feel from ur post that u are more concern about ur mom situation than herself, correct me if I’m wrong, regarding what happened next time if she want to visit. Are u sure that she want to visit after this issue ? What I’m trying to say, maybe she doesn’t even want to go to the US anymore.
  12. u can live in any states without issue. there are young couple in the whole 50 states. u might get 50 answers from 50 states. now i dont know where u from. normally (not always) people tend to reach out to their community and stick with their community especially in the beginning when they plan to immigrate. so i guess if u have friends in the US, u can ask their opinion? where the community is bigger so its easy for u to settle in
  13. most likely no. and let say hypothetical, even if she can get tourist visa ( which i dont think she will get it ) u have to think about how far is her pregnancy by the time she got the visa. airline probably wont let her fly if she's over 6-7 months pregnant.
  14. started mid 2022, USCIS tend to waived interviews which is never happened prior to 2022. there still people who got interview. i helped my friend filed back in june 2022 and she still need to attend interview in february 2023. this year the trend is even faster. as in USCIS processed it in LIFO ( last in first out) like ur case and waived it. my opinion they want to make big bucks on removal of condition (i-751) thats why they just approved it faster especially for marriage less than 2 years. ( again...not all of them. i just got approved 3 weeks and i got 10 years GC). congrats
  15. it's waste of money to appeal. if CBP bring the denial, just explain to them. highly unlikely u are going to have issue. there's couple of people i knew went outside US for over 2 years, came back with GC that still valid, the CBP person only grumbled a little but then said "welcome back" and let her in like u said, u are going back soon, so just come back soon with ur family. there's no "safer" POE, it really depend which officer you got, not state/city specific. officer might have bad day, good day, who knows
  16. i really think it's double standard when the tourist can visit US without any test, but immigrant cant. when i did medical last year ( inside US), the doctor found out im TB positive based on bloodwork, but im in the clear after chest x-ray. ( latent TB) the things is i've been living in USA for 5 years when they found out 🙄
  17. @JakeChi u can check here : https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents-by-Country/Kazakhstan.html https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents-by-Country/Uzbekistan.html https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents-by-Country/Georgia.html scroll down to marriage certificate. they put in detail which marriage certificate is consider valid by their country. im not sure which country u want to apply the spouse visa so please click the right country if the link that i gave u are wrong u have to make sure that the marriage is valid and legal in the eye of the country that u are going to get married to, make sure that 2 foreigner can legally marry over there. does ur future spouse is resident of georgia ? or both of u just fly to get married there but none of u live there.
  18. u shouldnt be worry about it. just prepare for your interview, that subject might not even brought up CBP sometimes check bags, its not because its ur first time using ESTA. my sister often got that random check, no big deal.
  19. i will try the old school way, just go to the consulate and ask. worst case they said NO
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