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Crtcl Rice Theory

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Posts posted by Crtcl Rice Theory

  1. 5 hours ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    Can you imagine the Democratic party has gone so far howl at the moon socialist crazy in 5 years, that Obama almost seems like a moderate now.

    Or...Obama is a moderate who cleaned up the wreckage from the crash of 07 while implementing a healthcare policy that was successfully modeled by Republican Governor Romney which just drove the teaparty types crazy propelling a populist/nativist movement that is playing out today AND cleaning up generations of deferred maintenance and infrastructure depreciation is forcing funding just to get to where our bridges don't fall in the river making the Democrats look like hogs a a trough for doing what Trump was promising to do on infrastructure week which ultimately didn't amount to three garbanzo beans in a bucket. 

  2. On 9/24/2021 at 9:39 AM, jg121783 said:

    Who cares what the law says. The ends justify the means right. Who cares that people wont have any legal recourse if the shot harms them because of the shell game the FDA and Pfizer are playing.



    On 9/24/2021 at 9:39 AM, jg121783 said:

    Do you have evidence to prove they are the same? I have no reason to believe they aren't

    Good,   we agree if you take a Pfizer vaccine for Covid pre or post approval it is the same vaccine.

    On 9/24/2021 at 9:39 AM, jg121783 said:


    and have never claimed they aren't

    Really? Then take the approved vaccine. 

    On 9/24/2021 at 9:39 AM, jg121783 said:

     but how do we know for sure if the FDA wont make the documentation public?

    If the doubt about the FDA is that high in your mind, don't take aspirin, don't take any vaccine, don't eat fish (supervised by the FDA) or ingest almost anything at the grocery store. 

  3. 1 hour ago, jg121783 said:

    Legally speaking they are two very different vaccines. Under emergency use Pfizer has no liability. Under FDA approval they have some liability. If they simply continue to put out the emergency use version they can claim they have FDA approval while still having no liability. I would expect we wont see the FDA approved version available to the public any time soon if at all. Not to mention once a treatment is FDA approved all emergency use treatments must be discontinued. That all ignores the fact that the approval process happened in secrecy so we don't know if the proper process was followed and the public will not be allowed to see any documentation related to the approval for a few years.

    Who cares about "legally speaking"? The vaccine is the same substance. 

    Do you have evidence that the substance that is marketed as Comarnity by Pfizer and approved by the FDA is different from the emergency use Pfizer vaccine?

  4. 5 hours ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    COVID cases are rising in highly vaccinated Israel. But it doesn’t mean Australia should give up and ‘live with’ the virus





    In Israel, 60% of hospitalised cases are vaccinated. This is something called the “paradox of vaccination” — in highly vaccinated populations, most cases will be in the vaccinated because no vaccine is 100% protective.

    However, the rate of serious cases in Israel is double for unvaccinated under-60s and nine times higher for unvaccinated over-60s, so vaccines remain highly protective against severe outcomes.



    Disappointed you didn't include data about using horse medicine in Israel, inquiring minds need to know. 

  5. 52 minutes ago, jg121783 said:

    Just saying I have a lot more trust for a medicine that is FDA approved and has an FDA approved version available to the public, has a long track record of being safe and has showed promise in treating covid versus a medicine that is emergency use authorized, recently gained a rushed and secretive FDA approval (and the FDA approved version isn't even publicly available) and doesn't look too promising in the safety or effectiveness department.

    Wrong information on several points. Good luck with your antivax strategy avoiding this disease. 

  6. 5 hours ago, jg121783 said:

    That therapy you are referring to that can be purchased at Tractor Supply (by the way in case you didn't know a version made for humans can also be obtained from a pharmacist) has been around and has been FDA approved for years. It has caused less deaths during the entire period it has been on the market than over the counter Tylenol causes in a year. The vaccine on the other hand is experimental and the public doesn't even have access to the version that was pseudo FDA approved. Think I'll stick with the safe, proven FDA approved medicine that has been in use for years over lining the pockets of big pharma by being forced to take an experimental treatment. 

    So you don't trust the FDA approval,  in favor of the FDA approved medicine (for something else totally unrelated to covid infection). 


    So when are we supposed to trust drug makers and the FDA?


  7. 13 hours ago, Dashinka said:

    15 plus?  Where is your reference?  Btw, why do they not acknowledge the members of the military that have recovered from Covid?  The entire point is there are very few vaccines required for all military members (not including childhood vaccines), and most of those are well studied (I.e. more than a year), and currently we only have one FDA approved vaccine.  Anyway, if you are fine with potentially losing 40-60% of the military, then I guess you agree with the stick method.



    Losing half of our military because they need to be vaccinated? What is the source of your information?


    This is old but the NIH calls out 17 vaccines mandated


  8. 11 hours ago, jg121783 said:

    The difference is the other vaccines are FDA approved. There is currently no FDA approved version of the covid vaccine available to the public. So they are being forced to take an experimental vaccine while being told its FDA approved.

    Where are you getting your information?

    1. Emergency approval is approval

    2. Pfizer becomes first Covid vaccine to gain full FDA approval. august 22.https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-58309254


  9. 17 hours ago, Ban Hammer said:

    like the anthrax shot i had to take prior to desert storm?

    During Operation Desert Storm, 41% of U.S. combat soldiers and 75% of UK combat soldiers were vaccinated against anthrax. Reactions included local skin irritation, some lasting for weeks or months. While the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the vaccine, it never went through large-scale clinical trials.
    (the above from wikipedia)


    Some Gulf War veterans are suffering lingering consequences of the anthrax vaccine they received 30 years ago because they lack the genetic tools to deal with toxins in the inoculation, a University of Minnesota (UM) neuroscience research team says. These former servicemembers face increasingly serious health problems similar to those suffered by other veterans who have been diagnosed with Gulf War Illness (GWI).

    “They lack very specific genes that would enable them to manufacture antibodies against the anthrax antigens,” says Apostolos Georgopoulos, American Legion Chair of Brain Sciences at UM, research team leader and recipient of the Legion’s 2017 Distinguished Service Medal. “These antigens (toxins) stay in the lymph nodes for decades” and continue to make veterans sick. 


    Are you saying it is like the anthrax shot?

  10. Since we are trafficking in fiction and live action roleplaying, I wanted to point out that Santa has an historic announcement coming up.



    Santa Claus will be making a huge historic announcement Live on Facebook on Wednesday December 23rd at 5pm. 🎅🏻🎄
    Santa will announce the most incredible news that will shock the world and change things forever.
    You'll be amazed & excited when you hear the news so do not miss this event! 🎅🏻🎄
    More info coming soon!
    Like the page to stay updated -
    Help others to watch by sharing this.





    I am fairly sure Santa has found a new therapy for Covid that involves something I can buy at Tractor Supply.   I am sure the naysayers will point out that Santa is not real, but what do they know?

  11. On 9/20/2021 at 9:46 AM, Nature Boy 2.0 said:


    Market sell-off worsens with Dow dropping 700 points, S&P 500 losing more than 2%



    I am fine with these links but did you post all the times the"Biden" stock market broke new records?   Also I made bank on your short of Nike. Let me know when you have more stock tips to make my Roth IRA megabackdoor worthy. 

  12. 1 minute ago, laylalex said:

    My own (limited) experience of dealing with very bright, sometimes iconoclastic people is that when no one is telling them they're as infallible as we all are, they tend to believe their brilliance is portable to any area of knowledge. That isn't to say that people can't be talented in multiple pursuits, of course. Humility and understanding the limits of one's aptitude and intelligence are really underrated virtues these days. 

    Humility and understanding the limits of one's aptitude really don't apply in this forum...but the thought was nice.

  13. 7 hours ago, laylalex said:

    He doesn't even identify himself as a panel member. He's a guy who gave testimony at a hearing.

    People give testimony at hearings before Congress all the time. Does that make them members of Congress?

    What is interesting about Kirsch is that he isn't known as an ideologue in the past and has been generous to a number of philanthropic efforts.  It seems like an interesting twist that he would focus on this topic.


  14. 5 hours ago, laylalex said:

    My mom (literally Doctor Mom) said she is waiting to hear the results from the NIH and Oxford studies, which are both large-scale and anonymized. She -- who is the biggest anti-quack I know -- encouraged me to keep an open mind for future results, but for now it's not a proven treatment and she would never prescribe it for a patient until it's approved. If it is an effective treatment in some people, great! We'll know it works and for whom, and for whom it doesn't, and doctors can prescribe accordingly. But until then, nope. 


  15. 17 minutes ago, TBoneTX said:

    Adverse effects of the virus shots (from an FDA panel member), plus figures from earlier this year (a running question here) about how many FDA/NIAID employees hadn't yet been vaccinated.  Comments?

    " FDA Panel Member", what does that mean? There were no opinions from Doctors mentioned in the article that I could see.

  16. 6 minutes ago, Neonred said:



    As a young and fun loving guy I never thought of abortion as evil or even a difficult decision.  Just something to be done when necessary.


    When my ex-wife and I were both in professional school and only married for 8 months, she became pregnant.  Timing was really terrible.  Dental school is difficult to get through anyway, but doing it while pregnant (she was a dental student) was going to be really bad.  Parents thought she would probably drop out of school.  Talked about the possibility of aborting.  Thankfully my ex said there was NO WAY she would consider an abortion.  To her credit, she stayed in school and never missed more than a week when she delivered.  Graduated on time.


    Now I can't even believe I ever considered aborting.  I've got a great daughter that I have wonderful relationship with.  She has been very successful and I'm so proud of her.  What a shame it could have been...

    I am glad your wife made that choice and it worked out so well. 

  17. 42 minutes ago, LIBrty4all said:

    By logic, any woman who has never found themselves in a position to desire an abortion is able to make good choices and prevent the need for an abortion.  Not a single one of my friends have ever been in that position, so I know it's not just me.  Your premise that only a man can make a good decision could only come from the mind/mouth/keyboard of a misogynist.  

    I never suggested anything of the sort, only that your views are consistent with someone who has never faced the choice, or fear of facing that choice. Accusing me of misogyny is rich though.

  18. 5 hours ago, Ban Hammer said:

    Rolling Stone humiliated after story about hospitals 'overwhelmed' by patients overdosing on Ivermectin falls apart


    more at https://thepostmillennial.com/rolling-stone-humiliated-after-story-about-hospital-overwhelmed-by-patients-overdosing-on-ivermectin-falls-apart

    Looks like the fake news claiming fake news.  I don't see where this doctor claims he worked in the article, I assume he is working somewhere in Oklahoma.


    Besides RS just printed a reference to his television appearance and not the first hand interview. 


    If some of these conspiracy internet blogs come up with some real information, I am all ears. For now the story stands on the other direct quotes. 


    Edit: sounds like Layla was all over this without my help.


  19. 6 minutes ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    Anything that makes a Republican look bad will be released.  Anything makes a Dem look bad will be too sensitive to be declassified .


    Probably something in it that is Postive for Biden. None of those swamp rats in DC, do anything unless it makes them more powerful or rich.

    The 9/11 families were blunt with him, if you cannot do this, don't show up at the ceremonies.  That might be cover or a bad reason to do it, but that is the context. 

    If it makes the Saudis, or Israelis or the CIA look bad, so be it. 


  20. 1 hour ago, LIBrty4all said:

    That's pretty harsh, and an attack on women in general.  I find it hard to believe others will not find this as offensive as I do.  You are saying that all women are incapable of making good decisions.  Shame on you.

    So is that a yes or no?  By logic, someone who would not have ever found themselves in the tough position of deciding whether to terminate a pregnancy would not be a woman, unless you fall in the camp, as the Texas legislature does, of determining that decision does not belong with the woman affected. 

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